O Creator of all existence,
of all things visible and invisible to our naked eye,
the Eternal, YHWH,
God of Israel and the nations!
We welcome Your Presence once again
to our celebration of this holy and blessed day,
unique and set apart by You Yourself,
when You rested
after the completion of Your creative work,
all of which You declared ‘good’ and ‘very good’.
As our Lord and Master and our God,
we bless You back for blessing us and all humankind
with your Gift of the Sabbath day;
a day to rest from our labors,
a time of refreshment,
an occasion to connect in spirit with Sabbath-keepers all over this world,
a joyful time to gather family and friends,
to break bread and study Your Words for Life.
Your TORAH is the Truth that we believe in;
it is our guide, our wisdom,
our pathway to knowing
as much as we can possibly know about You,
for what You have revealed of Yourself
and Your will for all humankind.
Your TORAH is the way of life we embrace
and have appropriated for ourselves and our community.
By Your grace,
You have imparted instructions,
laws, precepts, commandments
to regulate human relationships
with a focus on the “other” instead of the “self”.
We pray that all peoples would learn to live Your Way;
for then and only then
will there be long-lasting peace,
justice and righteousness.
Indeed, your TORAH
is the Tree of Life that nourishes us
physically, mentally, and spiritually —
a guide for all aspects of living
amidst family, society, community.
May it be Your will—
that we live the length of the lifetime
you have allotted to each of us,
bearing fruit,
using time well,
to the blessing of family and fellowmen,
for we best serve You
through how we live our lives
for the benefit of others
and not simply for ourselves,
understanding that other-consciousness,
other-centeredness and consideration of the other,
is the key to moving forward this world
toward the end of the age,
when Your Messiah will be ruling Israel
and the Nations in peace and prosperity,
living in harmony with Your Torah,
all people finally acknowledging You
as God, Lord, and King,
and worshipping in Your Holy Temple
in the City of Shalom, Yerushalayim.
Indeed, may it be so!
Blessed are You, O YHWH,
Creator, Giver of the TORAH,
Lord of the Sabbath, God of Israel,
God of the Nations,
May Your Name YHWH be known to all!
May all people worship You as the One True God!
That is our desire as Sinaites,
and that is our prayer until our last breath.
Praise YHWH, O my soul.
I will praise YHWH all my life,
I will sing praises to my God YHWH,
as long as I live.
Do not put your trust in princes,
in mortal men, who cannot save.
When their soul departs,
they will return to the ground;
on that very day their plans come to nothing.
Blessed is he whose help is the God of Jacob,
whose hope is in YHWH, his God,
the Maker of heaven and earth, the sea,
and everything in them —
YHWH, who remains faithful forever.
He upholds the cause of the oppressed
and gives food to the hungry.
YHWH sets prisoners free.
YHWH gives sight to the blind,
YHWH lifts up those who are bowed down,
YHWH loves the righteous.
YHWH watches over the alien
and sustains the fatherless and the widow,
but He frustrates the ways of the wicked.
YHWH reigns forever,
your God, O Zion, for all generations.
Praise YHWH.
We thank You, O YHWH, for birthing us in the context of family:
parents who raised us,
siblings with whom we grew up and matured,
spouses we’ve partnered with to procreate new life,
in precious gifts of children,
down through generations
that continue our family lines:
[Name your loved ones]
We ask for Your blessing upon them all.
And as we break bread that symbolizes Your Divine Providence,
and drink wine, symbol of the joy we delight in
as we celebrate Your Holy Sabbath,
as we celebrate Your gift of Life,
not only our life,
but each life that You have added to our family,
to their blessing as well as ours.
May it happen in our lifetime—
that all our loved ones will come to know You
as the One True God ;
that they will acknowledge You as Lord over their lives;
that they will endeavor to learn Your TORAH
and more importantly, live it-
so that they will be greatly blessed
by their growing knowledge of You,
just as we continue to be blessed
everytime we study Your Words of Life.
To Your Life in those who live the Torah Life,
To the life we have been given on earth,
l’chaim and mabuhay!
[Source: Gates of Repentance:
The New Union Prayer Book,for the Days of Awe.]
The God of all, who reigned supreme,
Ere first creation’s form was framed;
When all was finished by Your will,
Your name Almighty was proclaimed.
When this our world shall be no more,
In majesty You still shall reign,
Who was, Who is, Who will remain,
Your endless glory we proclaim.
Alone are You, beyond compare,
Without division or ally;
Without initial date or end,
Omnipotent You rule on high.
You are my God, my Savior You,
To whom I turn in sorrow’s hour–
My banner proud my refuge sure,
Who hears and answers with Your pow’r.
Then in Your hand myself I lay.
And trusting sleep, and wake with cheer;
My soul and body are Your care;
You are my guard, I have no fear.
Dear Sinaites, Israel,
and all Gentile Torah-observers!
In behalf of Sinai6000 Core Community
based in Baguio City,