[ This was first posted March 2012, one of our first articles when we opened this website.  We are revisiting on the biblical  feast of Shavuot (Pentecost in Christian-Greek terminology), the commemorative-anniversary of the giving of the Torah on Mt. Sinai:


“Note: This is part of REVELATION IN A NUTSHELL,

expounding on what Sinaites recognize as ‘Divine Revelation’,

the very words of YHWH.”


Gentiles, Sinaites should celebrate this feast since the Torah is for all humanity and not just for Israel; the Law is for all humankind, for both Jew and Gentile.  After 7 years of thinking-rethinking what happened on Sinai 6 millennia ago,  Sinai 6000 has decided to recognize only the TORAH or five books attributed to Moses as “the very words of YHWH” except for declarations to the nation of Israel by the mouthpieces of YHWH, the Prophets —regarding judgments and consequences upon the chosen people arising from Israel’s continued disobedience of the TORAH.  And even in the Torah, we recognize only words attributed to the God of Israel, YHWH, as quoted or repeated by the recipient (often Moses and sometimes other biblical persons) and the other invisible presence who narrated/recorded the books. The original writings were no doubt recorded on scrolls, but since we in the 21st century relate to book forms, we have chosen the image below to impress upon the mind of readers the Sinai Revelation in the format that we have become used to reading God’s Word.—Admin1.]


Image from metanoiahits.blogspot.com

Image from metanoiahits.blogspot.com


The Hebrew Scriptures


Divine Revelation was given on Mt. Sinai, to—-

    • Moses and the mixed multitude — of Israelites and non-Israelites.
      • Exodus 12:37-38  The Children of Israel journeyed from Rameses to Succoth, about six hundred thousand men on foot, aside from children.  Also a mixed multitude went up with them, and flock and cattle, very much livestock. 
      • Psalm 103:7  He made known His ways to Moses, His actions to the Children of Israel. . .
      • Deuteronomy 34:10   Never again has there arisen in Israel a prophet like Moses, whom [YHWH] has known face to face, as evidenced by all the signs and wonders that [YHWH] sent him to perform in the land of Egypt, against Pharaoh and all his courtiers and all his land, and by all the strong hand and awesome power that Moses performed before the eyes of Israel.
      • Numbers 12:6-8   He said, “Hear now My words.  If there shall be prophets among you, in a vision shall I, [YHWH] make Myself known to him; in a dream shall I speak with him.  Not so is My servant Moses; in My entire house he is the trusted one.  Mouth to mouth do I speak to him, in a clear vision and not in riddles, at the image of [YHWH] does he gaze.  Why did you not fear to speak against my servant Moses?”

This original revelation was given—

    • at a particular period in biblical history,
    • in a specific site in the ‘Wilderness of Sinai’ —
      • Exodus 19:1-2  In the third month from the Exodus of the Children of Israel from Egypt, on the day, they arrived at the Wilderness of Sinai.  They journeyed from Rephidim and arrived at the Wilderness of Sinai and encamped in the Wilderness, and Israel encamped there, opposite the mountain.
    • outside of the Promised Land
      • Deuteronomy 11:10-12  For the Land to which you come, to possess it — it is not like the land of Egypt that you left, where you would plant your seed and water it on foot like a vegetable garden.  But the Land to which you cross over to possess it is a Land of mountains and valleys; from the rain of heaven it drinks water; a Land that [YHWH], your God, seeks out; the eyes of [YHWH] your God, are always upon it, from the beginning of the year to year’s end.
    • on Mount Sinai “the mountain of GOD” —
      • Exodus 18:5  Jethro, the father-in-law of Moses, came to Moses with his sons and his wife, to the wilderness where he was encamped, by the Mountain of God. 
    • where GOD descended “in the sight of the entire people” —
      • Exodus 19:17–  Moses brought the people forth from the camp toward God and they stood at the bottom of the mountain.  All of Mount Sinai was smoking because [YHWH] had descended upon it in the fire; its smoke ascended like the smoke of the furnace, and the entire mountain shuddered exceedingly.  The sound of the shofar grew continually much stronger; Moses would speak and God would respond to him with a voice.  [YHWH] descended upon Mount Sinai to the top of the mountain; [YHWH] summoned Moses to the top of the mountain, and Moses ascended.  [YHWH] said to Moses, “Descend, warn the people, lest they break through to [YHWH] to see, and a multitude of them will fall.  Even the Kohanim who approach [YHWH] should be prepared, lest [YHWH] burst forth against them.”  Moses said to [YHWH], “The people cannot ascend Mount Sinai, for You have warned us, saying, ‘Bound the mountain and sanctify it.'”  [YHWH] said to him, “God, descend.  Then you shall ascend, and Aaron with you but the Kohanim, and the people—they shall not break through to ascend to [YHWH], lest He burst forth against them.”  Moses descended to the people and said [it] to them.
    • to “the children of Israel”
      • Deuteronomy 14:1-2  You are children to [YHWH], your God  . . . . For you are a holy people to [YHWH], your God, and [YHWH] has chosen you for Himself to be a treasured people, from among all the peoples on the face of the earth.
    • whose history began with the Patriarchs–-
      • Exodus 3:6  And He said, “I am the God of your father, the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob.”
      • Abraham [gentile],
      • Isaac [gentile]
      • Jacob [Israel].

It is significant to note that gentiles have always been part of GOD’s plan; that in the giving of HIS REVELATION on Mount Sinai,

    • gentiles were part of the multitudes who left Egypt
    • and gathered with the encamped Israelites “opposite the mountain”
    • who responded—-
      • Exodus 19:7-8  Moses came and summoned the elders of the people, and put before them all these words that [YHWH] had commanded him.  The entire people responded together and said, “Everything that [YHWH] has spoken we shall do!”  Moses brought back the words of the people to [YHWH].
      • Exodus 24:7 He took the Book of the Covenant and read it in earshot of the people, and they said, “Everything that [YHWH] has said, we will do and we will obey!” Moses took the blood and threw it upon the people, and he said, “Behold the blood of the covenant that [YHWH] sealed with you concerning all these matters.”
    • and included in the prayer of Solomon during the dedication of the Temple in Jerusalem —
      • I Kings 8:41  Also a gentile who is not of Your people Israel, but will come from a distant land, for Your Name’s sake — for they will hear of Your great Name and Your strong hand and Your outstretched arm —and will come and pray toward this Temple —may You hear from Heaven, the foundation of Your abode, and act according to all the gentile calls out to You, so that all the peoples of the world may know Your Name, to fear You as [does] Your people Israel, and to know that Your Name is proclaimed upon this Temple that I have built.
      • and in the declaration in Isaiah 56:1-8, among many other verses—-Let not the foreigner, who has joined himself to [YHWH] speak, saying ‘[YHWH] will utterly separate me from His people’; and let not the barren ones who observe My Sabbaths and choose what i desire, and grasp My covenant tightly:  In My house and within walls I will give them a place of honor and renown, which is better than sons and daughters; eternal renown will I give them, which will never be terminated.  And the foreigners who join themselves to [YHWH] to serve Him and to love the Name of [YHWH] to beome servants unto Him, all who guard the Sabbath against desecration, and grasp My covenant tightly —I will bring them to My holy mountain, and I will gladden them in My house of prayer; their elevation-offerings and their feast-offerings will find favor on My Altar, for My House will be called a house of prayer for all the peoples. The word of my Lord, [YHWH]/ELOHIM, Who gathers in the dispersed of Israel: I shall gather to him even more than those already gathered to him.

The revelation is COMPLETE only in the sense that in GOD’s accommodation and condescension to man’s limitations, it is ALL that man—

    •  needs to know about HOW he is to relate to GOD —
      • Deuteronomy 13:1,5  The entire word that I command you that shall you observe to do; you shall not add to it and you shall not subtract from it. . . [YHWH], your God, shall you follow and Him shall you fear; His commandments shall you observe and to His voice shall you hearken; Him shall you serve and to Him shall you cleave.
    • and WHAT he is to apply in community [Exodus/Leviticus/Numbers].

Update on this, year 2014:

We believe that solitary man without community will not have to be regulated by the TORAH or the Decalogue except perhaps the laws relating to God (Commandments 1-4) and instructions regarding health (clean meat, which animals are fit for human consumption; sanitation, disposal of human waste —yes folks, our very thorough and specific Creator God taught all these in His TORAH, need we be surprised?)

If we seriously think about it, without one more person to relate to,  if man is all by his solitary self—who is there to dishonor, commit adultery with, lie to, murder, covet property or covet wife if there is no neighbor to offend nor sin against?  A minimum of two people will already need some kind of relationship/living together-regulation and definitely, more humans in community need laws to regulate their behavior.  If there are man-made laws imposed for the sake of social order such as traffic rules, bad habits or acts that might be  detrimental or destructive to others (smoking, bearing of arms, quarantine carriers of infectious disease, etc.), surely the Creator of humanity is all the more entitled to giving instructions regarding every facet of human life on His planet earth.  He knows best what is good for humanity in community, knowing the individual propensity and tendency to think of SELF more than—or often in total disregard for—OTHERS. 


The Sinai Revelation is complete and NOT “progressive”, as though something has yet to be added to it, for there are warnings regarding later additions that do not conform with this original revelation.


Deuteronomy 4:2,6-7   You shall not add to the word that I command you, nor shall you subtract from it, to observe the commandments of [YHWH] your God, that I command you. . . You shall safeguard and perform them, for it is your wisdom and discernment in the eyes of the peoples, who shall hear all these decrees and who shall say, “Surely a wise and discerning people is this great nation!”  For which is a great nation that has a God Who is close to it, as is [YHWH] our God, whenever we call to Him?  And which is a great nation that has righteous decrees and ordinances, such as the entire Torah that i place before you this day?



What IS progressive is man’s

  • and UNDERSTANDING of the Sinai revelation,
  • NOT the unfolding of the revelation.



On Sinai,  GOD reveals HIS NAME:  


  • Exodus 3:13-15/6:2-3  “I Shall Be As I Shall be.”  “So shall you say to the Children of Israel, “I Shall Be has sent me to you.” . . .This is My Name forever, and this is My remembrance fom generation to generation.


YHWH a NAME to be proclaimed to all mankind;

      • it is interesting to note that there is no biblical admonition against declaring the Tetragrammaton YHWH for the whole world to know and proclaim —Deuteronomy 28:10  Then all the peoples of the earth will see that the Name of [YHWH] is proclaimed over you, and they will revere you.
      • and that in fact, the reason the world today barely knows The Name is because the Jews consider it so sacred,
      • so much so they refuse to say it or write it
      • and instead, substitute circumlocutions like “HaShem” [The Name];
      • the Jews are so careful, they do not wish to violate the 3rd commandment that warns against using GOD’s Name in vain —Exodus 20:7  You shall not take the Name of [YHWH] your God, in vain, for [YHWH] will not absolve anyone who takes His Name in vain.
      • and yet YHWH declares “Wherever I permit My Name to be mentioned, I shall come to you and bless you.” [Exodus 20:21]
    • All other non-names referring to HIM have been mere titles;
      • before Sinai, man knew HIM only as Creator,
      • and to the patriarchs as El Shaddai ”God Almighty” [Exodus 6:2-3]
      • to Moses “The GOD of the Hebrews” [Exodus 7:16]
      • and to Israel in many experiences they have had with HIM as Rock, Shepherd, Provider, Nurturer, Protector, Shield, King, Fortress, etc. [II Samuel 22:2-3]
      • Mighty God”, “Eternal Father”, “Wondrous Adviser”, “Master of Legions [Isaiah 9:5-6]
      • Visually, manifestations or theophanies of GOD were the burning bush [Exodus 3:2], Shekinah [Glory Cloud] and pillar of  fire [Exodus 13:21];
      • and a voice that thundered [Exodus 20:15-16/Deuteronomy 5:19-24]
      • a “consuming fire, a jealous God” [Exodus 34:14/ Deuteronomy 4:24]

 TORAH, the first five books attributed to Moses’ are —-

    • GOD’s guidelines for living,
    • HIS blueprint for life on planet earth;
    • instruction and teaching, laws and precepts [Psalm 119]
    • outlining GOD’s requirements for all mankind [Deuteronomy 29:13-14]
    •  but initially given to a specific people [Deuteronomy 4:5-8]
    • formed and prepared for this very purpose [Deuteronomy 4:20/7:6-8]
    • to model in community [Deuteronomy 4:6-8]
    • this prescribed lifestyle for all nations [Isaiah 51:4-5/60:3]
    • not just for Israel [Deuteronomy 26:16-19]
      • the “righteous nation” and “keeper of the faith” [Isaiah 26:2]
      • “a light to the nations, to open blind eyes” [Isaiah 42:6/49:6]
  • Torah commandments have been counted, categorized and numbered, totaling 613.
    • Of these 613, 248 are positive commandments [“Thou shalt . . .”] and 365 are negative commandments [“Thou shalt not…”].
    • Of these 613, not all are applicable to every individual, for there are specific laws confined to classes of people [Israelites, women, Levitical priests, the high priest, prophet, foreigner/stranger/sojourner, etc.]
    • Some apply only to the Mishkan [Tabernacle in the wilderness]
    • Some apply to the Temple in Jerusalem
    • Some are applicable only when the chosen people are in the Promised Land.
    • Some teach man how to relate to GOD,
    • and others —-Israelite, parents, children, siblings, neighbor, enemy, “the stranger/sojourner/foreigner among you”
    • Some pronounce blessings for obedience and curses for disobedience.
    • The Decalogue, the “Ten Words” or the “Ten Commandments” summarize the basics or weightier matters of the law, such as righteousness, justice, mercy, love, holiness.
    • These 10 are further condensed simply to—
      • (1-4):  ”love God above all ” [Deuteronomy 6:5]
      • (5-10):  ”You shall love your fellow as yourself” [Leviticus 19:18]

To the TORAH, is added NEVI’IM [The Prophets] which contain—

    • the messages of YHWH to the divided kingdoms of Israel and Judah,
    • through the Prophets of Israel,
    • pronouncing specific judgments upon nations
    • and violators of Torah,
    • as well as blessings for obedience,
    • and prophecies concerning the chosen nation’s ordained destiny throughout her history until the “end of days.”
    • these prophetic messages ALL relate to how the nation lives out or fails to live out the Torah.
  • KETUVIM  [The Writings] concludes the Hebrew canon—these are divinely inspired literature —
    • proverbs,
    • prayers,
    • books of wisdom,
    • narrative history,
    • stories,
    • chronicles,
    • which reinforce, elaborate, expand and further clarify what has already been revealed in Torah.
  • Together, Torah/Nevi’im/Ketuvim form the Hebrew canon of 24 books known as TNK, [Tanach/Tanakh].
  • TORAH is what  we recognize as the revelation of YHWH, all the rest is commentary on TORAH.