A Sinaite’s Musical Liturgy – 3rd Sabbath of October




[Tune:  “Remember the Sabbath” from the Seventh Day Adventist, tune heard on TV/Revised Lyrics and added Stanzas]


Image from www.pinterest.com

Image from www.pinterest.com

1.  Remember the Sabbath to keep it holy, honor the day:

Yahuwah commands us to love Him wholly, and we obey;

That we may know Him and learn His sacred ways,

Keeping the Sabbath holy in all our days.


2.  Yahuwah, Creator, ceased from creating on the seventh day;

He blessed it, declared it the 4th commandment, 

never changed the day;

So why does the world today observe another day,

They forgot His Sabbath, the seventh day.


3.  But we who’ve discovered the ancient pathway, 

where Jews have led the way;

Where Sabbath is sacred and set apart from 

all the other days;

We’ve come to worship the God Whose Day is blest,

We are His Sabbath-keepers, in Him we rest.


4.  So enter His Presence with hearts thanks-giving, 

worship our LORD;

And fill up this ‘house’ with our voices ringing, 

may we be heard!

For we are longing to lift our hearts in praise,

Keeping the Sabbath holy, in all our days.

YAHUWAH, Lord of Sabbath, in You we rest!


Image from systematichymnology.co

Image from systematichymnology.co



 [Original Tune:  Thou didst leave Thy Throne/Revised Lyrics]

1.  Thou didst leave Thy throne, yes Thy heavenly throne, to reach all humanity,

First to Adam and Eve who did not believe, in Thy image they failed to be . . .

Thou sent them away from Eden but never away from Thee.


2.  Upon firstborn Cain, so the story goes, Thou didst leave a mercy mark,

Even Noah, his sons, his whole family Thou saved from calamity.

With a vow and a sign, a rainbow, and hope for humanity.


3.  From idolatrous Terah Thou found Thy chosen in Abram, Abraham,

Who with Sarah, begot him a promised heir, the promised Isaac.

And soon after there came Jacob, renamed, known as Israel.


4.  Thou didst leave Thy throne, yes Thy heavenly throne, but not only for Israel, 

Thou chose them, and led them, and fed them  and gave them Thy Will for humanity;

Thou made them a ‘light for gentiles’, a ‘kingdom of Priests’ for Thee.


5.  Through Thy chosen nation of Israel, Thou has shown to a darkened world,

That Thy Light still shines and Thy Will fulfilledThou art RULER of all who see,

Come into my heart, YAHUWAH, there’s a throne in my heart for Thee.



[Tune: Oh how He loves you and me/Revised Lyrics]

Image from persevereandtrust.blogspot.com

Image from persevereandtrust.blogspot.com

Bless those who gather this day,

worshippers, here or away,

Giver of Life, You have granted us time,

Life-time to seek You,

serve You and love You,

What more could we ask of You!





Loved ones with us and apart,

surely they’re gifts from Your heart,

We ask Your blessing for each one we love,

graces and mercies,

watchful protection,

May they know You as we do!


[Take time to mention the names of your loved ones: family, kin, friends and acquaintances, even foes, if any. ]


Image from www.pinterest.com

Image from www.pinterest.com

Image from www.pinterest.com

Image from www.pinterest.com




[Original Tune:  O Mighty Cross/Revised Lyrics]


Image from www.pinterest.com

Image from www.pinterest.com

1.  O Lord of LIFE Who knew my name, 

before I came to know Your Name,

Your very breath inspires my soul,

my very being, spirit, heart, my mind, my all.  


2.  O God of Truth, how can I know . . .

the way to Life, the Way to You,  

Your guiding Light, Your Words of Life, 

have led me to the path, the only path to You.  


3.  YAHUWAH Lord,  our God of Love,

Who’s taught Your Way, Who’s shown Your Will,

Your Torah says all I should know,

there is no other Source of Truth, it is just so.  


4.  Immortal God, Who was and is,

from now through all eternity,

You are the First, You are the Last,

no other God is there on earth or heaven above.

Image from grabpage.info1180

Image from grabpage.info1180




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