Oy Searchers, need help? – December 2016

Image from www.stlucasucc.org

Image from www.stlucasucc.org

[This post is intended to help web-visitors find articles that address their search entry terms/phrases.  If we do not have a post on the exact topic, we refer the searcher to one of  the sites on our links.  The first recourse is of course the SITEMAP, click the upper-right most box above the scroll; and 2nd recourse is the UPDATED SITE CONTENTS.  We have resorted to extra aids such as this because of many difficulties our web-searchers have encountered in navigating our website. Admin1]




12/30/16 – “cascade” –  https://sinai6000.net/cascade/

12/16/16 – “happy sabbath day images” – We go to the web for the images we use on our Sabbath liturgy and posts, none are original.  If any of our visitors wish to use these images, just make sure the source indicated on the image is acknowledged, credit must given where credit is due—not us, but the original source.


12/10/16 –  “sabbath greeting messages, happy sabbath picture messages” – We have a whole category called “Sabbath Liturgy” where you can find both greetings/picture.


12/06/16  – “mordecai alfandari” – We don’t have a post about this person but since he’s associated with Karaism, we do have one post on this:

Google does yield an entry on exactly this person:


Mordecai Alfandari (1929-1999) Mordecai Avraham Alfandari, the restorer of Karaism and a great teacher to the nations, may he find rest in Eden, died on …


12/03/16  Cascade“, “A-Shabbat_Shalom“, “aSabbathBlessingd“,  “Beit Tikvah – Purim March 18, 2011 054 –  What are these? Searcher[s] clicked these from images we have featured in different posts. We choose our images just like everyone else, from the web where collections of anything and everything provide so many to choose from.  You just have to be patient and look-see until you find the exact image suited to your topic.  Just as we do, don’t forget to add the source in your caption, it is only fair to give credit where it’s due.  It’s enough that these sources make their images available on the web.

12/01/16  “jacob meet esau” –  Here’s a series of posts on the biblical twin brothers but the last on the list is what this searcher is specifically looking for:


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