[The one thing we will never get back is every minute that ticks away. Past is past, future is a tick away, what we have at all times is each moment and yet that is so . . . ‘momentary’? One tick and it’s gone and time continues to tick away. If you are the kind of person who habitually procrastinates, thinking there might be yet another time, another chance, another opportunity to do something you can and ought to do now, right this minute—then truly the road leading to regrets for lost opportunities is paved with good intentions. Here’s a new year resolution: “If I can say ‘I’m sorry” or ‘forgive me’ or ‘I love you’ to the person who deserves to hear it—-I should say it now, for there might not be another time. Better yet, if I can do a good deed to my neighbor in any way I can, I should do it now.” The key is NOW, TODAY, THIS MOMENT . . . not later or another time. If you’ve been following this post updated daily of each new month for a new year, then you know this is about helping searchers who type in terms which land them on this website. Some look-see, some linger, some get interested enough to return and keep returning to become Sinai6000 habitues. All are welcome, you’ll learn a thing or two if you have an open mind and a hungry heart and a resolve to expand your mind to the unfamiliar which might even be uncomfortable. Some search entries might not have specific posts that answer their inquiry but for sure, we’ll help you navigate your way toward finding a satisfactory answer, even away from here! Good enough?–Admin1.]
1/31 “yhwh revelation for march 2014”- What???! YHWH has a revelation for March 2014? Where in the TNK does it say that? The revelation on Sinai is all man needs to know about how to relate to neighbor/fellowman, whether it’s spouse, parent, child, friend, employee/employer, enemy, stranger, foreigner, Jew, Gentile. No need for special revelations, just read the Torah of YHWH which is good for all time, for all cultures, for all people of all ages. No kid, check it out.
1/31 “uncircimcised lips” – Exodus/Shemoth 6-b: Do you have “uncircumcised lips”?
1/30 “what are jewish wannabes called” – We’d be offended if this weren’t so laughable. ‘Jew wannabes’ are called exactly that, ‘Jew wannabes’. But we have a post that explains why people mistakenly think we are ‘Jew wannabe’s’ — no, we do not want to become ‘Jews’, nor ‘Jewish’; we want to be Torah-observant. Israel and Jews do not have a monopoly of the God Who revealed Himself to them, according to their Scriptures . . . that God is the universal God of all nations; one does not have to be a Jew-wannabe, nor Jewish, nor join Judaism, to love, worship and serve that God. That is why we are Sinaites. Check this out: Are you Jew-wannabes? If not, what are you? |
1/29 “old testament examples of study of comparative literature in the bible” – The Bible as “Literature” – 2 – Introduction to the ‘Old Testament’
1/29 “7 shepherds throughout tanach” – Who is the Shepherd in the TANACH?
1/29 “uncircumcised lips” – Exodus/Shemoth 6-b: Do you have “uncircumcised lips”?
1/29 “what does the tanakh say about the nephilism” – Not gonna pretend to know the word “nephilism” as even the dictionary does not have it . . . unless it was mispelled and the searcher meant “nephilim”?
1/28 “how to obey torah” – How does one understand and obey the TORAH of YHWH in this day and age?
- Revisited: TORAH Through Time – Rabbi Shai Cherry
- TORAH 101 – Rabbi Joseph Telushkin on TANAKH
- Arthur Kurzweil – The Torah for Dummies
1/27 “the jewish mystique” – MUST READ – The Jewish Mystique by Ernest Van Den Haag |
1/25 “israelite woman seed genesis 3:15” – This is a perfect example of reading something into a verse that is not there, and it all comes from preconceived ideas (from self or taught by religious orientation). We have emphasized over and over the basic reading rule: stick to the text within the context. Genesis 3:15 is the perfect example of reading with too much religious baggage stuck in one’s mind. The woman in that verse should be interpreted as the only woman so far mentioned since the beginning of earthly time and who would that be? To superimpose the Catholic Virgin Mary, or the evangelical Christian Church, or in the case of this searcher, Israel —- on the women of Gen. 3:15 — is like forcing a square peg into a round hole. Keep it simple, folks; the Revelator communicates in clear terms! Don’t complicate the plain meaning of the text. – Prooftext 1a – Genesis 3:15 – Who is the “woman”?
1/25 “in search of historical jesus movie” – We don’t have a post about the movie but we have a series of posts on the book, so check these out:
1/25 “sermon on mount sinai” – The Sermon on Sinai vs. The Sermon on the Mount
1/24 “must-read hyphenated” – Rabbi Shmuley Boteach
- Kosher Jesus: Will the Real Jesus please step forward?
- Jesus – the Bridge between Judeo-Christian Values
- Jesus – “The Hyphen that Unites Us”
1/24 “‘bible’ ‘`ashtĕroth qarnayim’ ‘seed of satan’ – Like the Jews, we do not believe in the existence of a Devil, demonic spirits, fallen angels and their ilk. The TORAH/TNK does not teach that angels without free will can make choices and ‘sin’ or ‘fall from grace’). Therefore the ‘seed of satan’ in the understanding of Christians from the New Testament scriptures is not taught in this website; however we have many articles correcting the wrong perception of ‘ha satan’ or ‘the adversary’ which might interest this searcher. Please check out these posts:
Prooftext 1: Genesis 3:15 – Seed of the Woman vs. Seed of the Serpent
- Prooftext 1a – Genesis 3:15 – Who is the “woman”?
- Prooftext 1b – Genesis 3:15 – Who is the “serpent”?
- Prooftext 1c – Gen. 3:15 – Who are the “seed,” “offspring”?
1/24 “why does genesis specify that seth was born in the image and likrness of adam” – Q&A: Why is Seth the one “in the likeness of Adam” instead of firstborn son Cain?
1/23 “1 samuel 16:14 mistranslated?” – 1 Samuel 16:14-23 – “an evil spirit from God”?
1/22 “deborah-sexton.hubpages.com/hub/Why-Jews-Dont-Become-Christians” – This appeared in the ‘search engine’ category, evidently it was an article but if you click the link, the page says the article has been unpublished either by the author or by the editors of HUBPAGES. It would have been an interesting article to read; however, for the same topic, you could check out these links which we highly recommend: Lost in Translation 3
1/22 “evidential support to justify your position on the trinity in genesis 3:15” –
- The CREATOR – 1 “God is a Fellowship” (?)
- The Creator 5: That pesky “Let US . . . ” in Genesis/Bere’shiyth 1:26
1/22 “the fruit of the righteous is a tree of life” – The fruit of the righteous is a tree of life – Proverbs 11:30
1/22 “how did these nations serve the gods” – דברים Dabariym 12: “How do these foreign nations serve their gods?”
1/21 “a book for all people” – A Book for All People
1/21 “his name tanakh” – Q&A: His Name Tanakh – Translator’s Notes
1/17 “yom kippur goats or lambs” – Sacrificial goat, Scapegoat . . . what about the Lamb? Not on Yom Kippur. Note: There has been confusion in the teaching of Christianity regarding their symbolism of Jesus as the “sacrificial lamb” of God who takes away the sin(s) of the world. By appending the Hebrew Scriptures retitled as “Old Testament” as the foundation of the “New Testament”, then the metaphors and symbols must correspond in both testaments. But plain reading of the Hebrew Scriptures shows that the lamb is not sacrificed on yom kippur; instead it is the animal roasted and eaten during Passover. There’s so much more about such confusion, we have posts that address this.
1/16 “the deuteronomist’s prophet : narrative control of approval and disapproval in the story of jehu (2 kings 9 and 10)” – A Literary Approach to 1 and 2nd Kings/Melekiym
1/16 “the binding of Isaac: a religious model of disobedience –by omri boehm2” – On the Binding of Isaac (Akedah)
1/16 “matthew 15:10-20 bible study” – Please check out: Revisited: Understanding Christianity and Jesus of Nazareth – A Jewish Perspective
Note: This verse is about Jesus explaining ‘clean’ and ‘unclean’ by saying it is not what goes into the mouth that is ‘unclean’, it is what comes out of the mouth that is ‘unclean’. The gospel writers always pitted Jesus against the pharisees, making the latter appear mean, blind, ‘legalistic’, not understanding the true meaning of God’s Law.
In this context Jesus adds (red for caution):
13 He replied, “Every plant that my heavenly Father has not planted will be pulled up by the roots. 14 Leave them; they are blind guides.[a] If the blind lead the blind, both will fall into a pit.”
Yes, Jesus is right in saying abominations of the heart and mind are worse than ‘unclean’ food or failing to wash hands before eating, but is it wrong to observe sanitary habits such as washing hands before eating? In fact washing hands today is a MUST to avoid contracting disease. As for eating unclean meat, go ahead and eat swine flesh, crabs, clams, etc. that YHWH in Leviticus 11 prohibits — and see how your health suffers in time. The Creator Himself teaches us what is fit for human consumption, should we ignore His instructions? We have many posts explaining Leviticus 11, please check those out or violate the Maker’s Diet at your own peril.
1/15 “sacks conveniant conversation” – The Creator 3 – “Covenant and Conversation” – Chief Rabbi Jonathan Sacks
1/15 “dovid usiskin” – Can’t help this searcher.
1/14 an israelite who took a vow to be specially dedicated to god by not touching a dead body, not consuming wine or strong drink or grape products, and not cutting one’s hair (as, for example, samson) –
“NAZIRITE. NAZIRITE, person who vows for a specific period to abstain from partaking of grapes or any of its products whether intoxicating or not, cutting his hair, …” Please check out this Jewish website: Nazirite – Jewish Virtual Library/www.jewishvirtuallibrary.org/jsource/…/ejud_0002_0015_0_14638.html
1/13 “exodus 6 uncircumsized lips” – Exodus/Shemoth 6-b: Do you have “uncircumcised lips”?
1/13 “rabbi on 1 samuel 13” – working on this one.
1/13 “zakhar and nekevah revealed” – Can’t help this searcher.
1/12 Israel means, “he will rule as god.” and so the question is, who will rule as god? people who have repeatedly, throughout history, abandoned their covenant with god? people who may have been born under a certain genetic lineage? people who futilely put their hope in perfect obedience to an impossible set of laws? —
S6K: Thank you for your comment, quite a provocative thought!
As far as we know (from translations and word etymology provided by Jewish sources themselves), the Hebrew word Yisrael means “he wrestles with God.” And in scripture account, it was originally and initially applied to Jacob. The website jewfaq.com explains: “Jacob demanded a blessing from the man, and the ‘man’ revealed himself as an angel. He blessed Jacob and gave him the name “Israel” (Yisrael), meaning ‘the one who wrestled with G-d’ or ‘the Champion of G-d.’
Now think: Jacob AKA Israel fathered 12 sons who developed into 12 tribes and eventually into a nation that carried his name, he being the root of them all. Would that mean the nation then, and throughout the centuries and even today —would that mean this nation Israel would prophetically fulfill the meaning of their patriarch’s name?
Some people would think so, they are a people that was given a destiny by the God of Israel; to this day the prophecies declared in relation to them are closely watched by those who believe those prophecies. The Hebrew meaning of “Yisrael” as applied to Jacob initially could be applied to his progeny; the people do wrestle with the declarations about them in their own Scripture. And if you will consider WHO keeps the Torah and lives its principles, that would be the adherents to the religion associated with Israel, Judaism.
Does the modern nation of Israel obeyTorah? Watch and observe, and ponder! But be fair in choosing your choice of media coverage, and balance your choices of news sources and commentary, because you will discover that there is an anti-Israel (as in the old anti-semitic) bias in much of western media. Check out websites that provide the balance.
Additionally, sometimes the very existence of something (be it an object, a place, a nation) evokes thoughts associated with it. The very existence of Israel as a nation today, back in the Land promised to them in their Scriptures, controversial ALL THE TIME, hated by surrounding nations, criticized even by those who claim to be neutral — there’s something about Israel that is almost inexplicable. When you say the word Israel, what comes to mind? Among many other thoughts, most likely — the “chosen” —then the person starts from there. Who chose them? Who is that God? Why should He choose them? Should I take Him and that chosen-ness status seriously? Already, that connection is made. Israel serves a divine purpose no matter how you look at it.
1/11 “the symbol shema prayer” – Signs and Symbols from the SHEMA
1/11 “why two goats not two lambs” – ויקרא Leviticus/Wa’iyqrah 16 – What? They cast lots for a sacrificial goat and a scapegoat, wasn’t ‘Blood Atonement’ all about a “Sacrificial Lamb”?
1/10 “qyid est veritas dec, 2013″ – Revisited: “Quid est veritas?” – 6 – Can you explain ‘God’?
:1/8 “what is the third monotheistick religion” – If you read our posts on the speciifc chapters of Bereshiyth/Genesis that focus on the Abraham narratives, the commentary give credit to Abraham as a major biblical figure to break away from polytheistic religion of his times. Abraham believed in one God and no other, the God who spoke to him with prophetic declarations about a line of people coming from him to eventually form the nation of Israel. Monotheism, belief in one God is claimed by three major world religions today — Judaism, Christianity, and Islam. The monotheism claimed by Christianity for its Trinitarian Godhead has been questioned not only by us but by many of its own adherents who have left the faith. As for Islam, here’s a post: What about the 3rd world monotheistic religion, Islam? Further, check out this post and scroll down to the end, and you will see a book title that makes a strange claim beyond the 3 religions named here: Revisited: בראשית Bere’shiyth 25a: ‘Look unto the rock whence ye were hewn . . . look into Abraham your father’
1/8 “prologue must be past tense” – At first, I got stumped with this search entry, but perhaps he/she’s referring to this post which sounds close enough: Must Read: Future Tense – Prologue
1/8 “club-asiatopic” – Sorry, can’t help this searcher.
1/7 “biblical scripture mna leaving the house sepration from skirt” – hmmm, can’t figure out this searcher’s terms, appears to be 3 parts: (1) biblical scripture, (2) ‘mna’ leaving the house, (3) separation from skirt???? Sorry, can’t refer to any post, but hey, all our posts are worth reading so take your pick!
1/7 “what were the entrails of animals sacrified by the hebrewvs at sinai?” – Having been exposed to Egyptian religious worship of many gods, the Hebrews would have done “as the Romans do when in Rome”, so to speak. What is recorded in Shemoth is that while they were on Sinai, they made an idol, a golden calf, but the record does not go into specifics of ‘entrails of animals’, it simply said they made an idol and worshipped it. Here’s a source for this searcher: Animal Sacrifice – Pagan Institute, www.paganinstitute.org/PIR/animal_sacrifice.shtml. For an understanding of why the God on Sinai initially required animal offerings at the Sanctuary in the wildnerness, here’s an explanation: TORAH 101: What were the animal sacrifices all about? – Jewish Perspective 1/6 “tanakh propetic promises” – Exodus/Shemoth: 3 – Promises, Promises
1/6 “ancient egyptian worship sheep or lamb” – The Lamb/Ram in Egypt’s Pantheon |
1/6 “sabbath year 2014” – 1st Sabbath of January – Year 2014
1/6 “sinai 6000″/“what is sinai 6000” – 4 searches on “Sinai 6000” and one “What is Sinai 6000” — for starters:
- Home page / Archives
- Statement of Faith
- About Us
- Dear S6K Visitor
- Updated Site Contents – January 2014
- Yo Searchers! Can we help you? – January 2014
1/5 “meaning of uncircumsized lips of moses” – Exodus/Shemoth 6-b: Do you have “uncircumcised lips”?
1/5 – “how to say in hebrew tallest tower amongst the flock” – Hmmm, not sure how to help this searcher but—we do have an article about the Tower of Babel and man’s obsession to build towers and wondering what’s wrong with building higher and higher edifices; check out: So what’s wrong with building a high tower?
1/5 “joseph telushkin the stranger” – TORAH 101 – Rabbi Joseph Telushkin on TANAKH
1.5 “sinai 6000 in philippines” – Yup, we’re the only Sinai 6000 as far as we know, and we are based in Baguio City, Philippines. Welcome searcher who typed this in!
1/5 “joseph telushkin the stranger” – TORAH 101 – Rabbi Joseph Telushkin on TANAKH
1/4 “who worship on every sabbath expect for the fifth sabbath of the month” – 5th Sabbath of the Month? A Musical Bonus!
1/3 “and the seventh day shall be a day of rest to hashem. you shall perform no work on it, neither you, nor your son or your daughter, nor your man servant or your maid servant” –
- Exodus/Shemoth 16 – “For today is a Shabbath to יהוה”
- Exodus/Shemoth 20b – The DECALOGUE – Commandment IV, The Sabbath (Jewish Perspective)
- The Sabbath: A Tabernacle in Time
- The Ten “Declarations”: 1-5/ Man’s Duties toward GOD
1/3 “is not vindictive or wrathful” –
- Jeffrey Cranford – “Angry, vengeful God” of OT vs. “Merciful loving God” of NT
- BAN@S6K – Is our God a “jealous, wrathful, and a vengeful God”?
1/2 “nehemiah finale ch 11″ – A Literary Approach to Ezra and Nehemiah 1/2 “free printable lessons for adults wilderness wandering numbers chapters 1-5 questions and answers” – Please feel free to print any article posted in this website; the whole book of Bemidbar/Numbers is featured, perhaps this searcher can find answers there.
1/1 “zadok’s historical formula on the identification of the biblical sabbath day now revealed, how is it that judaism’s sabbath occurs neatly on the gregorian saturday?” – Perhaps these post can clear up the ‘fog’.
- Abraham Joshua Heschel:
- The Sabbath – Its Meaning for Modern Man – Prologue
- James Tabor: The WAY of YHVH – 4 – Observing the Seventh Day Sabbath
- NSB@S6K:
1/1 “jewish midwife + birth art” – ART by BBB@S6K – Hebrew Midwives: Shiphrah and Puah
1/1 “I am of uncircumcised lips” – Exodus/Shemoth 6-b: Do you have “uncircumcised lips”?