Discourse: Christian to Sinaite – 4

[This continues the exchange between BAN@S6K and the Christian couple instrumental in discipling her and husband VAN@S6K; please read the previous posts 1-3 to follow the trend of the discussion.]


Dear [BAN@S6K],


How I would love being with you seated comfortably side by side drinking some of your good coffee. How much I enjoyed coming to your place there in Manila or in Baguio. We have had some great times together.  


However, now we are separated by quite a distance and the best we can do is e-mail each other. I’m glad we at least have that and we don’t have to wait for the snail mail route.


Before I make my plea, let me ask a question that puzzles. Why didn’t you go to the theologians you were made aware of at seminary to have them explain the questions you are now asking? Having been through Bible school myself and having done some studies in apologetics especially when witnessing to unbelievers, I studied for answers of the Bible itself, or theologians I trusted. (If the Bible and Christianity can’t answer the hard questions like who wrote the various books, it cannot be counted on (trusted). Finding through the years, answers to various difficult arguments and so-called discrepancies, I am totally convinced of who Jesus is and that the New Testament is Holy Scripture. 


To go back and forth with you on various questions (like who really wrote the Gospels?) would take longer than the rest of our lives and I don’t feel, in the end, would convince you differently.


However, I do believe in the Lord God, JHWH, and I know He can make truth perfectly clear. So my challenge to you is to do two things for me.


  • Answer the question “Who is Jesus?’ Listen to who he says he is. (Not who he is to you now as you wrote) but who is the historical Jesus? 
  • The second request is to read the New Testament with God’s guidance for one last time. (Give the book a chance to prove itself) It states “the word of God is quick and powerful and sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart.” Hebrews 4:12.

And Jesus said “I am the way, the truth and the life: no man comes unto the father except by me.” He is either God or at the least a crazed human being. There is no in-between.


So as I get up each morning to meet with God, I am reading through Exodus at present. What marvelous truths of God’s intervention in unconventional ways!!! (Many disbelieve the Pentateuch) with its claims but I love the God of the children of Israelite and of his might and power. I grew up with them and with HIM.


So,  I end this letter with much love and continued prayer for my close Filipina friend who we met in our backyard on that Easter Sunday morning years ago.




[Name Withheld]


Next:  Discourse: Christian to Sinaite – 5

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