Yo Seachers! Can we help you? – October 2013

[This post started as an aid for searchers who land on our website because of  “Search Engine Terms.”  This serves as an aid to searchers with specific topics in mind. This is updated daily so if you failed to find your post today, come back and check the articles listed on your search term, if not we give a helpful FYI on it; you might learn a thing or two from the short comments here. – Admin1]


10/31  “the egyptians /horus/jesus/yahuwshuwah” – Please check out this post SHEMA – Perspective from Judaism which explains the difference between Jewish Monotheism from the different belief systems in the religions of the world, including the virgin cult which began with Isis/Horus.

10/31  “jacob hertz the pentateuch and haftorahs pdf download” – Rabbi/Dr. Jacob H. Hertz edited the excellent resource book Pentateuch and Haftorahs.  The commentaries on the books of Leviticus, Numbers and Deuteronomy plus Introduction and additional information come from various Jewish scholars and Rabbis.  We have found this book so valuable that we’ve recommended it in our MUST READ/MUST OWN list.  Our library copy is the 2nd edition, published in London by Soncino Press in year 5734/1973; in fact it’s an imperfect copy with quite a number of typographical errors, and that’s why we got it cheap at a Messianic Conference book sale some 5 years ago. It is available only in the hardback edition, a few new and used copies are available at amazon.com, the cheapest is $9.00.

 – 10/31 ” Introduction to the old testament literary prophecy” – Notice in the posts below that there are only 3 major prophets featured, 1 is missing, who and why?  The Book of Daniel which, in the Christian “Old Testament” is the 4th and probably the most important prophet (because it is used as the key for understanding the NT book of Revelation)—is not categorized under the Prophets.  In the Hebrew Scriptures, acronym “TNK” for Torah-Neviim-Ketuviim, the book of Daniel in TNK is relegated to “Ketuviim” or “the Writings” where inspired literature (and not the very words of YHWH) are categorized.  Surprised?  When you think about it, Daniel merely interpreted dreams of King Nebuchadnezzar, much like Joseph interpreted dreams of Pharoah. They were not considered “prophets” like Isaiah, Jeremiah and Ezekiel and the 12. Ironically, in the rearrangement of TNK books in the Christian Bible’s Old Testament, the canon-fixers not only expanded the TNK from 24 to 39 books, added Daniel to the 3 major prophets to give it more importance because hey, the climax of the NT canon— the Book of Revelation cannot be understood without it.

10/31 –  “nehemiah told iin narritive form” – A Literary Approach to Ezra and Nehemiah

10/30  “if you will walk in my statutes” – ויקרא Leviticus/Wa’iyqrah 26: “If you walk in My statutes . . .” vs. “If you reject My decrees . . . “

10/29  “the jewish mystique” – MUST READ – The Jewish Mystique by Ernest Van Den Haag

10/29  “what we might do together abraham heschel” – No Religion is an Island – Abraham Joshua Heschel

10/29  “tanach verse ‘ihate your new moons and sabbaths'” – This verse comes from Yeshayahuw (Isaiah) 14; Israel had acted like a “harlot” whoring after other gods and YHWH through his mouthpiece the prophet Isaiah declares to His chosen people that even if He had given them commandments in Waiqrah/Leviticus 23 regarding “My” appointed times such as the Sabbath and other festivals, their performance of rituals have become abhorrent to Him. This is tantamount to mindless church-going on Sunday to worship for 1 hour while living in disobedience to Torah the rest of the week. Such angry declarations by the God of Israel nevertheless includes an offer to repent and blessing that comes with repentance.  Isaiah texts have often been used to apply to the Christian savior but careful and consistent continuous reading of the whole book (as opposed to isolated verses taken out of context) shows that the only “son” and “servant” referred to is no other than Israel.

HNT 1:12-19

12. When you come to appear before Me, who has required this at your hand, to trample My courts?

13. Do not bring any more vain oblations; incense is an abomination to Me; new moon and Shabbath, the calling of assemblies, I cannot [bear]— away with iniquity and the solemn meeting.

14. Your new moons and your appointed feasts My Nephesh hates; they are a trouble to Me; I am weary of bearing them.

15. And when you spread out your hands, I will hide My eyes from you; yes, when you make many prayers, I will not listen to attentively. Your hands are full of blood.

16. Wash and do well; put away the evil of your doings from before My Face and My eyes; desist from making right for nothing;

17. learn to do well; seek justice, relieve the oppressed, judge the fatherless, and plead for the widow.

18. Come now, and let us reason together, says יהוה: Though your straying and missing the purpose and the objective is as scarlet, they will be as white as snow; though they are red like crimson, they will be as wool.

19. If you are willing and obedient, you will eat the right of the land:

20. But if you refuse and rebel, you will be devoured with the sword; for the mouth of יהוה has 

10/26  “ revelation in a nutshell” – Revelation in a Nutshell

10/25  “bible scholar charles freeman” – Must Read: A New History of Early Christianity by Charles Freeman

10/25  “2013 +2 october teruw result title.com” – Clueless about this entry so can’t help this searcher.

10/25  ”genesis 3:15 is refered to whom” – Prooftext 1: Genesis 3:15 – Seed of the Woman vs. Seed of the Serpent

10/23  “buy tnk bible” – Good news for this searcher!  His Name Tanakh by Benmara is a FREE download; he has just upgraded to a 9.0 version.  Please go to this link http://hearoyisrael.net/hisname/his-name-tanakh.html and follow the instructions provided there.

10/23   “what was the sermon about jesus preach on mount sanai” –  Correction please; according to the gospels, Jesus did preach  “sermons”, one was supposedly on a mountain while another was supposedly on a plain.  The word “sermon” itself is churchy, speficially Christian . . .  which Jesus, being a Jew, surely could not have been, since Christianity as an official religion did not begin until the 4th century BC or CE.  However, we did write an article to make a distinction between what Jesus supposedly preached on a montain or plain or wherever, and the revelation on Mount Sinai by the God of Israel Who, by the way, was not a trinitarian god as He Himself kept emphasizing all through the Hebrew Scriptures.  And yes, there is a big difference between a ‘sermon’ and a ‘revelation’, find out for yourself in:  The Sermon on Sinai vs. The Sermon on the Mount

10/23  “shedur hebrew meaning” – The correct spelling of the Hebrew word is “Siddur” which is the Jewish Prayer Book.  The meaning of the word is “order’.

10/22  “why did the priest use a goat instead of a lamb for the scapegoat”-  Sacrificial goat, Scapegoat . . . what about the Lamb? Not on Yom Kippur.

10/21  “identical goats in the ritual of the scapegoat” – Sacrificial goat, Scapegoat . . . what about the Lamb? Not on Yom Kippur.

10/20  “jeremiah was an uncompromising prophet. discuss” – A Literary Approach to the books of two major prophets: Jeremiah (Yirmeyahuw) and Ezekiel (Yechezqe’l- 1

10/19  “joshua 1:8″ – This verse has landed in ‘search engine terms’ repeatedly; we do not have a post on it, but let me write some thoughts here since it will most likely be showing up often.  Why?  Because it is a key verse emphasizing the importance of the Torah in the historical context of the chosen people’s beginnings.  The time-frame of this verse is at the end of the wilderness wandering of 40 years when a new generation was about to enter and conquer the Land.  Moses, their leader/prophet/mediator had finished his assignment from YHWH and a new leader, this time a warrior, would lead the 2nd generation who were born free in the wilderness.  Yehuwshuwa/Joshua (together with Caleb) was of the first generation that left Egypt but all have died including Moses, before entering the Promised Land.  What was given to the first generation who stood on Sinai to accept the Covenant with YHWH as well as Israel’s Book of instructions and laws to live by, is passed on to the 2nd generation who are reminded by the same God of their fathers to live by the same guidelines and commandments.

Notice the key words:  contemplate/observe/do=successful/act wisely;

strong/courageous, why? “For YHWH is with you. . . .”

[AST] This Book of the Torah shall not depart from your mouth; rather you should contemplate it day and night in order that you observe to do according to all that is written in it; for then you will make your way successful, and then you will act wisely.  Behold, I have commanded you, ‘Be strong and courageous,’ do not lose resolve, for HASHEM, your God, is with you wherever you will go.”

[HNT]  8. This Çepher haTowrah [Scroll; Writings of the Teachings; Instructions] will not depart out of your mouth, but you will meditate on it day and night that you may observe to do according to all that is written. Your way will push forward and then you will be mindful.  9. Have I not commanded you? Be strong and alert; do not be afraid, nor dismayed, for יהוה your ‘Elohiym [Mighty One] is with you wherever you walk.

10/19  “sermon on mount sinia” – The Sermon on Sinai vs. The Sermon on the Mount

10/19   “esau a caveman” – Esau/Edom – A Second Look

10/19 “tanakh hell” – Q & A: The Tanakh on the afterlife – 2

10/18  “heschel and sinai” – The Moment at Sinai” — An Essay by Abraham Joshua Heschel

10/17  “why did superstitious anti-semitism decline, and in what ways has superstitious anti-black racism largely taken it  place?” – Try this post:  Why Anti-Semitism?

10/17  “punishment for evil people” – Q&A: If there’s no hell as eternal punishment, what happens to evil people after they die?

10/15  “rabbi ken shapiro” – He is the author of a series or articles in aish.com titled: “History Crash Course”; he has also authored an excellent book, a MUST READ we have yet to feature here, titled: WorldPerfect: The Jewish impact on Western civilization,

10/15  “who is woman in genesis 3 15” – Prooftext 1a – Genesis 3:15 – Who is the “woman”?

10/14  “what is the hebrew symbol for shema” – Signs and Symbols from the SHEMA

10/14   “my god is a vengeful god” – Is our God a “jealous, wrathful, and a vengeful God”?

10/14  “pilate and veritas” – Pilate: ‘Quid est veritas?’ – Gospel Truth? – 1

10/12  “sinonly in israel” – Clueless about this one but try this post: Not “original sin”, only “evil inclination” – 1

10/12  “uncircumcised lips”- Exodus/Shemoth 6-b: Do you have “uncircumcised lips”?

10/12  “how do biblical narratives and poetry draw on near eastern mythology?” – Biblical Poetry, anyone?

10/10  “jewish mystique” – MUST READ – The Jewish Mystique by Ernest Van Den Haag

10/10  “symbols of the shema” – Signs and Symbols from the SHEMA

10/10  “shiphrah and puah”- ART by BBB@S6K – Hebrew Midwives: Shiphrah and Puah

10/10  “no christianity before nicaea 325″ – Messianics claim that the ‘movement’ that sprang out of Jesus/Yeshua from the time of his ministry to his crucifixion and expanded in the NT book of Acts is Messianic Judaism.  They claim that Christianity officially began in the councils that met and discussed who was Jesus and decided by vote, etc.  This MUST READ item gives some background but if you’re interested in the whole story, then it becomes MUST BUY:  Man-made Creeds: Nicaea (325), Constantinople (381) and Athanasius (c.430?)

10/9  “hoveh in hebrew” –  Q&A: “usage of the hebrew verb hoveh, (i am) would imply referring to oneself as being the almighty”

10/9  “seth first born son in the bible” – Seth was not the firstborn of the first couple, the 2nd generation firstborn was Cain.  However, there is a Q&A post explaining why the Bereshiyth narrative says it was Seth who was in the image of Adam and not firstborn Cain: Q&A: Why is Seth the one “in the likeness of Adam” instead of firstborn son Cain?

10/8  “what does orthonymous mean” –  Gospel Truth – 3:

  • “Orthonymous” (literally, “rightly named”) writing is one that really is written by the person who claims to be writing it.  There are 7 letters of Paul, out of the 13 in the New Testament that bear his name, that virtually everyone agrees are orthonymous, actually written by Paul.

10/8  “nehemiah 11:3-24 explain” – A Literary Approach to Ezra and Nehemiah

10/8  “for my servent caleb” – My servant Caleb – a different spirit

10/8  ‘literary structure of nehemiah” – A Literary Approach to Ezra and Nehemiah

10/4   “proverbs, songs of solomon and ecclisiastic is books of wise sayings and what is not a well of life, but is lik . . ” – Too bad the rest of this inquiry could not be accessed, too long to fit into the site-stats slot.  Nevertheless, perhaps this searcher could check these posts from The Literary Guide to the Bible:

10/2 – “was job justifying himself or expressing trust in god-job 13:15-24?” –  Ready to tackle the book of Job?

10/2  “jewish symbol shema” – Signs and Symbols from the SHEMA

10/2 – “joshua 1:8-9” – This verse has landed in ‘search engine terms’ repeatedly; we do not have a post on it, but let me write some thoughts here since it will most likely be showing up often.  Why?  Because it is a key verse emphasizing the importance of the Torah in the historical context of the chosen people’s beginnings.  The time-frame of this verse is at the end of the wilderness wandering of 40 years when a new generation was about to enter and conquer the Land.  Moses, their leader/prophet/mediator had finished his assignment from YHWH and a new leader, this time a warrior, would lead the 2nd generation who were born free in the wilderness.  Yehuwshuwa/Joshua (together with Caleb) was of the first generation that left Egypt but all have died including Moses, before entering the Promised Land.  What was given to the first generation who stood on Sinai to accept the Covenant with YHWH as well as Israel’s Book of instructions and laws to live by, is passed on to the 2nd generation who are reminded by the same God of their fathers to live by the same guidelines and commandments.

Notice the key words:  contemplate/observe/do=successful/act wisely; strong/courageous, why? “For YHWH is with you. . . .”

[AST] This Book of the Torah shall not depart from your mouth; rather you should contemplate it day and night in order that you observe to do according to all that is written in it; for then you will make your way successful, and then you will act wisely.  Behold, I have commanded you, ‘Be strong and courageous,’ do not lose resolve, for HASHEM, your God, is with you wherever you will go.”

[HNT]  8. This Çepher haTowrah [Scroll; Writings of the Teachings; Instructions] will not depart out of your mouth, but you will meditate on it day and night that you may observe to do according to all that is written. Your way will push forward and then you will be mindful.  9. Have I not commanded you? Be strong and alert; do not be afraid, nor dismayed, for יהוה your ‘Elohiym [Mighty One] is with you wherever you walk.

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