Prince of Peace!
In the awe-inspiring words of Isaiah,
a prophet who thought he had unclean lips,
Only to YOU,
Lord YHWH,
God of Israel,
Revelator on Sinai,
Lord of the Nations,
Only to YOU can Isaiah’s titles be ascribed,
for there is no God but You.
As we enter into this season of joy
that the world celebrates for different reasons,
May the words we hear at this time of the year
not only reverberate
in the minds and hearts of all humankind,
but be lived out in the context of all relationships:
“Peace on earth, goodwill to men”
May love and compassion,
forgiveness and reconciliation,
tolerance and respect for one another,
and specially the ‘other’—
Be part of this season’s gatherings;
for Torah life,
prescribed by the Source and Giver of Life
is what will ultimately bring—
‘Joy to the world!’
As Christendom celebrates
their ‘reason for the season’,
Israel’s Star of David,
The modern symbol of Your firstborn son,
shine even brighter
as a beacon leading to YOU,
the God of all humanity,
So that the reborn nation of Israel
and the Gentile nations
may know and acknowledge You;
So that Christianity, Islam and other world religions
may rediscover You
as You have revealed Yourself
in Your Sinai revelation
and through the Prophets of Israel.
May they worship You,
and live Your Torah life,
For only then might there be
true peace on earth,
and enduring goodwill
toward all humanity.
May Your Name be known
and Your Name be praised,
And may You be glorified by worshippers
who seek You in world religions,
For You alone deserve honor,
You alone have power,
You are the One and Only God,
Creator, Master and Sustainer of the universe,
the Source of Existence.
Hymn of Praise
[Original Lyrics except for vs.3, line 4]
1. Joyful, joyful, we adore Thee,
God of glory, Lord of love;
hearts unfold like flow’rs before Thee,
hail Thee as the sun above.
Melt the clouds of sin and sadness,
drive the dark of doubt away;
Giver of immortal gladness,
fill us with the light of day!
2. All thy works with joy surround Thee,
earth and heav’n reflect Thy rays;
Stars and angels sing around Thee,
Center of unbroken praise;
field and forest, vale and mountain,
blossoming meadow, flashing sea,
chanting bird and flowing fountain,
call us to rejoice in Thee!
3. Thou art giving and forgiving,
ever blessing, ever blest,
Wellspring of the joy of living,
ocean depth of happy rest!
[Thou art God, Thy Name is Yahuwah]
all those who live in love are Thine,
Teach us how to love each other,
lift us to the joy divine.
4. Mortals, join the mighty chorus
which the morning stars began;
Father Love is reigning o’er us,
brother love binds man to man
Ever-singing, march we onward,
victors in the midst of strife;
Joyful music lifts us sunward
in the triumph song of life!
The year-end season of joy is upon us!
This bread we share and this wine we drink symbolize our joy and our gratitude to the Giver of Blessings,
for truly we are blessed in so many ways:
- in knowing YHWH our God,
- in living His Torah,
- in linking with like-minded believers.
We are thankful—-
- for the daily nourishment available from the Creator’s bountiful provisions which sustain health and prolong life;
- for the necessities of living not only for daily existence and survival but even for pleasure;
- for the words for life from the Tree of Life—the Torah;
We thank YHWH for giving us freedom of choice,
- for not leaving us ignorant but for leading us to use that freedom with individual and collective responsibility,
- for providing general guidance and specific instructions on how to use that freedom for what is good, for what is right, for what is just, particularly toward the ‘other’ and not only or always for ourself.
We thank YHWH —
- for keeping the pathway open for all true-seekers to discover Him,
- for providing access to knowledge about Him,
- for giving us minds to comprehend His Sinai Revelation
- and through that understanding, the wisdom to apply His instructions in our daily living.
We thank YHWH for loved ones, [name them]
- whether near or far,
- who are in this life or moved on the next,
- we thank YHWH for our family.
To life, l’chaim!
God, where shall I find Thee,
Whose glory fills the universe?
Behold I find Thee–
Wherever the mind is free to follow its own bent,
Wherever the words come out from the depth of truth,
Wherever tireless striving stretches
its arms toward perfection,
Wherever men struggle for freedom and right,
Wherever the scientist toils
to unbare the secrets of nature,
Wherever the poet strings pearls of beauty in lyric lines,
Wherever glorious deeds are done.
[Source: Reconstructionist Prayer Book,
A Modern Treasury of Jewish Thoughts:
An Inspiring Collection of Writings on Jewish Deed, Doctrine, and Destiny.]
Shabbat shalom to our Sianite, Messianic, Christian friends
and all non-religionists who celebrate the Sabbath of YHWH —