The Knowledge that Awakened Me – 2 – Three Important Concepts I Learned in Mythology that Enlightened Me Tremendously

[Contributed by a student of ELZ@S6K, instructor on Mythology.]


In this world, we discover things that sometimes bring changes in our perspective in life.  Through experience, we unveil knowledge that makes us aware of things surrounding us and consequently totally change our lives forever.


Mythology opened my eyes to things that enlightened my concepts of Easter that started a long time ago, of the knowledge that some truths revealed in the New Testament were adapted, and of paganism that is still practiced today.


Easter is one of the Roman Catholic celebrations that is practiced almost by everyone in the world.  I have learned that Easter originated in Mesopotamia by the goddess Ishtar who is the goddess of fertility.  Roman Catholics adopted the celebration and made it their own.  In this celebration, the egg and bunny are popularly used as symbols.  Easter for the Catholics means new life and resurrection.  But if we come to look at what eggs and bunnies symbolize, they represent fertility which is associated with Ishtar.  The new life and resurrection associated with Jesus Christ have no connection whatsoever with eggs and bunnies.


Another concept that enlightened me about the Catholic faith is that some “truths” the New Testament teaches were only adopted.  One “truth” is baptism which in the Old Testament was never mentioned.  Baptism originated in some countries that practiced water rituals.  Also, the Old Testament never mentioned the end of the world.  Only in the New Testament do we find this, which is similar to the Ragnarok of the Norse and Teutonic myths.  The New Testament also speaks of heaven and hell which are adopted from the myths of Scandinavia and Germany.


Lastly, paganism is practiced nowadays.  It is evident on the ways people deal with supernatural events.  In the highlands here in the Philippines, we can see paganism even in places that are already influenced by Christianity.  One practice is “atang”. Igorots offer “atang” (food) to “anitos” (their tribal gods).  Particularly the Ibalois, they practice “canao” to appease the “anitos” and “banig”. They butcher pigs when rain never comes.  These pagan practices in the highlands have their counterparts in other countries. 


The knowledge that I have discovered on Easter, paganism and the differences of the New and Old Testaments had started to break my faith.  These three concepts had somewhat enlightened and shattered my faith in Catholicism.


With these discoveries, I realize that there is no original culture.  Culture is adopted and shared and owned.  When it is my time to teach the unlearned, I should incorporate this little knowledge I have unveiled.

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