[This Sinaite’s musical liturgy borrows from the beautiful music composed by Christian hymnodists; we change the lyrics to reflect Sinai 6000’s belief system. As we explain every now and then, we Sinaites were Christian for most of our lives so we have come to love the music we’ve sung every Sunday at church. And so, until we start composing our own music, we borrow from Christian hymnody, but only the music.—Admin1].
Blessed are You, YHWH, our God,
King of the Universe,
Who commanded all humanity
to set aside the Sabbath as a day of rest,
And as we Gentiles, Sinaites, Sabbath-keepers,
borrow the symbolic act in Jewish tradition,
of lighting the Sabbath candles,
We welcome the Queen of all days,
Your Holy Sabbath at sundown Friday.
[Blessed be the NAME Medley by Don Moen/Slightly Modified lyrics]
Blessed be the Name of the LORD,
He is worthy to be praised and adored;
So we lift up holy hands in one accord, singing—
Blessed be the Name, blessed be the Name,
Blessed be the Name of the LORD.
No other Name but the Name of YAHUWAH,
No other Name but the Name of the LORD,
No other Name but the Name of YAHUWAH,
Is worthy of glory, is worthy of honor,
Is worthy of worship and of praise!
Worthy, Thou art Worthy,
KING of kings, LORD of lords,
Thou art Worthy;
Faithful, Thou art Faithful,
KING of kings, LORD of lords,
We worship You!
Thou art Worthy, Thou art Worthy,
Thou art Worthy, O LORD,
To receive glory, glory and honor,
Glory and honor and pow’r.
For Thou hast created, hast all things created,
Thou hast created all things,
And for Thy pleasure they were created:
For Thou art worthy, O LORD!
[Original Music: Alleluia, sing to Jesus/Revised Lyrics for S6K]
1. Alleluia, all praise YAHUWAH,
The Source of Life, of all that exist!
He’s Creator and by His Words
He spoke “Let there be” and all things subsist!
CHO: Earth and sky, and the universe,
and all creatures started from nothing at all,
Beauty and balance and harmony
blending all in one,
Praise YAHUWAH Who made it all.
2. Alleluia, let’s praise YAHUWAH,
His IMAGE shared with humans like us.
Trusting, teaching, and testing us
with free will to wield what’s righteous and just.
CHO: In His Image and with His Wisdom,
His Torah leads as we go on our way,
Study and read, understand
and apply from day to day,
Revelation is here to stay.
3. Alleluia, the Name, YAHUWAH,
We dare to say with rev’rence and awe!
Proud are we to proclaim our God
Whom we’ve come to know through His Word and His Law!
CHO: Lord YAHUWAH, our God and Master,
Our Shepherd, Leader, Provider, our KING!
Long have we sought the true pathway
that leads direct to You,
Torah lights up the Way that’s True!
4. Alleluia, sing alleluia,
Shout alleluia to YAHUWAH!
God of Israel, God of Gentiles,
O God of Nations, of humankind!
CHO: Praise is due to You,
Love we bring to You,
Hearts and minds dedicated to You!
Honor our hearth and our home
when we rest for Sabbath Day,
You are welcome forevermore!
[Original Tune: Bless this House/Revised Lyrics for Sinai 6000]
1. Bless this time O Lord we pray,
We’ve looked forward to this day.
From our routines, time away,
From the Path, we dare not stray,
Sabbath keepers, if we may
Live for Thee from day to day.
2. Celebrate the family,
Each life is a gift from Thee,
Joy and blessing have they been,
Near or far and though unseen,
May they come to know Thee more,
Love Thee much more than before.
[Name your loved ones one by one at this time,
and pray for specific concerns regarding each one.]
[Original Tune: What a friend we have in Jesus/Revised Lyrics]
1. What great friends have we been given
by the God Who sees through all,
He’s the One Who puts together
those of us who hear His call.
Strangers once were we, unknowing,
He would link our chain of lives,
One connection to another,
all relationships survive.
2. Central is He to relations,
whether friend or family,
Work might be our sole connection,
yet how fortunate are we . . . .
When we link with one another,
Worshipping the One True God,
We shall never ever sever
Ties that bind us thru our God.
3. Should we ever have to part ways,
rest assured we’re one in heart,
Each connected to the other,
even when we are apart.
Are we chosen by YAHUWAH,
when we choose Him as our Lord,
God of Israel and Gentiles,
all committed to His Word.
Sinaites, Jews, Messianics, and Gentiles,
Sabbath Keepers, all over the world!
In behalf of Sinai 6000 Core Community,
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