Discourse: Christian to Sinaite – 12

[East is east and west is west and never the twain shall meet.  TNK is TNK and NT is NT  and as long as the Sinaite is basing her arguments upon TNK while the Christian is arguing from NT, they will never come to an agreement.  Best to remain friends and respect each other’s chosen pathway because they will never see eye to eye!  Continuing the email exchange between BAN@S6K and her missionary friend, here is the Christian response to BAN’s #11.–Admin1.]




Dear [BAN@S6K] 


The one unanswered question is still who is/was Jesus. Please tell me your answer.
As to the questions posed in your letter, they are answered in the New Testament which you disavow.


I, along with numerous scholars past and present have every reason to believe in the inspiration of the New Testament. In researching its veracity, the internet has much information. I could give you names of many books written to debate that point of view. However, I see you are convinced by John Tabor’s recent writing that it is not.


Using what I cherish as the word Of God: Matthew 17:5. Mark 9:7, Luke 9:35 have God proclaiming who Jesus is, namely God’s beloved Son to whom we are to listen.


Where does the Holy spirit fit into your idea of one God? Is He not a “person” of God? He is talked of and “his work” explained in the O.T. narratives. In those days, He came and went but now abides in the believer.


What will replace the sacrifice for your sins since we are told that—“without the shedding of blood there is no remission of sins.”
God required it of his people.  There is no Savior but God who came in human flesh  “to show us the Father”  and as In Hebrews came to offer Himself, once for all …”



John 3:16 

“For God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son that whoever believe in Him will not perish but have everlasting life.”  



(I am a mother, daughter and wife all in one.) God is One in 3 persons: Father, Son and Holy Spirit.



I am at a loss to go further in my case as I believe you are settled in yours. I am praying for God’s mercy in granting you a view of Him as depicted in the whole revelation of His Word. We are told not to take from or add to it in the last book- Revelation 22:18-21 I also know no arguments put forth which will bring you to Jesus but only His precious  Holy Spirit.



Lovingly and prayerfully,


[Name Withheld]


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