[UPDATE 2017: This monthly “aid” for searchers has been replaced first by “Yo Searchers! Need Help?” Then to use a word closer to our cultural Filipino/Tagalog word for strangers, we resorted to “Hoy” shortened to “Oy!” And it became — “Oy Searchers! Need Help?” for every month of every year. The original intention was to help web visitors find the topic (search term) they entered that made them land on many websites including this website.
Rather than figuring out a witty title for every month such as–
- June Search
- May Day
- Not for April Fools
- The “Aids” of March
- Help for February Searchers
- SOS for our FWH! – January Searches
—we resorted to a uniform title after running out of ideas and confusing searchers. It is not surprising the visitors still click this link in past years, there is much to learn from answers provided to past searches. Go check!—Admin1]
This “SOS” is not meant to ask for help for us; it is meant to extend a helping hand to our “FWH” — “Frequent Website Habitues”. There are those who have visited and returned and returned, remembering topics and have often been successful in digging out articles. There are others who have had difficulty finding what they came back for.
Admittedly, our posts could be better organized and we will continue working on a better format. For now, on our ADMIN “DashBoard” we see the search words that lead to our site, and see what FWH read and come back to reread or miss finding altogether.
Here are sample search words for which we are providing the link:
- “sermon mount sinai” – The Sermon on Sinai vs. The Sermon on the Mount
- “picture of moses tabernacle”/”the tabernacle of moses” – Exodus/Shemoth 25 – “Make me a sanctuary that I may dwell among them.”
- “god demons saul rabbi” -“pepe and pilar bantay” – Prooftext 1a – Genesis 3:15 – Who is the “woman”?
- “if there is no eternal punishment then people can be evil and not get judged” –
- “soothsayers, necromancers, fortune tellers””what does “ויקרא ” mean” – Leviticus/Wa’iyqrah – ויקרא – Introduction
- “what did moses mean by uncircumcised lips”/”what does uncircumcised lips mean” –
- “ha satan hebrew” – “was ha satan a member of the court in job? google books ‘ -“where does the tanakh talk about lucifer” –
- “why is seth in adam’s likeness” –
- “origins of idea of messiah””who is the woman of genesis 3:15” – Prooftext 1a – Genesis 3:15 – Who is the “woman”?
- “midwives egypt hebrew” – ART by BBB@S6K – Hebrew Midwives: Shiphrah and Puah
- “kaleb means a different spirit” – My servant Caleb – a different spirit
- “wonderful counselor prince of peace” – Q&A: Who is the Wonderful Counselor, Prince of Peace in Isaiah 9:6
- “pharaoh most grand burial” – The good Pharaoh sends Jacob to join his people in a grand funeral cortege – Bere’shiyth 50
- “esau was a ne’er-do-well (ib.; “a true progeny of the serpent,” zohar”/”edom friend or foe of israelites“”why did jacob adopt joseph’s sons?” – Jacob adopts Joseph’s sons: Bere’shiyth 48
- ” hands unites us” – Jesus – “The Hyphen that Unites Us”
- “so moses finished the work” – Exodus/Shemoth 40: So Moses finished the work
- “the coming of yhvh” – The Messiahs – 3 – The Second Coming of YHVH
- “these tablets [given on mt. sinai] seem to reflect some kind of advanced laser-like holographic technology in which data was embedded into these translucent stones.” —“interaction between couple and serpant in gen” – An Inconvenient Truth for Adam and Eve – 1
- “ernest van den haag is jewish” – MUST READ – The Jewish Mystique
There are some searchers in the category of “Oops” who realize they might have landed in the wrong webpage:
- “referring to gays out of the closet does it need hyphens”
- “pediatrician dies scuba diving las vegas” [for some reason, this search shows up quite frequently]
Some are simply not answerable, at least by us:
- “leviticus doomsday”
- “ask the rabbi what the tanakh say about curses on family members”
- “noah roitman yad vashem”
- “yeshua is the light of circumcision”
- “pastor alin apostol”
- “further to our book no”
- “sheepsheerers festival timnah”
When searches don’t yield results, some resort to the “FORUM” to leave a message but we apologize that our FORUM has not functioned usefully nor easily so no comments manage to get through. Our webmaster has redesigned the FORUM so please try it again. |
Here are sample “Searches” which yielded no results; if you’re the one concerned or even if you’re not but the title interests or intrigues you, please read the post and leave a reply; feedback is helpful whether good or bad; otherwise it’s like writing love letters left unrequited.
SOS searchers:
- “am i the only one scared of the old testament””messianic movements accepted the book of aryeh kaplan (the living torah)” – This was in the Q&A category, a question answered by Rabbi M. Younger Aish.com who recommended: “read “The Real Messiah” by Rabbi Aryeh Kaplan .
- “neil gillman the death of death daniel 12” – Must Read: The Death of Death
- “ted neeley hug” — someone remembers a photo (which by the way, ended up in GOOGLE photos of multi-aged fans hugged by Ted Neeley, apparently his backstage trademark); the post you were looking for is: JCS – “Confessions of an Idolater”
- “first senior moment on record” — Had to think about what this one was referring to, only to remember No wonder they’re extinct . . .which we resurrected from the files and reposted recently.
- “as the dear panteth” – “Soul Thirst” – Art by AHV@S6K
- “proverbs 1:2” – Scroll: Proverbs 1:2-7
- “salt art” – “SALT” – Art by BBB@S6K/Prayer 1
- “kazantzakis heresy” / “the last temptation of christ chapter three summary kazantzakis” – Tempted by ‘The Last Temptation of Christ’? Kazantzakis’ Jesus: “Salvation cannot be founded on lies.”
- “we heard it said” – “We have heard it said” – A Sinaite’s Apologetics -1“gentile wannabes” – Are you Jew-wannabes? If not, what are you
- “also known as the festival of lights, a lesser jewish festival, lasting eight days from” – Is Hanukkah a “biblical” feast or is it a festival for the Jews only?
- “the shema religious site”/”what are the symbols found in the shema” – Understanding the SHEMA & Signs and Symbols from the SHEMA
- “scroll over this: dead sea scrolls now online – and your mouse pointer instantly” – DDS (Dead Sea Scrolls) in English ONLINE? Thank Israel Museum and Google
- “the closing of the western mind & contents” – In search of the Historical Jesus 1 – The Closing of the Western Mind
- “orthonymous” – This word comes from NT Scholar Bart D. Ehrman, whose book titles explain the focus of his researches; we featured his books as MUST READ, but did not feature any of them.
- Misquoting Jesus
- Whose Word Is It? –The Story Behind Who Changed the New Testament and Why
- Forged: Writing in the Name of God–Why the Bible’s Authors Are Not Who We Think They Are
- Please check out: Amazon’s Bart Ehrman Page
These are random samplings of searches for the month of January, 2013. SOS for FWH will be repeated monthly, or whenever necessary.
- “artscroll tanach read online free download”As for a FREE DOWNLOAD, the previous searcher [who put in “Artscroll”] might have been looking for “HIS NAME TANAKH” by Benmara, because that is the FREE DOWNLOAD; please go to hearoyisrael.net and follow Benmara’s instructions on how to download his latest 8.0 version of HNT.
- for “artscroll tanach” you have to go to their website artscroll.com and order from them, they have quite a wide variety of Hebrew Bibles, of all sizes, in English and Hebrew, or English only.
- for “artscroll tanach” you have to go to their website artscroll.com and order from them, they have quite a wide variety of Hebrew Bibles, of all sizes, in English and Hebrew, or English only.
- As for 2 searchers who wrote “my name tanakh, hard back version” and “his name tanakh in print?” — you might have read Q&A: His Name Tanakh – Translator’s Notes where we announced that we printed a few paperback copies of HNT 8.0 version, distributed free for those who could not afford the printing/mailing cost; we could reprint orders for those who can afford to pay both mailing/printing cost. The printing cost is P407.00 (Philippine currency), about US$10. Email us at sinai6000@gmail.com and leave your mailing address please. We will figure out how you will pay us.
- “the book of bereshiyth translated to english” – We recommend only two Hebrew Bibles in this website, ArtScroll Tanach and His Name Tanakh; as we’ve explained in previous posts:
- [As indicated in our “Translations Used in this Website” we use 2 Hebrew translations:
- One is “AST” or ArtScroll Tanach, the Stone Edition, which is available in book form of all sizes from ArtScroll.com – ArtScroll Library www.artscroll.com/Mesorah Publications. AST like most Jewish translations avoids using the Tetragrammaton Name, substituting “HaShem” instead, so we use it only as a supplementary translation when HNT is not so clear in some verses.
- The other is “HNT” – His Name Tanakh by Benmara of hearoyisrael.net who offers a free download of his translation. Our choice of HNT as we have explained in other posts is that — having read “LORD” as a substitute word in Christian translations, we wanted a Hebrew translation where we can read YHWH instead of substitute words like HaShem and LORD. It was a blessing enough to have found such a translation, but an added blessing that it was offered FREE, downloadable from the translator’s website.