Biblical Diet 4b: NT: Matthew 15:1-20

What about Matthew 15: 1-20, does it not reinforce Jesus’ declaration in Mark 7:19? vs 1-2


 Then Pharisees and scribes came to Jesus from Jerusalem and said, “Why do your disciples break the tradition of the elders? For they do not wash their hands when they eat.” 


Matthew’s account is similar to Mark’s regarding the exchange between Jesus and the Pharisees. The point? Washing hands before eating . . . so what’s so wrong with that?  Isn’t it a good hygienic habit to cultivate? Don’t we require our children to wash their hands before meals? In fact we are told by medical practitioners today that the simplest defense against contracting any disease is to wash hands frequently since our hands come in contact with germs all the time, when we touch doorknobs, hand railings, etc. or shake hands.


Hospitals have HOW-TO illustrated posters on the proper and hygienic way to wash hands. It’s a MUST in any age and specially in these days of swine flu, bird flu, HK flu, and other unidentifiable flu.


The cultural context would suggest that in those days, finding water to wash hands with would mean looking for a well nearby, or running water [stream, river], or somebody’s house with a pitcher/basin ready for that purpose. In short, if anybody really bothers to wash hands before eating, whether for tradition’s sake or Torah requirement, they have to exert effort, not like going to the nearest “CR” or faucet/sink these days.


The “religious” context would be the religion based on Torah, Judaism.


The NT gospels give Pharisees a bad rap, constantly portraying them in a negative light whenever they interact with Jesus.  This image is carried all the way to the modern portrayal of Pharisees in biblical story-retelling, such as in the rock musical/film “Jesus Christ Superstar” where the black-cape onion-headdress costume of Pharisees alone liken them to bats or evil religionists.


So in this one of many episodes where Pharisees and Jesus interact, the discourse cover more than the literal level, i.e., this vignette is really NOT about the traditional washing of hands. In fact, if we read on, it would seem that Jesus over-reacts.  How does a simple question about washing hands before eating develop into a full-blown attack against everything wrong that Jesus accuses the Pharisees of? Perhaps the Pharisees deserve it, perhaps not.  We suppose that Jesus had good reason to use this as an occasion to give a sermon about Tradition vs. Commandment.


We never really question the actions and words of the HERO in these gospels. Further FYI on the religious context, this time from my NASB Study Bible notes:


the tradition of the elders.  After the Babylonian captivity, the Jewish rabbis began to make meticulous rules and regulations governing the daily life of the people. These were interpretations and applications of the law of Moses, handed down from generation to generation.  In Jesus day this “tradition of the elders” was in oral form.  It was not until c. A.D. 200 that it was put into writing in the Mishnah. See Mark 7:1-4.


Granting that the tradition of the elders require washing hands before eating, it’s still baffling why the Pharisee’s question would provoke Jesus to the extent of calling them ‘hypocrites’ and blind guides. Expounding on the hypocrisy and blindness of religious leaders is probably occasionally deserved in the field of religion, since no one ever agrees with everyone else because each side tends to think they’re right and the others are wrong . . . in this light, Jesus’ reaction might be understandable. vs 3-9  


He answered them, “And why do you break the commandment of God for the sake of your tradition?  For God commanded, ‘Honor your father and your mother,’ and ‘Whoever reviles father or mother must surely die.’  But you say, ‘If anyone tells his father or his mother, “What you would have gained from me is given to God,” he need not honor his father.’ So for the sake of your tradition you have made void the word of God. You hypocrites! Well did Isaiah prophesy of you, when he said:  “This people honors me with their lips, but their heart is far from me; in vain do they worship me, teaching as doctrines the commandments of men.”


At the risk of belaboring a point, again—what commandment of God were the Pharisees breaking or ‘voiding’  for simply asking Jesus and his disciples about hand-washing? But never mind, Jesus is entitled to take this as far as he wants and that is exactly what he does; in fact it becomes the springboard for a lecture to the masses on what truly defiles a person. vs 10-11  


And he called the people to him and said to them, “Hear and understand:  it is not what goes into the mouth that defiles a person, but what comes out of the mouth; this defiles a person.” 

vs 12-13 Then the disciples came and said to him, “Do you know that the Pharisees were offended when they heard this saying?” He answered, “Every plant that my heavenly Father has not planted will be rooted up.  Let them alone; they are blind guides.  And if the blind lead the blind, both will fall into a pit.” 


Amen to the blind leading the blind and falling into a pit.


vs 15-20  But Peter said to him. “Explain the parable to us.” And he said, “Are you also still without understanding? Do you not see that whatever goes into the mouth passes into the stomach and is expelled? But what comes out of the mouth proceeds from the heart, and this defiles a person.  For out of the heart come evil thoughts, murder, adultery, sexual immorality, theft, false witness, slander.  These are what defile a person. But to eat with unwashed hands does not defile anyone.”


Amen again . . . but how does this whole episode relate to our original question on: weren’t the Biblical dietary prescriptions of Leviticus 11 cancelled in the New Testament because supposedly, Jesus himself “declared all foods clean” in Mark 7:19?


If we re-read Mark 7:19, whether or not the verse was really there or inserted later (since it was in parenthesis in 2 translations and altogether missing in 2 other versions), think about the cultural context:  Jesus was a Jew.  If he was Torah-observant which evidently he was, then he would have observed the Leviticus 11 diet.  If so, when he says the word “food”, its connotation is exactly   that of Leviticus 11.  That’s what Jews would eat, if they’re Torah-observant.


However, if non-Jews, or Torah-ignorant gentiles hear or read “food”, they connect that word with all the stuff they’re used to eating which includes unclean animal meat.  So the reader, coming from a culture different from the Jewish culture, would naturally conclude  that Jesus indeed declared “all foods” clean! Get it?  



Biblical Diet 3—Leviticus 11

[Translation:  EF/Everett Fox, The Five Books of Moses] Leviticus/Wayyiqrah’ 11]
1 YHVH spoke to Moshe and to Aharon, saying to them:
2 Speak to the Children of Israel, saying to them: 
These are the living-creatures that you may eat, from all the domestic-animals that are upon the earth:
3 any one having a hoof, cleaving a cleft in (its) hooves, 
bringing-up the cud, among the animals-
that-one you may eat.
Land Animals  
4 However, these you are not to eat
 from those bringing-up the cud, or from those having a hoof: 
 the camel, for it brings-up the cud, but a hoof it does not have,
 it is tamei for you;
5 the hyrax, for it brings-up the cud, but a hoof it does not have, 
 it is tamei for you;
6 the hare, for it brings-up the cud, but a hoof it does not have, 
 it is tamei for you;
7 the pig, for it has a hoof and cleaves a cleft in the hoof, but (as for) it-the cud it does not chew up, 
 it is tamei for you.
8 From their flesh you are not to eat, their carcasses you are not to touch, 
 they are tamei for you!
9 These you may eat from all that are in the water: 
 any one that has fins and scales in the water, (whether) in the seas or in the streams, 
 them you may eat.
10 But any one that does not have fins and scales, 
 (whether) in the seas or in the streams, 
 from all swarming-things in the water, from all living beings that are in the water- 
 they are detestable-things for you!
11 And they shall remain detestable-things for you:
 from their flesh you are not to eat, their (very) carcasses you are to detest.
12 Any one that does not have fins and scales in the water- 
 it is a detestable-thing for you!
Forbidden Birds  
13 Now these you are to hold-detestable from fowl
-they are not to be eaten, they are detestable-things: 
the eagle, the bearded-vulture and the black-vulture,
14 the kite and the falcon according to its kind,
15 every raven according to its kind; 16 the desert owl, the screech owl and the sea gull, 
and the hawk according to its kind;
17 the little-owl, the cormorant, and the great owl;
18 the barn-owl, the pelican, and the Egyptian-vulture;
19 the stork, the heron according to its kind, 
the hoopoe and the bat.
Forbidden and Permissible Insects 
20 Any flying swarming-creature that goes about on all fours- 
it is a detestable-thing for you!
21 However, these you may eat from any flying swarming-creature that goes about on all fours: (those) that have jointed-legs above their feet, with which to leap on the earth;
22 as for these, from them you may eat:
the locust according to its kind, the bald-locust according to its kind;
the cricket according to its kind, the grasshopper according to its kind.
23 But every (other) flying swarming-creature that has four legs, 
it is a detestable-thing for you!
24 Now from these you can become tamei
-whoever touches their carcass shall be tamei until sunset,
25 whoever carries (any part) of their carcass is to scrub his garments, and remain-tamei until sunset:
26 every animal that divides a divided-hoof, but cleaving does not cleave it through, and its cud does not bring up;
they are tamei for you, 
whoever touches them is tamei!
27 And any one that goes about on its paws, among all animals that go about on all fours, 
they are tamei for you, 
whoever touches their carcass is tamei until sunset;
28 one who carries their carca
ss is to scrub one’s garments and be tamei until sunset, 
they are tamei for you.
The Small Creeping Animals  
29 Now these are for you (the) ones tamei 
among the swarming-creatures that swarm on the earth: 
the weasel, the mouse, and the great-lizard according to its kind;
30 the gecko, the monitor and the lizard,
the sand-lizard and the chameleon.
31 These are (the) ones tamei for you among all the swarming-creatures; 
whoever touches them when they are dead shall be tamei until sunset,
32 anything upon which one of them should fall when they are dead shall be tamei, 
whether any vessel of wood or cloth or skin or sackcloth 
-any vessel that can be used in work- 
it is to be put through water;
it remains-tamei until sunset, 
then it is pure.
33 And (regarding) any earthen vessel into which one of them falls, within it, 
everything within it shall be tamei, 
and it-you are to break (it)!
34 As for any food that might be eaten,
should water come in (contact with) it, it shall be tamei; 
and any beverage that might be drunk, 
(if) in any vessel, it shall be tamei.
35 Anything (else) on which their carcass falls shall be tamei; 
an oven or a two-pot-stove is to be demolished- 
they are tamei,
they shall remain tamei for you.
36 However, a spring or a cistern (for) gathering water shall remain pure, 
but one who touches their carcass shall be tamei.
37 Now if (part) of their carcass falls upon any sowing seed that is to be sown,
it remains-pure.
38 But if water is put on the seed and (part) of their carcass falls on it, 
it is tamei for you.
39 If there should die one of the animals that are (permitted) to you for eating, 
one who touches its carcass shall remain-tamei until sunset.
40 One who eats from its carcass is to scrub his garments, remaining-tamei until sunset, 
one who carries its carcass is to scrub his garments, remaining-tamei until sunset.
41 Any swarming-creature that swarms upon the earth: 
it is a detestable-thing, it is not to be eaten.
42 Anything going about on its belly, anything going about on all fours, up to anything with many legs, among all swarming-creatures that swarm upon the earth: 
you are not to eat them, 
for they are detestable-things!
43 Do not make yourselves detestable through any swarming-thing that swarms; 
you are not to make yourselves tamei through them, becoming tamei through them!

Dr. Jordan Rubin’s book The Maker’s Diet  simplifies it for us:


Permissible:  The meat of animals with a cloven or split hoof that also chew the cud can be eaten. This includes cows, goats, sheep, oxen, deer, buffalo, and so forth.


Not Permitted:  Avoid animals such as the camel, that chew the cud but do not have cloven or split hooves. This includes, but is not limited to horses, rats, skunks, dogs, cats, squirrels, and possums. Do not eat swine (pigs).  They have divided hooves, but they do not chew the cud. . . In fact, pigs are so unclean that God warns us not to even touch the body, meat, or carcass of a pig.  


The Hebrew words used to describe “unclean meats” can be translated as “foul, polluted, and putrid.”  The same terms were used to describe “human waste” and other disgusting substances.


Fish: Eat any fish with fins and scales but avoid fish or water creatures without them. Those to avoid include smooth-skinned species such as catfish or eel and hard-shelled crustaceans such as crab, lobster, or clams.


Birds:  Birds that live primarily on insects, grubs, or grains are considered clean, but avoid birds or fowl that eat flesh (whether caught live or carrion).  They are unclean. Now why does the Creator of all these living creatures specify what is food for human consumption, why go to such details defining what is food?  Why not?  He cares that humans will be healthy and live a quality of life.  Is this diet just for His people, the Israelites?  Well, what’s good for the Jew is good for the Gentile, right?  What’s bad for the Jew is bad for the Gentile, right?  Aren’t we all humankind? 

44 For I YHVH am your God: 
 you are to hallow yourselves and be holy,
 for holy am I; 
 you are not to make yourselves tamei through any swarming-creature that crawls about upon the earth.
45 For I am YHVH, the one bringing you up from the land of Egypt, to be God to you; 
 you are to be holy, for holy am I!
46 This is the Instruction for animals, fowl and all living beings that stir in the water, all beings that swarm upon the earth,
47 that there may be-separation between the tamei and the pure, 
 between the living-creatures that may be eaten and the living-creatures that you are not to eat.

Who was Paul, really?

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[First posted 2012; reposted for review during the Christian lenten season.


Whenever we can’t do better than the writer of any article, we do the next best thing: feature the whole writing, or present excerpts from it.  


One of our highly recommended books on Christian history is Charles Freeman’s A New History of EARLY CHRISTIANITY.  Our hope is that our readers will be encouraged to get their own copy for their study and library after having a taste of parts of this highly recommended book.  


Chapter Five of Freeman’s history is titled:  What did Paul Achieve?  Condensed and lightly edited.  Instead of posting separate articles, we are listing them all here, please check them all out, it will be worth your time to get to know this towering figure who really was the founder of Christianity.  Find out if true!


Admin 1]




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He is the loner who made Christianity universal, the authoritarian who wrote in terms of the equality of all before God.  He transformed the spiritual teacher of Galilee into the crucified and risen Christ.  Yet it is impossible to write more than a fragmentary account of his life.  The sources that survive, perhaps six or seven letters of the many he must have written, and the narrative of his activities in the Acts of the Apostle, are not full enough even to provide an accurate chronology.  The context in which his letters were composed can only be guessed at and it is difficult to find a consistent theology in them.  Even though there is a tradition which portrays Paul as if he were a detached scholar, his theology is deeply rooted in his frustrations.  His personality was complicated and his relationship with others were often tempestuous.  All this makes it challenging to provide a fair assessment of his achievement.


As for many ‘teachers’ in the Greek world, Paul’s fame meant that a variety of texts were later ascribed to him.  Only seven of the so-called Pauline letters of the New Testament are now fully accepted as genuine:  


  • Romans
  • 1 & 2 Corinthians
  • Galatians
  • 1 Thessalonians
  • Philippians
  • Philemon  

The earliest surviving letter, that to the Galatians, was probably written in AD 49; the most mature and influential statement of Paul’s theology, the Letter to the Romans, in about 57 and his last surviving letter, to the Philippians in 61 or 62.  These letters provide direct evidence of Paul’s responses to the Christian communities with whom he had contact.  They are the primary sources of Paul’s life and beliefs even if one can never know how representative they are of his total output. Although the personality of Paul keeps breaking through (in all its rawness in Chapter 4 of 1 Corinthians or the Letter to the Galatians, for instance) and at times his eloquence reaches an intensity which places the letters among the finer literary achievements of the ancient world, they are steeped in the rhetorical conventions of his time.  Historical accuracy may have been sacrificed to the self-dramatisation that was necessary to make an impact on his readers.  As a documentary account of events they must be treated with caution.


The Acts of the Apostles, the second half of which features some account of Paul’s travels and his encounters with the emerging Christian communities, was probably written some thirty years after the events it describes.  Its author, Luke, may even have been a companion of Paull, or close to those who were, and he covers events in relative detail from between AD 50 and 60 when Paul arrives, under armed escort, in Rome.  It is not known how many letters of Paul, if any, Luke himself had seen or whether he had seen others which are now lost to us. (There is not a single mention of Paul’s letter writing in Acts.)  Many scholars discount Acts as accurate history.  it is certainly true that Acts is selective, many events are not clearly described and Luke may have created a much more harmonised life of Paul than the letters suggest.  One estimate is that while Chapters 1-8  cover the events of three years, Chapter 9-28 stretch over 25 and concentrate on relatively few events within that time span.  The tensions with the Corinthians, which play a major part in Paul’s letters, are not mentioned in Acts at all.  In short Luke never set out to provide a biography of Paul:  rather his aim, if one takes the text as a whole, is to describe the progress of the gospel, highlighting the events which he believed contributed to this.  Yet, there is a narrative that does outline journeys of Paul that can be traced on the map.  Above all Acts provides a vivid picture of the struggle that Paul had with the communities he visited and the turbulence of his experiences fits well with the passion of the letters.


Even Paul’s birth date can only be guessed at.  Acts refers to Paul as ‘young’ at the time he began persecuting Christians in the AD 30s and his gruelling missionary journeys of the 50s suggest a man no older than his 40s so the first decade of the century seems most plausible.  His background and education reflect the melting pot that the east had become.  He was born, as a Jew, in Tarsus, a lively trading city that was capital of the Roman province of Cilicia.  He may have absorbed, in his childhood or later, an education in rhetoric, including the effective writing of letters, and a smattering of Greek philosophy, above all Stoicism and, perhaps, Platonism.  He was sent to study in Jerusalem at the school of the well-known teacher Gamaliel.  He must have picked up Aramaic while he was living in Jerusalem but he later refers to himself as a Pharisee and this suggests that he had made a rigorous study of the Torah in the original Hebrew.  Nevertheless his own use of scriptures in his letters always draws on the Greek version, the Septuagint.

It is hard to imagine a greater contrast in Jewish backgrounds than that between Paul and Jesus.  


  • Paul was a Roman citizen, brought up in a Greek-speaking city and at ease with urban life.  He was well educated and aware of two competing cultures, Greek and Jewish.  
  • Jesus had no education other than what he had absorbed from the synagogue, his background was rural and remote from city life, and his region appears to have been untouched by the Greeks.  
  • Paul was never tolerant of others and was unlikely to have been able to grasp, or even be sympathetic to, the very different context of rural Galilean Judaism.  
  • Jesus’ life and teachings simply do not figure in his letters and speeches.

Perhaps the most intriguing feature of Paul’s background is his Roman citizenship.  By this time the whole of the free population of Italy had been granted Roman citizenship and many Italians had migrated to the Greek east rather as colonists (Philippi was an established colony of citizens, for instance), merchants or administrators.  Roman citizenship among the native populations of the east, on the other hand, was still rare.  Citizenship could be granted to distinguished individuals, as it was for Josephus, the Jewish historian favoured by the Romans, but Paul would never have qualified on his own merits.  However, it was a remarkable feature of Roman law that once a master freed his slaves their descendants acquired full citizenship.  In all likelihood Paul was the son of a freedman, one released from slavery by  Roman master.  When he was in Jerusalem he may even have attended the ‘Synagogue of the Freedman’ mentioned in Acts 6:7 — Jews from Cilicia are specifically mentioned as members of its congregation.  His references to slavery, the coming of Christ for all, ‘slave and free’, and his support for Onesimus, the escaped slave on behalf of whom he writes to his owner Philemon, need to be read in light of this probability.  To have an elevated position as a Roman citizen but only because one’s father had been a slave left one in an ambiguous social position.  Perhaps this explains why Paul so often felt himself an outsider.


Next:  Revisit:  Paul 2 – From Saul to Paul, from historic Jesus to cosmic Christ