Discourse: Sinaite/Messianic circa May 2011

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[This discourse was between Sinaite BAN and Messianic/church-planter “RW” who has had  discourses with other members of Sinai 6000 and who had written a book titled “According to R” which he suggested to us to reread and review what he had taught members of our group for decades. This exchange was written 7 years ago, exactly the time when our small core group had just started announcing to former Christian colleagues that we were leaving the religion we had embraced for half a century or more.  At that time, we had not finalized our set of beliefs into a creed; we had not even thought about what to call ourselves; we only knew for sure that while we had stepped out of Christianity, we were not headed toward Judaism.  We had not even gotten on the pathway leading to Spiritual Sinai, a time when we were asking ourselves “what now” and “where to”?  RW” is featured in discourses with other Sinaites (NSB and VAN), check out the Discourse Category.—Admin1]


BAN to RW:


Take a look at this article.





RW to BAN:



Nice try, but their explanation “does not cut the mustard.”  They do not have “eyes to see” even tho they think they know Hebrew.  They have made a basic assumption and try to go about to prove it – that it speaks of the nation of Israel.  As I read their try, they do not convince me at all, they are grasping at anything to deny the obvious, which is that the text is talking about a Person, and that is Yeshua.



We all start with basic assumptions.  You have assumed that Yeshua is a fraud, that Jewish people know the Hebrew best and their interpretations are correct, and that the NT is a forgery.  Now you are feeding your assumption until you are convinced – your free will choice. If you are right, fine.  If you are wrong, total disaster.



Years ago I made my basic assumption, that the whole 66 books are inspired by God and accurate.  Since then I have continually put that assumption to the test until now it has been verified in my mind to the point that it is no longer an assumption but a Foundation stone.  My free will and my choice.  If I am right, fine.  If I am wrong, still ok, as the Father is there and my prayers are to Him in Yeshua’s Name.



To date He has given me no indication that my prayers are rejected – rather to the contrary, many are answered very clearly.  Read my book.






BAN to RW:



Thanks for your reply.  I have always thought that you taught us to think Hebraic when reading the Scriptures, so now you read it differently?


I have never said that Yeshua is a fraud.  I adhere to the fact that he is a historical person who lived and preached about the Kingdom of God.  He had advocated that we all follow the Torah in its fullest and he followed it to the fullest.


The Apostolic Scriptures, though it contains truth, also contains edited truths, to suit the agenda of the first century gentiles who were the leaders of the emerging Christian religion and used the Torah to bolster their claim that Yeshua is divine.


Who would understand Hebrew best?   Wouldn’t it be the Hebrew scholars who have devoted their whole life to the study of the Torah? Or would it be people like us who depend or used to depend on the Greek translation?


Yes, we all come with a basic assumption that Torah is God’s Word and that it can stand on its own.  Can the Apostolic Scriptures stand on its own without the Torah?


Thank God for His Grace that He has given us eyes to see and the heart to obey and the free will to choose to follow the Torah, for that is the foundation stone that He gave us.


Once again, I am thanking God for your part in opening our eyes and hearts to His Truth.




RW to BAN:


Thanks…I always want to think Hebraic, but not always Jewish, as to think rabbinic Jewish is to follow their rabbit trails off the foundation.


Blessings on you and VAN, and family as we head into a certain future, with many uncertain details along the way.



When Yeshua said “The Father and I are one,” He clearly said He was deity, equal to His Father, and at His trial, the high priest knew He claimed to be deity.
Also, the Messianic Community was led by Jewish leaders up to the time of Constantine – check out Eusabias’ list – not by first century Gentiles, many of whom broke off from the Messianic community to form what became the “church.”


These Jewish “scholars” are telling you many lies.  They are full of hate, showing it violently against Messianic Believers in Israel.  As they claim to follow Torah, they show differently, the opposite.



Anyway, you have chosen a different path.  Hopefully we can maintain our Love for God and Love for our neighbors, as very difficult days are ahead and many will fall away.



Sayang…. Shalom.


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