Discourse: Sinaite/Atheist – 2

[This is the 1st reply to Letters from an Atheist].

Dear DGN:

Thank you for your visit to this website and the views you have expressed in your two letters.  In our private email exchange, this is what I answered (which I now share with our website readers with some elaboration from the original):


In answer to your question—
Have you ever considered starting from scratch? I.e. without the foundational paradigm of monotheism or, for that matter, anything non-secular whatsoever?  In my opinion as another seeker of the truth, like yourself, I find that any study or work based on any premise or within a pre-established paradigm (whether provable or not) will already be beset by bias–which will remain in the final conclusion–thus, your end “truth” may not be objectively truthful.


I speak only for myself and not my Sinaite group—-at my age, I do not have the luxury of time to “start from scratch” but age aside, I really do believe that anything that exists was made by someone.  It is simple logic in my simplistic  thinking.
 To me, to be an atheist requires more faith than to believe that—–
  • there is a Creator Who has perfectly designed this magnificent universe,
  • Whose attributes (some of it) are evident in its “intelligent design”,
  • Who speaks to His created beings,
  • Who is manifest through His acts in the history of the one nation He set aside for purposes He expressed in their Scripture,
  • Who actually responds to personal quests to know Him by leading them on to more knowledge of Him;  
  • Who left instructions progressively in what we might relate to a “manufacturer’s manual.”  

Unfortunately readers don’t quite know how to read His revelation in “context”  (literary, historical, cultural).   My literature background prods me to simply teach “how to read a book” — any book — including the Hebrew Scriptures. That is all I try to do in my articles: endeavor to explain what I have accepted as the Creator’s “revelation” to humankind, the TORAH of YHWH.  As you will note after reading our articles, we have barely scratched the surface; are we able to answer questions such as what you brought up at a casual conversation with another Sinaite, that you cannot believe in a god who orders the slaughter of Canaanites, the killing of Pharaoh’s son? I’m working on it although the Jewish websites on our links have already answered such questions. There is much to learn from them, they are millennia ahead and read their Scriptures in Hebrew, among other obvious advantages.


I have no illusions about our website audience — eliminate Jews, atheists and agnostics, diehard Christians —-it’s those in transition from a religion, or disgusted with religion, yet still in search who might be interested and give us a hearing. 


We are a ‘resource center’.  We’re not out to “convert” . . . we’re just recording the last lap of a faith journey which is shared by our small community of like-minded individuals. Whether anyone is listening out there, only YHWH knows who they are. We will fade from the scene eventually, hopefully the younger ones will continue the sharing in our site.  For now, we’re putting in as much as we’re relearning and unlearning. What we are capable of explaining, we do; when we are not, we redirect inquirers like yourself, to the ‘experts’ (please go through the links listed on P.S.). 
Our articles record the journey; some are collective thinking which I articulate for all; others are my personal thoughts.
Appreciate your visit,
P.S.  In our “Resources” and MUST READ books, we have recommended the writings of a scientist who has written several books which you might wish to check out: for starters, here are posts in our website: Gerald L. Schroeder

Also, check out  Understanding Creation Week,  and that will lead you to other articles at one of our links aish.com, featuring Dr. Gerald Schroeder:
Age of the Universe

Age of the Universe

Ancient commentators propose that the world may be simultaneously young and old.

More Articles by Dr. Gerald Schroeder:

Stephen Hawking & God

Stephen Hawking & God

Is God needed to create the universe?

The Origins of Life

The Origins of Life

One reason why I know there is a God active in our world.

An Atheist Turns

An Atheist Turns

Unable to disprove the message, The NY Times tries to discredit the messenger.


Evolution: Rationality vs. Randomness

Evolution: Rationality vs. Randomness

An M.I.T. trained scientist takes a look at Darwin, the fossil record, and the likelihood of random evolution.

Reader Comments

  1. question: what do sinaites say or comment about “BIBLE CODE/CODING”— bible coding is a SCRIPTURAL search with the use of a computer or the like… (dont have much idea regarding this thing). some use bible coding to interpret the Scriptures, some say, it is part of ‘kabala’. any ways… any comments on “BIBLE CODING”?

  2. question: what do sinaites say or comment about “BIBLE CODE/CODING”— bible coding is a SCRIPTURAL search with the use of a computer or the like… (dont have much idea regarding this thing). some use bible coding to interpret the Scriptures, some say, it is part of ‘kabala’. any ways… any comments on “BIBLE CODING”?

  3. This is in answer to “Ronnel” regarding “Bible Coding”: Let us think of “Scripture” this way; it is YHWH’s communication to mankind, His revelation regarding instructions, laws, commandments, governing man’s way of life. If any human earthly “boss” wishes to make something absolutely clear to his employees, would he resort to puzzles and cryptic messages imbedded in his simple instructions? Does communication have to be complicated? Shouldn’t we think that when YHWH condescends to using a human language {Hebrew} to communicate to speakers of that language, He would complicate his message with “codes” for future generations to decode, when He wants His model people to get the message for their times and their generations? When you read the Hebrew Scriptures, everything is plain and simple; it is only the unreceptive mind that desires that the plain statements of YHWH be different, because obedience is “inconvenient” for one’s times and personal situations and oh, let us not forget, one’s practiced and preferred religion. TORAH is simple, TORAH is clear. Religions twist TORAH according to their agenda. Check it out for yourself.

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