Doomsday 12/21/12? Not quite . . .

It’s not the weather that has been the topic of conversation lately, but the much kidded about Mayan calendar.  While no one is seriously paying attention, it is discussed casually in connection with previous doomsday prophecies that some people say they don’t believe but take precautions anyway (by stocking up on supplies), “just in case”.  It is ironic that Nostradamus, Edgar Cayce, Jeanne Dixon, and superstition get more and wider attention than pronouncements of YHWH made through His mouthpieces, the prophets of Israel.  But that’s just the way it is.  
Here’s an amusing satirical article from by the Editor Mike Adams:
worldThe world will come to an end in just four days, and that’s a huge relief because it means we can all finally stop flossing. I doubt your dental health is going to dramatically change before 12/21/12. You can also stop taking out the trash and paying all your bills.
Over the next four days, we can pig out like obese, flatulent kings, paying no heed to the mountains of junk food, pies and donuts we consume, since obesity won’t really matter after the Mayan calendar comes to an end on December 21st and the universe implodes.We can stop returning rented DVDs… Tell people what we really think, right to their face… Ask out that pretty girl (or cute guy) you’ve always admired on the off chance that they might have liked you too. What’s to be afraid of? We’re all dead in four days anyway.Or, you could use the time to ask for forgiveness. Earn a little heavenly karma by engaging in random acts of kindness. Work to make amends in the few days you have remaining.The choice is up to you. There are only four days left: What will you make of them?

The LIFE question
In truth, your physical life on this planet is quite limited. It may not be four days, since the Mayan calendar prophecy is a wild misinterpretation, but it might be four thousand days (about eleven years). It’s certainly not forty thousand days, as that’s over a hundred years.So the real question becomes this: You have X number of days remaining in your life. What will you make of them?
So what’s this latest looming doomsday scenario all about?
Here’s another article correcting the ‘wrong’ information from Logo
Mayans Never Predicted December 2012 Apocalypse, Researchers Say 

One of history’s most famous and foreboding doomsday predictions might never have been made, according to a German researcher. His new interpretation of a 1,300-year-old tablet affirms that the ancient Maya regarded December 21, 2012, as a moment of great importance—but not, as some believe, because they foresaw an apocalypse on that date.

 A panel depicting ceremonies of the Mayan kings. (Credit: LeClair/Reuters/Corbis)

Centered in the tropical lowlands of what is now Guatemala, the powerful Maya empire reached the peak of its influence around the sixth century A.D. and collapsed several hundred years later. Along with impressive stone monuments and elaborate cities, the lost Mesoamerican civilization left behind traces of its sophisticated calendar, which scholars have spent decades struggling to decipher. In recent years, popular culture has latched on to theories that the close of the calendar’s current cycle—set to occur around December 21, 2012—corresponds to the end of the world in the Mayan belief system.

The first Mayan calendar, known as the Calendar Round, appears to have been based on two overlapping annual cycles: a 260-day sacred year and a 365-day secular year that named 18 months with 20 days each. Under this system, each day was assigned four pieces of identifying information: a day number and day name in the sacred calendar and a day number and month name in the secular calendar. Every 52 years counted as a single interval, or Calendar Round, and after each interval the calendar would reset itself like a clock.

But because the Calendar Round measured time in an endless loop, ancient Mayans couldn’t use it to establish chronologies or relate events with wide spans of time between them. Around 300 B.C., priests apparently solved this problem by devising a new method known as the Long Count, which identified each day by counting forward from a base point calculated to fall on August 11, 3114 B.C. It grouped days into several sets: baktun (144,000 days), k’atun (7,200 days), tun (360 days), uinal or winal (20 days) and kin (one day). A single cycle of the Long Count calendar lasts 13 baktuns, or roughly 5,126 solar years, meaning that it is slated to end on a date correlating to December 21, 2012.

What exactly happens when the Long Count winds down? For some theorists, hieroglyphs on a 1,300-year-old stone tablet from the Tortuguero archaeological site in Mexico might hold the answer. Worn with age and riddled with cracks, it includes a hazy prediction of an event involving Bolon Yokte, the Mayan god of creation and war, at the end of the 13th baktun. One hotly disputed hypothesis holds that the passage describes a cataclysmic end to the world as we know it.

Various Mayan scholars have attempted to debunk this reading, including Sven Gronemeyer of Australia’s La Trobe University, who has studied the Tortugero tablet in great detail. On Wednesday he presented his decoding of the inscription, suggesting that Bolon Yokte’s prophesied appearance on December 21, 2012, represents the start of a new era and not the end of days. Proponents of the apocalyptic interpretation have misunderstood the poorly preserved hieroglyphs, he said.

Gronemeyer outlined his findings a week after Mexico’s National Institute of Anthropology and History announced that another inscription with a possible mention of December 2012 was found at the Mayan ruins of Comalcalco, located not far from Tortuguero. The institute has long maintained that the Mayan calendar does not foretell the world’s destruction a year from now.

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