07/30/16 –
“chabad.org shabbat chalom” –
- Chabad.org, a Jewish website, is listed among our links, see last box on right. They are a great source of the Hebrew perspective on any topic. Check them out!
07/29/16 “name of temple of daily 101 goat sacrifice” –
Revisit: TORAH 101: What were the animal sacrifices all about? – Jewish Perspective
- The Sacrificial System in the TORAH
- Revisit: Leviticus/Wayyiqrah 16 – What? They cast lots for a sacrificial goat and a scapegoat, wasn’t ‘Blood Atonement’ all about a “Sacrificial Lamb”?
- Revisit: Additional Notes to Leviticus/Wayyiqrah – 3/Understanding the Sacrificial Cult
- Revisit: Sacrificial goat, Scapegoat . . . what about the Lamb? Not on Yom Kippur.
07/20/16 “esau 400 men”
- Revisit: Becoming Israel – Esau and ‘Israel’
- Journey of Faith: Esau/Edom – A Second Look
- Genesis/Bereshith 33: “I have plenty, my brother, let what is yours remain yours. “
07/16/16 – “miriam-mother-baby-moses” –
Exodus/Shemoth 1:15-22 – When is it ‘alright’ to tell a lie?
– “sacrifice at the temple” – We’ve noticed that the word “sacrifice” is often used by Christians who are taught that the sacrificial death of their Savior Jesus Christ was the New Testament version (and final one) that would end all sacrifices, supposedly prefigured by the Old Testament “sacrifices.” Yet, in the Hebrew Scriptures, the word normally used (except by Christianized translations) is “offering”. Check it out. Here are posts about the Temple Offerings:
- Numbers/Bamidbar 28-29: “Of my near-offering, my food, as my fire-offerings, my soothing savor, you are to be-in-charge, bringing-it-near to me at its appointed-time.”
- Deuteronomy/Davarim 16: “You are to slaughter the Passover-offering to YHVH your God . . .in the place that YHVH chooses to have his name dwell.”
- The Sacrificial System in the TORAH
- Revisit: TORAH 101: What were the animal sacrifices all about? – Jewish Perspective
- Revisit: Additional Notes to Leviticus/Wayyiqrah – 3/Understanding the Sacrificial Cult
- Revisit: Sacrificial goat, Scapegoat . . . what about the Lamb? Not on Yom Kippur.
- Revisit: Leviticus/Wayyiqrah 16 – What? They cast lots for a sacrificial goat and a scapegoat, wasn’t ‘Blood Atonement’ all about a “Sacrificial Lamb”?
- The “lamb” in TNK vs. the “Lamb of God” in NT
07/14/16 “the origin of prophecy in israel remains viled in obscurity ?” – Q&A: “Israel prophecy” – “veiled in obscurity”?
07/14/16 “the origins of prophesy are veiled in obscurity.discus” – Q&A: “Israel prophecy” – “veiled in obscurity”?
07/13/16 – This post is only as active as there are search terms entries. This year, those entries have dwindled down to “far and few between” which means either — there are no new visitors to this website (which is not the case as our Visitor Traffic map shows) OR visitors are simply not looking for anything in particular and know how to navigate around our website. Still, we check daily and look forward to seeing search term entries, gives us a chance to know what topics we have missed addressing in our posts.
07/03/16 – “sinaite’s songs”
Every other Sabbath liturgy is “musical”, intended to be sung. As we have explained in the Introduction to those “musical liturgies”, we have loved Christian hymnody for all the decades we worshipped in Christian services. Instead of composing our own hymns from scratch, we have borrowed the music of Christian hymns but since the original lyrics do not reflect the Sinaite’s belief system, we have rewritten the lyrics. We have even added the music accompaniment for these hymns.
Here’s a whole list of our Sabbath musical liturgies, please feel free to use them for your Sabbath celebrations but if you borrow them for publication in your website or print them in your own hymnbooks, we would appreciate credit for the original lyrics we have written and of course, credit to the Christian hymn music composers:
- A Sinaite’s Musical Liturgy – 2nd Sabbath in January
- A Sinaite’s Musical Liturgy – 4th Sabbath of January
- A Sinaite’s Musical Liturgy – 2nd Sabbath of February
- A Sinaite’s Musical Liturgy – 4th Sabbath of February
- A Sinaite’s Musical Liturgy – 2nd Sabbath of March
- A Sinaite’s Musical Liturgy – 3rd Sabbath of March
- A Sinaite’s Musical Liturgy – 4th Sabbath of March
- A Sinaite’s Musical Liturgy – 2nd Sabbath of April
- A Sinaite’s Musical Liturgy – 4th Sabbath of May
- A Sinaite’s Musical Liturgy – 2nd Sabbath in June
- A Sinaite’s Musical Liturgy – 4th Sabbath in June
- A Sinaite’s Musical Liturgy – 2nd Sabbath in July
- A Sinaite’s Musical Liturgy for the 4th Sabbath of July
- A Sinaite’s Musical Liturgy – 2nd Sabbath of August
- A Sinaite’s Musical Liturgy – 4th Sabbath in August
- A Sinaite’s Musical Liturgy – 1st Sabbath of September
- A Sinaite’s Musical Liturgy – 3rd Sabbath of September
- A Sinaite’s Musical Liturgy – 2nd Sabbath of October
- A Sinaite’s Musical Liturgy – 4th Sabbath in October
- A Sinaite’s Musical Liturgy – 1st Sabbath of November
- A Sinaite’s Musical Liturgy – 3rd Sabbath of November
- A Sinaite’s Musical Liturgy – 1st Sabbath of December
07/02/16 “hairy esau” –
While waiting for entry terms to land on our SiteStat, we start off with “happy July” to our website visitors! Here’s our nice quote to start off a nice new month! Hopefully the month is better spent than the ideas cooked up by “theme-monthers” who probably have nothing better to do! When you look up what designations and celebrations have been assigned to the month of July, it borders on the ridiculous . . . but then, that’s because we specifically chose this category: July, 2016 Bizarre and Unique Holidays.
So what to expect in terms of celebrations? Honestly, who thinks up these things? Go to item number 31 which recognizes the likes of ‘yours truly’—namely, Admin1—who, by the way, is a July celebrant. Happy birthday indeed to me and our oldest Sinaite, never mind the numbers!
Themes for July:
- National Blueberry Month
- National Anti-Boredom Month
- Unlucky Month for weddings
- National Cell Phone Courtesy Month
- National Hot Dog Month
- National Ice Cream Month
Week Event:
- Week 2 Nude Recreation Week
July 2016 Daily Holidays, Special and Wacky Days:
1 Creative Ice Cream Flavors Day
3 Build A Scarecrow Day – first Sunday in month
4 Sidewalk Egg Frying Day– Hmmmm, I wonder why!?!
5 Work-a-holics Day – even though everyone is on holiday
7 National Strawberry Sundae Day
13 Barbershop Music Appreciation Day
14 Bastille Day
15 Cow Appreciation Day– Go out and give a cow a hug
17 National Ice Cream Day (third Sunday of the month)
18 National Caviar Day– something’s fishy here
19 National Raspberry Cake Day
20 Moon Day
20 Ugly Truck Day- it’s a “guy” thing
22 Hammock Day
24 Cousins Day
24 Parent’s Day – fourth Sunday in July
27 Take Your Pants for a Walk Day
28 National Milk Chocolate Day
30 International Day of Friendship
31 Mutt’s Day