[This Sabbath liturgy is musical, intended to be sung — but if you’re not familiar with the music, reciting the lyrics works just as well. Remember, the hymn title cited is the original Christian title; the lyrics are revised to reflect the Sinaite’s creed. We use hymnology to reinforce teaching that is missed in study; not surprisingly it’s an effective tool! Have a peaceful and rest-full 7th Day, Shabbat shalom to all!—Admin1.]

[Tune: Of the Father’s Love Begotten/revised lyrics]
1. At the time before creation, ere the world began to be,
He is Alpha and Omega, He the Source, Eternal One, He.
Of the things that were, that have become and shall be,
all the future years shall see,
Evermore and evermore.
2. O those first words ever spoken,
Words that brought this world to be,
“Let there be light and there was light,”
and in sequence all came to be:
heaven, earth, land, sea, and everything in between,
Oh how awesome He must be . . .
Evermore and evermore!
3. Sun and moon and stars in heaven,
Day and night each one set apart,
Creatures of the land and waters, all in variation be.
Balance, harmony, such beauty, diversity,
were the order of six days,
Evermore and evermore!
4. Then His Vision turned toward the dust,
This one He spoke not but He formed—
from the earth made, not created, breath of LIFE infused within.
This one given free choice, freedom of the will,
yes the one and only one,
In God’s image ‘human’ was made.
5. Each day God declared how “It is good”
and declared the 6th “very good!”
Signifying satisfaction, and completion of His new world.
Still He set apart a different kind of day,
yes, this blessed Seventh Day,
Rested Yahweh on His Sabbath.
[Tune: Whiter than Snow/Revised Lyrics]
1. Dear Lord how I long to be perfectly whole;
I beg for Your mercy and grace for my soul.
I broke down my idols cast out every foe,
Forgive me, if there are more sins I don’t know.
2. I made sure that no things ‘unholy’ remain,
I cleaned up my act and removed every stain;
To finish this cleansing, all sins I forgo—
forgive me, if I missed some sins I don’t know.
REFRAIN: What should I know,
what more could I know,
Forgive me transgressions that I still don’t know.
3. Dear God, please look down from Thy throne in the skies,
And help me to make a complete sacrifice.
I set right all wrongs, knowing I should let go,
I do this because truly, I love You so!
4. Dear God, just to You do I humbly entreat,
I wait, blessed Lord, to kneel down at Your feet.
Repentance, confession, my tears surely show,
I do this because truly, I love You so!
REFRAIN: Yes, I should know,
my sins, I should know,
Forgive my transgressions,
please Lord, make it so!
5. It’s I who should change my own heart that You made,
There’s none who can save me, my debt can’t be paid.
I need to repent, I need to change ‘me’!
My will and my heart I should change, now I ‘see’!
REFRAIN: Yes, I now see,
it’s all up to me,
Forgive me for not being all I could be!
[Tune: In His Time/Revised Lyrics]
All we are,
All we have,
All we treasure surely come from Your Hand,
Lord Yahuwah, we’re so blest,
for this Sabbath, for our ‘Rest’,
Joyful sign, this bread and wine,
All is fine!
Bless each one of us here,
Bless our children, whether far, whether near,
Keep them safe where’er they are,
May they know just Who You Are,
May they choose to live Your Way,
In their time.
May we all choose Life, Your LIFE,
In Your Time.
[Tune: Lord, make us instruments of Your peace
/based on prayer of St. Francis of Assisi,
Original Lyrics]
Lord, make us instruments of Your peace,
Where there is hatred, let Your love increase;
Lord, make us instruments of Your peace,
Walls of pride and prejudice shall cease
when we are Your instrument of peace.
1. Where there is hatred, we will show His love;
Where there is injury, we will never judge;
Where there is striving, we will speak His peace
to the millions crying for release,
We will be His instruments of peace.
[Repeat REFRAIN]
[For this last verse, sing a capella — no music accompaniment]
2. Where there is blindness, we will pray for sight;
Where there is darkness, we will shine HIS LIGHT;
Where there is sadness, we will bear their grief
to the millions crying for relief,
We will be Your instruments of peace,
of Your peace, of Your peace, of Your peace.
On behalf of Sinai 6000
Core Community,