Yo Searchers, can we help you? – February 2016

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Image from www.pinterest.com

[Update:  We apologize for times when this website is inaccessible; we are undergoing some upgrades; please bear with us and don’t give up checking us out.—Admin1]




02/27  “sinai6000” – This entry does make any searcher land on this website and for new visitors, here are posts that introduce what we stand for:

About Us



02/22/16  “moses uncircumcised lips meaning”  Exodus/Shemoth 6-b: Do you have “uncircumcised lips”?
02/16/16 “revelation in a nutshell” –  


02/08/16  “what does god require of

gentiles?” –

Revisited: What does the God of Israel require of Gentiles?



02/06/16  “orthonymous”  – This word is mentioned among others in the MUST READ book by Bart Erdman [click #3] , a New Testament professor who turned atheist after researching the books that were chosen to compose canon of NT scriptures.  Other posts featuring his book are included here:




02/01/16 – This is an update on our position regarding free will; this was added on the comment to the post:


Update November 3, 2015: There is a shift in our thinking from what is asserted in this article that— for free will to be exercised, there has to be a minimum of TWO choices.

We in Sinai 6000 core community have changed our position on the minimum of TWO choices . . . we now believe that free will could still be exercised with a minimum of ONE choice. How? Simple: either choose that one option available, or reject it. That’s STILL exercising free will, because inherent in free will are two freedoms: freedom to choose and freedom not to choose, or make yet another choice. The limitation of available options to ONE does not limit our ability to still choose or not choose.

Sample: You’re in a restaurant and the waiter tells you that for the SPECIALS for the Day, they’re out of the meat option on the menu and what’s left is the seafood option. And you reply—what? “OK, I would have preferred meat but since seafood is left, I’ll take that.” You exercised your free will by going along with the only option available. BUT THEN. . . you still have this option: “I would have preferred meat, and I HATE SEAFOOD! There’s NO WAY I’ll eat that” so you ask for what else is on the regular menu, not the SPECIAL for the day. And actually, you have a 3rd way to exercise your free will: “I don’t like seafood and I think I’ll just go to another restaurant.”

Now, when is there ABSOLUTELY NO CHOICE? When there is nothing available to choose from. VEGANS experience this in meat-eating cultures, so they end up cooking their own food if they wish to really remain vegan.

Of course, free will is applied to bigger and more crucial concerns other than food. We see refugees fleeing from danger, a choice they seriously make to simply survive. Do they have a choice? Actually they face a series of choices. To flee or not to flee and face dying . . . and once they flee, the question is where to? And they head for ‘where-to’ and face rejection or unwelcoming hosts, etc. ‘What now?’

It is so unsettling to see such images of refugees uprooted from their birth-countries, seeking sanctuary in any country that would allow them to start over . . .

This was once the experience of the ‘wandering Jew’, now applied to gentile nations. Where is choice and freedom of the will in such cases? One choice to survive against all odds. . . and another choice to give up and die.

So much more to be said about this topic but will stop here.


02/01/16  “why have humans have always built ‘artificial mountains’ such as ziggurats, pyramids, and cathedrals as a means of worshiping god/the gods. why?”



Here is the Jewish perspective on why humans build such high edifices:



On the month of February six years ago, the core community of Sinai 6000 decided to put up this website.  We figured, if we could not convince one more soul to give us a hearing within the Christian/Messianic circles we formerly belonged to, perhaps there are truth-seekers all over the world who might benefit from our sharing of our Sinaite perspectives.   We continue to share as much as we learn from the study of YHWH’s Revelation on Sinai, as recorded in the Torah of the Hebrew Scriptures. Truly a labor of love, for the God we serve and for all the Truth-seekers out there.  Surprisingly, the number of visitors from various countries who have intentionally or accidentally landed on this website and whose readings have registered on our site-stats has exceeded our expectations.  This monthly aid for searchers used to have more entries in the past; search terms have dwindled down to almost a handful in recent months.  Whether this is a good sign or not, we prefer to think that our visitors are able to navigate around our 800+articles listed in different categories of our SITEMAP without our help.  Sure hope so.  As we start on the second month of the Gregorian calendar, we wish one and all a YAH-blessed February!


February trivia 


The 2nd month of the year is an outstanding one

In the Georgian calendar, the calendar that most of the world uses, February is the second month of the year. Most of the months have 30 or 31 days in a month but February is shorter. February has 28 days until Julius Caesar gave it 29 and 30 days every four years. This is because the Roman emperor Augustus took one day from February and added that to August because August was a month that was named after him. February is a very cold month followed by January in the northern half of the world. However, there are sunny days in February that indicates that spring is almost here. Different from the northern half, the southern hemisphere usually enjoys midsummer weather.

Below are some fun facts about February:

1. The birthstone for February is Amethyst.
2. Two zodiac signs for February are Aquarius (January 20 – February 18) and Pisces (February 19 – March 20)
3. The month has 29 days in leap years, when the year number is divisible by four. In common years the month has 28 days.
4. Viola (plant) and the Primrose are the birth flowers.
5. Black History Month is celebrated in Canada and United States.
6. National Day of the Sun is celebrated in Argentina.
7. In order to complete the Soviet Union’s victory in Stalingrad during World War II, the last German troops surrendered in the Stalingrad pocket.
8. On February 4, 1861, a temporary committee met at Montgomery, Alabama where they organized a Confederate States of America.
9. On February 6, 1933, Amendment 20 to the United States was proclaimed which moved the Inauguration Day to January 20th.
10. In February 1910, the Boy Scouts of America was incorporated.
11. On February 6, 1899. The U.S. Senate ratified the peace treaty that led to the end of the Spanish-American War.
12. On February 6, 1952, Princess Elizabeth became Queen Elizabeth II of Great Britain.
13. February 11 – National Foundation Day in Japan
14. February 12 – Abraham Lincoln’s Birthday
15. February 14 – Valentine’s Day
16. February 21 – International Mother Language Day
17. February 22 – Independence Day in Saint Lucia
18. February 22 – George Washington’s Birthday
19. February 24 – Flag Day of Mexico
20. February 25 – People Power Revolution (Phillippines)

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