EXODUS: The 10 Plagues–Judgment of YHWH upon Egypt’s gods

{First posted in 2012,  contributed by Sinaite  ELZ@S6K who entered her final Sabbath Rest on December 31,2013; check this link:  God is near, do not fear . . . Friend, Sinaite, goodnight.

This was part of the doctoral dissertation she had written about the book of EXODUS.  The feast of Passover covers the period from April 10 to April 18, 2017.  Other posts by Sinaite ELZ are the following: 

In memoriam . . . —Admin1.]


The ten plagues were attacks on Egyptian deities.


The Egyptian gods were mocked, based on the plague that besieged them.

Image from calvary-kids-pages.com

Image from calvary-kids-pages.com


  1.  The event of the water that turned to blood was to scorn Hapi, the Nile god.
  2. The emergence of frogs in all of the Egyptian courts and neighborhood was an assault to Ptha, the frog-headed god and Heka, the frog goddess.
  3. The appearance of lice or fleas over all Egyptian regions, except Goshen where the Hebrews are, was to ridicule Leb or Seb, the earth god, who is the protector against things that come out of the ground.
  4. The invasion of flies that tormented them was to scorn Khepara, the beetle god.
  5. The cattle pest that attacked the Egyptian herd alone was a contempt upon Hathor, the sacred cattle god at Memphis and the mother goddess who had the head of a cow and Apis, the bull-god.
  6.  boils that broke forth upon the Egyptians and their animals were to criticize Neit, the goddess queen of heaven and Imhotep, the god of medicine.
  7. The hail with fire that rained upon the land of Egypt killing Egyptian man and beast, herbs and trees was to assault Iris, the water deity and Orisis, the fire and sun deity.
  8. The locusts, that swarmed all over the Egyptian fields and ate up all the herbs and fruits which the hail had left, was a direct insult upon Seraphis, the insect god.
  9. The thick darkness was experienced in all the land of Egypt for three days but all the Hebrews had lighting in their neighborhood.  This event was a mockery to the supreme Egyptian deity Ra, the sun god, from whom Pharaoh, meaning sun, got his name.
  10. Finally, the tenth plague, wherein all the firstborn of the Egyptians and their cattle died, was a grave satire upon Pharaoh himself.  Being considered as the image of the divine, he was worshipped as a god, but in the plague, the son of god would also die.





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