Yo Searchers! Can we help you? – December 2013

[Yo searchers, happy 12th month, happy end of the year, happy holidays!  Hope this post will help you in your search for specific topics; actually the best aid for you is Updated Site Contents – December 2013 This is updated daily; if you failed to find your post today, come back—we give a helpful FYI on it; in fact you might learn a thing or two from the short comments here. – Admin1]


12/31 “his name tanakh” – His Name Tanakh

12/31  “fixated on yhwh”- This website IS fixated on YHWH and all articles endeavor to lead a searcher to knowledge of Him. Here are a few ‘starters’ to whet this searcher’s appetite:

12/30  “joshua 1:8-9” – Here is what we posted in November and October:

11/04  “joshua 1 8-9” – Reprinting our answer from last month:

10/19  ”joshua 1:8″ – This verse has landed in ‘search engine terms’ repeatedly; we do not have a post on it, but let me write some thoughts here since it will most likely be showing up often.  Why?  Because it is a key verse emphasizing the importance of the Torah in the historical context of the chosen people’s beginnings.  The time-frame of this verse is at the end of the wilderness wandering of 40 years when a new generation was about to enter and conquer the Land.  Moses, their leader/prophet/mediator had finished his assignment from YHWH and a new leader, this time a warrior, would lead the 2nd generation who were born free in the wilderness.  Yehuwshuwa/Joshua (together with Caleb) was of the first generation that left Egypt but all have died including Moses, before entering the Promised Land.  What was given to the first generation who stood on Sinai to accept the Covenant with YHWH as well as Israel’s Book of instructions and laws to live by, is passed on to the 2nd generation who are reminded by the same God of their fathers to live by the same guidelines and commandments.

Notice the key words:  contemplate, observe, do = successful, act wisely, strong, courageous. 

Why? ”For YHWH is with you. . . .”

[AST] This Book of the Torah shall not depart from your mouth; rather you should contemplate it day and night in order that you observe to do according to all that is written in it; for then you will make your way successful, and then you will act wisely.  Behold, I have commanded you, ‘Be strong and courageous,’ do not lose resolve, for HASHEM, your God, is with you wherever you will go.”


[HNT]  8. This Çepher haTowrah [Scroll; Writings of the Teachings; Instructions] will not depart out of your mouth, but you will meditate on it day and night that you may observe to do according to all that is written. Your way will push forward and then you will be mindful.  9. Have I not commanded you? Be strong and alert; do not be afraid, nor dismayed, for יהוה your ‘Elohiym [Mighty One] is with you wherever you walk.


12/30  “trinity and nicea 325 and constantinople 381” 

12/30  “what does uncircumcised lips mean in the bible” – Exodus/Shemoth 6-b: Do you have “uncircumcised lips”?

12/28  “messiahtruth.org – Discourse: Sinaite/Messianic – [VAN/RW] = 2 – “Yeshua is not in the TNK”

12/28  “what does uncircumcised lips” – 12/27  “uncircumcised lips of moses” – 

This must be the most researched phrase on our website, it shows up quite regularly; don’t know if searchers think up the term themselves or they spot it on our title list, remember and return. I picked it up from a verse I knew would catch readers’ attention and sure enough it does: Exodus/Shemoth 6-b: Do you have “uncircumcised lips”?
I suppose the word “circumcised” has never been used on any other body part except you-know-where and what the hell would ‘uncircumcised lips’ mean? If we understood a simple contrast that the God of Israel taught His chosen people in His Sinai revelation — it is the difference or contrast between two states of being (for humans, that is), but it is illustrated in animals, rituals, disease, etc.  So, the Scriptures use these words:  pure and impure, clean and unclean, circumcised and uncircumcised, all relating to the life He requires of Israel first, and of the Nations in time, as they know about Him through Israel, and learn the life He requires of all—whether Jew or Gentile — to ultimately live, all taught painstakingly in detail after detail of aspects of life in His Torah.

12/28  david damrosh ritual, symbolic, prophetic elements in leviticus”  – A Literary Approach to the book of Leviticus/Wai’qrah

12/28  “man’s duties in life”

12/27  “uncircumcised lips of moses” – 

This must be the most researched phrase on our website, it shows up quite regularly; don’t know if searchers think up the term themselves or they spot it on our title list, remember and return. I picked it up from a verse I knew would catch readers’ attention and sure enough it does: Exodus/Shemoth 6-b: Do you have “uncircumcised lips”?
I suppose the word “circumcised” has never been used on any other body part except you-know-where and what the hell would ‘uncircumcised lips’ mean? If we understood a simple contrast that the God of Israel taught His chosen people in His Sinai revelation — it is the difference or contrast between two states of being (for humans, that is), but it is illustrated in animals, rituals, disease, etc.  So, the Scriptures use these words:  pure and impure, clean and unclean, circumcised and uncircumcised, all relating to the life He requires of Israel first, and of the Nations in time, as they know about Him through Israel, and learn the life He requires of all—whether Jew or Gentile — to ultimately live, all taught painstakingly in detail after detail of aspects of life in His Torah.

12/27  “sacrificial cult”  – Additional Notes to Wai-qrah/Leviticus – 3/Understanding the Sacrificial Cult

12/26 “malbim on “april fools” – Not for April Fools

12/24  “jewish mystique” – MUST READ – The Jewish Mystique by Ernest Van Den Haag

12/23  “shortcut for christ” – Is it wrong to shortcut “X” for “Christ”?

12/23   “chanting bamidbar, ashkenazi” – 

12/22  “uncircumcised lips” – This must be the most researched phrase on our website, it shows up quite regularly; don’t know if searchers think up the term themselves or they spot it on our title list, remember and return. I picked it up from a verse I knew would catch readers’ attention and sure enough it does: Exodus/Shemoth 6-b: Do you have “uncircumcised lips”?


I suppose the word “circumcised” has never been used on any other body part except you-know-where and what the hell would ‘uncircumcised lips’ mean? If we understood a simple contrast that the God of Israel taught His chosen people in His Sinai revelation — it is the difference or contrast between two states of being (for humans, that is), but it is illustrated in animals, rituals, disease, etc.  So, the Scriptures use these words:  pure and impure, clean and unclean, circumcised and uncircumcised, all relating to the life He requires of Israel first, and of the Nations in time, as they know about Him through Israel, and learn the life He requires of all—whether Jew or Gentile — to ultimately live, all taught painstakingly in detail after detail of aspects of life in His Torah.

12/21  “yhwh is the designer of man” – Yes, YHWH the Creator of the universe, made all living creatures on earth, every species was specifically designed by Him for a purpose — the last being not created from nothing but formed from the dust is humankind, the only one made in His image and endowed with free will.  Here are a few posts that might help:

12/20 “adonai symbols” – Signs and Symbols from the SHEMA

12/18  “when did names in tanack change to” – there is not enough here to figure out what this searcher needs—what names in TNK changed?  Certain figures went through name-changes when their character fitted their destiny; Abram to Abraham, Saray to Sarah, Jacob to Israel  Noah remained Noah, Isaac remained Isaac. Names in Hebrew are descriptive, not just labels for identification. Even the Names of the God of Torah are descriptive of an aspect of His character or a Divine attribute; the Name YHWH in His words, means “I will be whom I choose to be” and sometimes is described simply as “the Eternal” or “the All-Existent One”.


If the searcher meant — how did the original names of the books of the TNK change, that happened in the process of translating from the original Hebrew to Greek (in the Septuagint), and then into Latin (in the Vulgate), and Anglicized (for the English versions).  Since the TNK was attached to the New Testament Scriptures and retitled “Old Testament”, the Greek/Anglicized titles became more familiar.  In this website, we prefer to use the original Hebrew titles of the books so that our visitors can become increasingly familiar with the original Hebrew Scriptures and wean themselves from the Christianized OT.  There is a big difference, not only in title, but in actual translation of specific verses used as ‘prooftext’ in Christian teaching.

12/18  “cleansed from original sin at mt sini” – What happened on Sinai had nothing to do with the Christian doctrine of original sin; in a nutshell,  it had everything to do with the True God revealing Himself to a people He had formed through the line of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, making a covenant to be their God, and giving them guidelines for living recorded in the Torah of the Hebrew Scriptures. See if this post can help you understand: Revelation in a Nutshell

12/17  “meaning of uncircumcised lips” – Exodus/Shemoth 6-b: Do you have “uncircumcised lips”? & The Soul of Evil

12/17  “dead sea scrolls” – DDS (Dead Sea Scrolls) in English ONLINE? Thank Israel Museum and Google!

12/17  “spanish american war timeline” – Ooops, wrong landing . . . but here’s a link to the specific area of our sinai6000.net home country, the Philippines:Timeline of the Philippine–American War – Wikipedia, the free ...en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Timeline_of_the_Philippine–American_War

  1. Spanish–American War, the Philippine Revolution had been suspended by the Pact of Biak-na-Bato. Following on that pact, Emilio Aguinaldo, who had been  

12/16  “verses in the bible that says we should not wear attactment and jewries” – The scriptural passages that mention wearing of jewelry and enhancing physical attraction, whether in the NT or OT simply remind us that true beauty is not in accoutrements but in God-like character. There is a prohibition on transgender dressing although this seems to refer more specifically to homosexuality:

12/16  “non jews wanna bes” – Are you Jew-wannabes? If not, what are you?

12/16 “how to observe the biblical feast” – How now do we observe “My” feasts?

12/16  “genesis 315 the 1st messianic prophets in the bible” – Q&A: Genesis 3:15–the 1st “messianic prophecy”?

12/16  “non jews wanna bes” – Are you Jew-wannabes? If not, what are you?

12/15 “leap of faith in nebrew” – Not sure what this searcher is looking for, a ‘leap of faith’ in the language of Hebrew? or in Jewish thinking?

12/15  “david damrosh ritual, symbolic, prophetic elements in leviticus” – A Literary Approach to the book of Leviticus/Wai’qrah


We have no specific article on this although this whole website began on our own ‘leap of faith’ from our former Christ-centered religion to leaving everything we’ve ever believed and lived for decades of our lives, to venture back to the original revelation which we settled in our mind as found ONLY in the TORAH, as in the first five books of the Hebrew Scriptures which record the revelation on Sinai.  Any major shift in belief is a leap of faith; ours was a totally radical shift, it left many of our former colleagues not only stunned but seriously worried about our ‘salvation’.  We have not convinced anyone from our former religious affiliations, but as this website visitor statistics shows, there are those like us who are searching and somehow land in this website and find articles that help them in their own quest for truth. Praise YHWH for the internet highway, that is where we meet YOU, dear visitor.  We value your visit, hopefully you have enough to read in the resources we share.  We are on the same journey, treading the same pathway . . . it leads to Sinai, the neutral territory where all humankind—Jew and Gentile—receive the one and only Revelation which is ALL we need to know about Him and how to relate to one another.


 In the words of Benmara’s His Name Tanakh, would that the world pay attention to the Shema initially addressed to Israel but is intended for all the nations:

“Hear intelligently with attention and interest, comprehend and obey. . . the statutes and the ordinances which I speak in your ears this day that you may learn them, and observe to do them.”

,12/15 “hebrew hasatan” – Is God the author of “evil”?

12/15   “illusion in hebrew bible” – The Bible as ‘Literature’

12/14 “moses instructions to joshua” – A Literary Approach to Yahushuwa’/Joshua and Shophtiym/Judges

12/13 “let us make man in our image bere as hith” – The Creator 5: That pesky “Let US . . . ” in Genesis/Bere’shiyth 1:26

12/13 “image vs idol in hebrew” – Revisited: The “I” in Image vs. the “I” in Idolatry

12/13  “which part of isaiah is a mixture of prose and poetry that berates israel for falling into idolatry?” – A Literary Approach to the book of Isaiah/Yesha’yahuw

12/12  “dead sea scrolls online translated into english” – DDS (Dead Sea Scrolls) in English ONLINE? Thank Israel Museum and Google!

12/11  “ain quadis” – Not sure what this searcher is looking for but we have a series of posts using the Latin phrase “Quid est veritas” meaning “What is Truth?” so hope these help:

12/10  “tnk passages” – Q&A: Re: TNK verses specific to Israel borrowed by Gentiles/Christians

12/09  “shema symbol” – Signs and Symbols from the SHEMA

12/08  “where does the hebrew concept of a messiah originate?” – The Messiahs – 1 – The Origin of the Messiah Idea

12/07 –  “jeremiah 2 the literary” – 

12/05  “old name of ikhaton” –  “There may have been independent recognition of the unity of the Divine nature among some peoples; e.g. the unitary sun-cult of Ikhaton in Egypt, or some faint glimpses of it in ancient Babylon.” — this is from our post:  SHEMA – Perspective from Judaism

12/05 “my god is a vengful god” – Is our God a “jealous, wrathful, and a vengeful God”?

12/04 “grandeur prayers” – REVISITED: Moral Grandeur and Spiritual Audacity – Abraham Joshua Heschel

12/04 “judaism wrathful god” – Judaism does not have a “wrathful god” — that is a misconception of the God of Israel arising from a wrong reading or a lack of understanding of TNK, the Hebrew Scriptures.  The ‘God of the Old Testament’ is often compared to the ‘God of the New Testament’ namely, Jesus Christ . . . well, are they two different Gods or is God the same, never changes? Did He morph from One to a Trinitarian God, one of three persons became human, therefore mortal, but resurrects, and is said to deserve all worship and glory while the other two persons fade into the background . . .  and yet they are supposedly One?


The self description of the God of Israel: “YHWH, YHWH, the compassionate and gracious God, slow to anger, abounding in love and faithfulness”;  and yet some people dare call Him ‘vengeful, wrathful, angry God”?  We owe it to Him to attempt to understand Him and His acts in history as recorded in the TNK. Here’s a helpful post: Is our God a “jealous, wrathful, and a vengeful God”?

12/03  “man and woman symbol” – דברים Dabariym 22: “A woman will not wear what pertains to a man, neither will a man put on a woman’s garment . . .”

12/03  “shawn lichaa karaism” – Nehemiah Gordon and Meir Rekhavi

12/02  “is there justice on earth” – Is there true justice on earth?

12/02  “how do noahides celebrate hanukkah” – Gentiles of the Nations – Come celebrate ‘Thanksgivukkah’!

12/01 – “messianic study the frogs of egypt” –  EXODUS: The 10 Plagues–Judgment of YHWH upon Egypt’s gods



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