A Sinaite's Liturgy — 3rd Sabbath of May

[For this Sabbath’s liturgy, we borrowed some prayers from the Baccalaureate Service of “UC” —a University in our city base, prayers written by two Sinaites who have granted permission.—Admin1]



Image from creativedesignsbyteresa.com

Image from creativedesignsbyteresa.com

O GOD of Creation,

You are the Master of time and all that time produces;

Designer of all created order:  all that sustain life, all works, all gifts, all callings and missions, all history, all institutions, all laws, all righteousness.


You are the ETERNAL,

Governor of time past, of our present, and of the future.



You sanctify the ordinary experiences of each day by Your mercy and grace,

and by Your providential care of all,

to whom You have granted Your ‘breath of life’.


You have given us talents and resources, opportunities and benefits

You dispense Truth and Wisdom,

and have made known Your Way of life, so that humanity might learn to live with one another in peace and harmony, with justice and righteousness, with compassion and care for the less privileged.


For all these and more we are grateful and give You praise.



Image from palmettorabbi.com

Image from palmettorabbi.com


As Your magnificent sun fades from view on our horizon,

we kindle the sabbath lights once again to serve as a reminder

that Your SUN never fades from our vision;

we have Your Sinai revelation recorded in the Hebrew Scriptures,

the Light of Your Torah guides our lives day after day,

from the rising of Your sun to its setting.

It gives us guidance in right living through the darkness of the world systems that know You not,

yet the wonder is that even in their ignorance,

they apply basic Torah values which attest, O Lord,

to Your declaration that Your Torah is written in the tablet of every heart and mind of every individual who lives on this earth.



Image from chefronlock.com

Image from chefronlock.com

Blessed are You, Lord YHWH, our God,

King of the universe Who has blessed us with life,

Who has directed us to the pathway

that leads to Your Way of Life,

Who has granted us the gift of procreation,

the gift of children—sons and daughters,

the gift of succeeding generations and extended families.

May each of them learn to anchor their faith in You,

and in humankind made in Your image,

May You guide their path toward what is right

in the eyes of men and in Your eyes.


And as we share the Sabbath wine and bread,

symbols of Your provisions for each day of our life,

symbols of joy and delight in entering

Your Sabbath Sanctuary in time,

we say with sheer joy and delight,

“To Life,” Your Life,

and join Your chosen people in saying, l’chaim!



Image from www.hebrewcatholic.net

Image from www.hebrewcatholic.net












(F. Havergal, Arr. T. Fettke)

[For those not familiar with the tune, reciting the lyrics works as well.]

Image from margaretfeinberg.com

Image from margaretfeinberg.com

Take my life and let it be

consecrated Lord to Thee,

Take my hands and let them move

at the impulse of Thy love.

Take my feet and let them be

swift and beautiful for Thee,

Take my voice and let me sing

always, only for my King.


Cho:  Lord, I give my life to Thee,

Thine forevermore to be.  [Repeat]


Take my silver and my gold,

not a mite would I withhold;

Take my moments and my days,

let them flow in ceaseless praise

Take my will and make it Thine;

It shall be no longer mine,

Take my heart it is Thine own

It shall be Thy royal throne.

Thine forevermore to be.







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