Is Purim a biblical feast or only for Jews?

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[On March 22, Jewry celebrate Purim, a feast not originally included in the seven “My Feasts” commanded by the God of Israel as recorded in Leviticus 23.  It commemorates an event that occurred much later than the 40-years wandering of Israel in the wilderness of Sinai as narrated in the Five Books of Moses known as the Torah.  Sinaite BAN explains the significance of the feast in this post, first published in 2013.  For a literary perspective on the book that has been relegated in the 3rd section called “Ketuviim” of the Hebrew Scriptures or TNK (Tanach, Tanakh), here’s an extra read:

The events recorded in Esther took place primarily in Shushan, the capital of King Ahasueraus‘ empire. 
  • Shushan, is the Hebrew form of the name Susa, which is in the area known as Eilam, in what is now Iran.  
  • Back then, it was called Bavel (Babylonia).  
  • It was part of the empire of Persia and Media.  

It happened between Ezra 6 and 7, which was in the third year of Ahasueraus’ reign, that would be the year 483 B.C, placing it during the exile of the Jews  into Babylonia, after the destruction of the First Temple.  


It must be noted that “Ahasueraus” is the title of the Persian ruler, just as Pharaoh was the title of the Egyptian ruler. His name was Xerxes.


The Jews did not all stay in Babylonia during this exile period.  They wandered all over the map and settled in many areas.  


We find that the Book of Esther says that the decree affected Jews in all of the empire, so Jews must have lived in many far-flung provinces of the empire.
Book of Esther tells how the Jewish nation was rescued from extinction.  
  • It explains the origin of one of the Jews most festive holidays, the Feast of Purim.  
  • The word Purim means lots and refers to the casting of lots by Haman to determine the day of the slaughter of the Jews.  
  • Purim is held the fourteenth and fifteenth days of the last month of the Jewish calendar our February -March).  
  • It is usually preceded by a fast on the thirteenth day in memory of Esther’s fast. (4:16)  
  • That evening the book of Esther is read publicly in the synagogue.  
  • Each time the name of Haman is read, the Jews stamp on the floor, hiss, and cry, “Let his name be blotted out.”  
  • The next day, they again meet at the synagogue for prayers and the reading of the Torah.  
  • The rest of the day and the next day are given over to great rejoicing, feasting, and giving gifts.  
  • This is one feast where the Jews are allowed to drink and get drunk.  

This is not a biblical feast, but the Jews have been observing it faithfully for centuries.

The purpose of the book of Esther is to demonstrate the providential care of God over His people.  
  • It is of utmost significance to see this for here lies the living significance and permanent value of the book.  
  • The  great thing here is the fact of providential preservation; “providential” as distinct from  what we call the “miraculous”.  
  • We are meant to see providential overruling  as distinct from supernatural intervening.  
  • In God’s providential care of the universe, He governs in precise detail all that He has created.  
  • He is the God who sees, but also the God who exercises sovereign control over the means and the end.
  • By His sustaining and redeeming activity, every thought , intention, and action throughout history have been orchestrated for the purpose of bringing glory to Him.
There is no mention of God in the book of Esther, which is quite puzzling.  There is no reference to worship or to faith.  At least on the surface, there is nothing religious about it.   The story is a a gripping story that we would expect in the pages of the Reader’s Digest than in the bible.  
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So, why is it in the bible?  

  • Because though God may seem distant
  • and though He is invisible to see,
  • He is always invincible.  

This is the main  lesson in the book of Esther.  

Though absent by name from the pages of this particular book, God is present in every scene and in the movement of every event until He ultimately and finally brings everything to a marvelous climax as He proves Himself Lord of His people, the Jews.  It gives a graphic and classic illustration of the hidden workings of God in providence.  
Consider these:
1.   Esther being chosen queen over all the other candidates; (2:15-18)
2.   Mordecai discovering the plot to kill the king.( 2:21-23)
3.  Casting of lots for the day to destroy the Jews resulting in a date late in the year, giving time for Mordecai and Esther to act; (3:7-15)
4.  The king’s welcome to Esther after ignoring her for a month;(5:2)  
5.  The king’s patience with Esther in permitting her to hold another banquet;( 5:8)  
6.  the king’s insomnia that brought to light Mordecai’s deed of kindness; (6:1ff)  
7.  The king’s apparent lapse of memory in 6:19-14, that led him to honor one of the Jews he had agreed to slay;  
8.  the king’s deep concern for Esther’s welfare, when he had a harem to choose from; 7:5ff.


God’s name  is nowhere seen in this book, but God’s hand is nowhere missing.  He is standing somewhere in the shadows, ruling and overruling.
The book of Esther is an eye-opener to us that our God, Yahweh, is able to use ordinary events to produce extraordinary results.  
  • It calls us to a life of walking by faith not by sight.  
  • God can use the lowliest and most insignificant person and by providence control the circumstances around them to allow them to be a mighty instrument of His salvation.  
  • There are no coincidences in God’s economy.  
  • We see God in the forefront of every single detail of our life from the time, place and family we were born into and even till the time and place of our death.  
  • The micro as well as the macro details of our life are subject to His purpose.  therefore, there is a true meaning and purpose to every aspect of our life.  
  • All is in submission to God’s will.
It follows that as we read and study the book, we seek not for great miraculous movement of God,
  • but carefully observe His orchestration of events seemingly behind the scenes,
  • but always in complete control.  
This truth should encourage us that—-
  • the invisible God but invincible God of the book of Esther
  • is the same God in our lives,
  • working in the seemingly mundane, humdrum circumstances of our lives,
  • whether they be good or bad.    
If the story had specifically explained, that it was God who was bringing about all those happenings which are recorded, the dramatic, force and moral impact of the story would have been reduced, for above all, we are meant to see in the natural outworking of events,
  • how without violating human free will and  without interrupting the ordinary ongoing of human affairs,
  • a hidden Power unsuspectedly but infallibly control all things.  
God is able to use ordinary events to produce extraordinary results.

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