A Sinaite’s Musical Liturgy – 2nd Sabbath of January 2020

[It has become traditional for Sinaites to add variation to our Sabbath celebration by singing our liturgy every other Shabbat.   As we have repeatedly explained, our worship music foundation comes from our Christian roots and so we merely borrow the music but revise the lyrics according to our Sinaite creed.  We are indebted to Christian hymnodists for their beautiful tunes that ever reverberate in our musical memory.  If you  are familiar with these tunes, sing them; if not, recite them.  Understandably,  if you’re familiar with the original lyrics, the change is at first uncomfortable, but we agree with Hymnodists that one of the best ways to teach is through the hymns we sing.   Shabbat shalom to all!—Admin1.]






Image from myjewishlearning.com

Image from myjewishlearning.com

Blessed are You,

O YHWH our God,

King of the universe,

Who commanded us to set aside the Sabbath day,

to rest from our daily routine, 

from our six days of work.

As we kindle our Sabbath lights,

we bless You back for blessing us with vision to see through the darkness that spread with the setting of Your magnificent sun from our horizon, 

with hearts and minds that understand the need for Your Light to illumine our pathway through our life’s journey.

Your Torah is a light unto our path,

that brightens the way

that leads to our understanding of You

and who You are,

and how we are to relate to You,

and to ‘the other’,  our neighbor, our fellowmen.

Blessed are You,

O YHWH, our God,

The Source of all LIGHT in our lives.




flat,800x800,075,f.u6[Medley of Christian tunes, revised lyrics] 

1a)  Be still and know YAHUWAH  is GOD (3X).

1b) YAHUWAH’s the LORD that healeth Thee (3X).

1c)  In Thee Lord YAHUWAH, I put my trust (3X).

 2.  YHWH [YAHWEH] we love You we worship and adore You,

Glorify Your Name in all the earth,

glorify Your Name, glorify Your Name,

Magnify Your Name in all the earth.


3. We worship and adore You,

 bowing down before You,

Songs and praises ringing, all our voices singing:

Hallelu YAH, hallelu YAH, hallelu YAH,



4. Be exalted, O KING, above the heavens.

Let Thy glory be all over the earth (Repeat 2X).


 Psalm 24: The King of Glory 

A Psalm of David.

The earth is YHWH’S, and the fulness thereof;
The world, and they that dwell therein.
2  For He hath founded it upon the seas,
And established it upon the floods.
3  Who shall ascend into the mountain of YHWH?
And who shall stand in His holy place?
4  He that hath clean hands, and a pure heart;
Who hath not taken My Name in vain,
And hath not sworn deceitfully.
5  He shall receive a blessing from YHWH,
And righteousness from the God of his salvation.
6  Such is the generation of them that seek after Him,
That seek Thy face, even Jacob.
Image from www.freerepublic.com

Image from www.freerepublic.com

7  Lift up your heads, O ye gates,

And be ye lifted up, ye everlasting doors;
That the King of glory may come in.
8  ‘Who is the King of glory?’
‘YHWH strong and mighty,
YHWH mighty in battle.’
9  Lift up your heads, O ye gates,
Yea, lift them up, ye everlasting doors;
That the King of glory may come in.
10‘ Who then is the King of glory?’
‘YAHUWAH the LORD of hosts;
He is the King of glory.’
Image from www.essex1.com

Image from www.essex1.com

[Tune: Gracious Spirit fill Thou me/Revised Lyrics]




1.  Bless this wine O Lord we pray,

Symbol of our joy this day,

For we gather here to say,

‘Could we please You’ if we may

feel the joy of Sabbath day, be as joyful every day.


2.  Bless this bread of  life oh Lord,

Symbol of Your precious Word.

Food for body, food for soul,

Nourishment that makes us whole,

Thank You Lord for all You give,

You have taught us how to live.


3.  Bless the husbands, bless the wives,

‘Blessed Ones’ who’ve lost their lives.

Part of us once they have been,

They are with us though not seen,

In our memories, in our hearts,

Even when we’ve been apart.


4.  Bless our daughters, bless our sons,

Generations down the line.

May they come to know You Lord,

May they love You and Your Word,

May they choose to do what’s right,

And lead others to Your Light.

Image from yahuahshomemaker.wordpress.com

Image from yahuahshomemaker.wordpress.com


Image from www.beitsimcha.com

Image from www.beitsimcha.com














[Original Tune:  “Once in Royal David’s City”

Revised Lyrics]

1.When in Israel the king was Saul,

chosen as the first of Israel’s kings.  

War there was with all the Philistines,

none was fit to fight its biggest man.  

Fearsome was this giant Goliath,

boastful of his towering heigh-t!


2. Not of age for battle was this young lad,

youngest from among old Jesse’s sons.  

Youthful David raised to be a shepherd,

watching flock is one good training ground—

for anointed priests and kings,

for anointed yet-to-be young war-riors!


3.  Word came to this energetic shepherd

that his God he needed to defend.  

Unprepared, so small without an armor,

 just his courage, just his zeal—

for the honor of God’s armies,

with brave words he challenged this Goli-ath! 


Image from davidandtrisomy18.blogspot.com

Image from davidandtrisomy18.blogspot.com

4.   “Who is this uncircumcised Philistine,

who defies the GOD of Israel?”

Picked some rocks and put one in his slingshot,

twirled it round around and more ‘arounds’ . . .

target-ted Goliath’s head,

one big shot, and down fell this huge gi-ant!  


5.  All the Philistines were struck with terror

 at this harmless looking shepherd boy,

who brought down their great gigantic fighter

with no more than just a little toy.  

Never seen a slingshot weapon,

never thought that it could down a war-rior.  


6.  When we seek out to defend YAHUWAH,

 Rest assured He knows who’s on His side!  

It’s His honor and His reputation

and His Name on banners we’ve unfurled!

Let’s be dauntless just like David

when we face ‘Goli-aths’ of this world!

Image from www.farmgirlfollies.com

Image from www.farmgirlfollies.com

Shabbat shalom!


On behalf of Sinai 6000 Core Community,











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