Yo Searchers, need help? – June 2015

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Image from www.picturescafe.com

[This post shows the search terms entered by web visitors and the articles that address their query.–Admin1]



06/29/15  “ark of the covenant”  –  The Ark of the Covenant: Was it in the Holy of Holies on the day Jesus died?


06/28/15 “judas” – 

06/28/15  “everett fox torah online writings web site” – 


06/27/15  “the origins of prophecy in israel remains veiled in obscurity assignment” – Q&A: “Israel prophecy” – “veiled in obscurity”?



06/24/15 “bemidbar 20:2-12” – 

06/23/15  “raining fire and brimstone” – 


06/23/15 “biblical melchizedek pictures” –  


06/22/15 “the question about the origins of prophecy in lsrael remains veiled in obscurity.dis” – Q&A: “Israel prophecy” – “veiled in obscurity”?


06/20/15 “ark of the covenant” – The Ark of the Covenant: Was it in the Holy of Holies on the day Jesus died?


06/19/15 “no religion is an island” – 


06/18/15  “the picture of the ark of the covenant” – The Ark of the Covenant: Was it in the Holy of Holies on the day Jesus died?



06/17/15 – “free pictures of the scorpion and the frog” –  Revisit: The Scorpion and the Frog


06/17/15  “the ark of the convanent” – The Ark of the Covenant: Was it in the Holy of Holies on the day Jesus died?


06/11/15 “jews how should a gentile pray to god” – 

Q&A: “How does a gentile pray to Hashem?”


06/10/15 “did yhwh ever claim to god ? if not you better leave it alone” – If this searcher has read the whole of Torah from Genesis to Deuteronomy, he/she will get to know Who is the True God and what His self-declared Name is and how He describes Himself.  It’s like this dear seekers — if you’re hungry, you eat; if you’re picky about what you eat, you’ll make sure you eat the right food; if you’re not sure what’s the right food, you check out the ‘Manufacturer’  (Creator) of the ‘Product’ (you) and find out His specifications for you, not only for the proper nutrition that will fuel your body so that you have a quality of life till the end. It works the same way with the search for the True God, is He knowable, where does one look for Him?  After a lifetime of hungry-for-the-Truth-seeking, we found Him in the Hebrew Scriptures.  If you want to know about any subject, you gotta stick your neck out like a turtle and not get stuck where you last withdrew into your very limited space in your shell.  Expand your mind and move from your comfort zone!


06/10/15 – “ages levites served” – When we used to teach from the Christian Bible, specifically New Testament, we used to ask “why did Jesus not start  his ‘son of God’ ministry till he was thirty?” and the answer was supposed to be based on the age that Levites were to begin serving at the tabernacle or tent of meeting, 25, 30, retirable at 50, based on chapters 4 and 8 of Numbers: Numbers/Bamidbar 4 – Levites ages 30 to 50 . . .serve in the Sanctuary

The next question would be: ‘but isnt’ Jesus from the tribe of Judah, and not Levi?’ And our answer would be based on the New Testament book of Hebrews where Jesus is made Priest-King in the order of Melchizedek.  How far our teaching as veered from the New Testament as you can deduce from our more than 800 posts in this website.  It all made sense back then when our mindset was totally Christian-oriented; but knowing what we know now, there is no turning back from YHWH’s Torah Truth.


06/09/15 “613 commandments” – Sinaite Notes – 613 Commandments, really?


06/08/15  –  Our apologies for the website being inaccessible from June 6-7 & 8, we upgraded on WordPress and as it happens in upgrades,  we encountered some problems.


06/03/15  “sabbath truth seekers” – 

There is a category on Sabbath Liturgy for every Sabbath of the year; much of the prayers focus on what truth-seekers would like to learn, even while praying, since the prayers are based on Torah teaching. Please go to SITEMAP and scroll down until you see “A Sinaite’s Liturgy”.


06/03/15  “the question about the origin of prophecy in israel remain in obscurity. discuss” – Q&A: “Israel prophecy” – “veiled in obscurity”?


06/03/15 ” joseph interprets dream” – Genesis/Bereshith 40 – “DDD”


06/03/15  “god bless israel” – Reprint: Israel represents the greatest national success story of all time.


06/02  “israel in the wilderness” – The Torah books Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, Deuteronomy are all about the wilderness wandering of Israel for 40 years.  However, here’s a post to get started: Numbers/Bamidbar 22-23-24: “I behold him: here, a people, alone-in-security it dwells, among the nations it does not need to come-to-reckoning.”



06/02  ” what wasw israel occupation which was abominable to the egyptians” –  The Lamb/Ram in Egypt’s Pantheon


06/02  “the jewish mystique ernest von haag” – The Jewish Mystique by Ernest Van Den Haag


06/02  “genesis 49:10” – Genesis/Bereshith 49: Jacob/Israel’s Legacy and Last Farewell


06/01  “ark of the covenant” – The Ark of the Covenant: Was it in the Holy of Holies on the day Jesus died?


06/01  “cupbearer’s dream” – Genesis/Bereshith 40 – “DDD”


06/01  “wrathful vengeful god” – 

06/01  “illustrations of the baker’s and cup-bearer’s dreams” – Genesis/Bereshith 40 – “DDD”


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