Image from Calgary Public Library Store
[First posted September 30, 2012 as an “In Memoriam” of a God-Seeker who ended his life pilgrimage as one of us, Sinaites. It has been four years since we posted this, we have not forgotten our co-travellers who fast-forwarded their journey straight into the arms of the God they have sought all their lives. They came to know His Name, YHWH, and called on that Name to their last breath. We add our individual tributes here to Ciso’s Book of Life. —Admin1]
A previous article on the Fall Festivals ended on this note:
“It was on the last day of Sukkot that the oldest among us,
the most wonderful, most generous, most kind,
most loving of his fellowmen,
most visually expressive of his worship of YHWH,
danced all night, straight into the arms
of the God he had loved all his life
but had not known as fully as he did in his last days.
His name is ‘Ciso.’
His story will be posted on the anniversary of his life in YHWH.”

Hereunder are 3 tributes by Sinaites; some are shy about writing but one thing we all agree on, what a way to go! Some are now wishing to go exactly the same way and on the same day: i.e., simply go to bed for a good night’s rest after dancing on the last day of the culminating biblical ‘feast of ingathering,’ Sukkot, among the 7 listed in Leviticus 23 that YHWH calls “MY feasts.” In fact the next oldest among us is already announcing if not this year, maybe next year, or the next, for how many more years the LifeGiver has allotted to each one of us, we are ready when He calls our name . . . because we have finally learned to call on His.
Our website visitors would not have heard about this man Narciso Padilla, but surely, the Giver of the breath of life knew him from the start, and how his life journey would take its twists and turns in the quest that each God-awakened soul ventures into. Ciso in his 84 years took the same path each of us took, born into one religion but moved on to the next religion that taught more biblical truth, shedding each former faith without hesitation whenever YHWH’s Light shines brighter than the last. When people live in the darkness of man-made religions, when the slightest flicker shines through, you can’t miss it if you’re alert because you are seeking, and so you start moving toward the direction that provides more light.
Ciso, like all of us, did just that. Like those who made the most shifts in religious affiliation, his journey was from within sects of Christ-centered religions—Catholicism, Protestantism, Evangelical and Messianic Christianity toward the God on Sinai and His Way of life. He had just started re-reading TORAH as originally given to Israel, the custodians and guardians of TORAH-centered faith. Ciso was not one to “just believe” without understanding but once he did, he gave his full commitment not only of himself, but of as many resources as he had honestly earned, at his disposal and bestowed upon him by Divine Providence.
In the discussion of our Statement of Faith and Revelation in a Nutshell, the only point Ciso at first argued against but in the end understood and humbly agreed with was this: man cannot FULLY know God on this side of eternity. Ciso, within a few weeks of learning to declare the Name — YHWH— was ready for yet another beginning. Some recall that he had asked forgiveness from everyone on Yom Kippur (day of Atonement) whether or not he had offended them.
There was some insinuation from our former messianic teacher that this was judgment upon Ciso for turning his back on the Savior he had embraced all his life, but we knew better . . . our gracious YHWH made sure none of us Sinaites would miss the significant timing of Ciso’s going ahead of us on the last day of celebrating YHWH’s season of joy. How could returning to the True God YHWH be anything but the righteous thing to do? And how could our awesome YHWH not be pleased to see Ciso arriving at His doorstep? Surely, the Divine Welcome Mat has long been waiting for lifelong seekers like Ciso.
The Door has always been open, the TORAH is the map—that’s the real good news! —- NSB@S6K
Here are notes and remembrances added by Sinaites:
[VAN would joke that he and Ciso were “the first and the last,” because they shared the same name: Ciso’s first name ‘Narciso’ preceded his family name, while for VAN, “Narciso” is his surname. This a message written in condolence with the bereaved widow and family. ]
Shalom, this is just on a personal note.
I sought the ‘ancient path’ and walked in it (Jer.6:16) and I met YHVH (not Yeshua [Jesus]), The ONE TRUE GOD, the GOD of Abraham, and the GOD of Israel. You showed me the way back to our Hebrew roots – our connection to the Land, the People, and the Scriptures of Israel. I thank you for this and YHVH, blessed be His Holy Name, for bringing me to you. It was a long and hard journey – from a Catholic, to an evangelical Christian, and to a messianic Christian, and finally,to a faith founded on the One True God, YHVH and His Torah. It was certainly VERY REFRESHING!!
Ciso (Blessed be his memory!) sought the same “ancient path” and walked upon it and also met YHVH, The ONE TRUE GOD. I was told that he was dancing joyfully while celebrating Sukkot on the 7th day (there’s a video taken and shown during the wake) – and on the 8th day, Shemini Atzeret, he went with YHVH. A wonderful, joyful way to be with YHVH !
Ciso was a man who loved YHVH with all his heart, with all his soul, and with all his resources. He was always willing to extend a helping hand to anyone. He helped you and APMF on its 7th Conference in Manila which was successfully attended. He has certainly given a lot of his time and resources – yet expecting nothing in return. This is CISO PADILLA – a ‘friend of Abraham’ and a ‘friend’
of YHVH!
May YHVH bless you and grant you His Shalom!
[Update February 2016: VAN@S6K who wrote this tribute has also left our Sinaite core community significantly on a Sabbath; he had been praying for a “Ciso-Exit” on the Feast of Tabernacles which is a once-a-year event; we think YHWH was even more gracious to grant VAN his final Sabbath Rest on a Sabbath, if only to leave his family a friends the good message that VAN’s wish was not granted exactly as he had hoped, but granted nevertheless according to the time chosen by his Creator Who took back VAN’s breath of life into Himself, if we are to comfort ourselves by the words of the wise author of Ecclesiastes 12:1-8:
So remember your Creator in the days of your youth, before the evil days come, and those years arrive of which you will say: “I have no pleasure in them”; before the sun, the light, the moon and the stars grow dar, and the clouds return after the rain, in the day when the guards of the house will tremble, and the powerful men will stoop, and the grinders are idle because they are few, and the gazers through windows are dimmed; when the doors in the street are shut; when the sound of the grinding is low; when the voice of the bird, and all the daughters of song grow dim; when they even fear a height and terror in the road; and the almond tree blossoms and the grasshopper becomes a burden and the desire fails — so man goes to his eternal home, while the mourners go about the streets.
Before the silver cord snaps, and the golden bowl is shattered, and the pitcher is broken at the fountain, and the wheel is smashed at the pit.
Thus the dust returns to the ground, as it was, and the spirit returns to God Who gave it.
- Notes sent in by “EM,” a member Ciso’s faith community :
Despite being in his senior years, he did not stop working, dreaming, encouraging his people to work harder – as though he would live “forever.” He was a builder, and his company was well known to produce the best and strongest construction materials. When I asked him why he pushed himself so much in his old age, he said that “in the world to come, all the buildings would still be standing and people would still be needing shelter.”
If I’m not mistaken, he always wanted his wife to wear red nail polish, no other color. Every time husband and wife would host lunch at their residence, he always made it a point to thank his wife for her efforts at being the perfect hostess.
As a member of the faith community based in one of his buildings, he was ever so generous; sponsored not just the venue but also the meals! When he finally learned about YHWH, he took it upon himself and risked his reputation to introduce to his Trinitarian faith community the concept of the ONE TRUE GOD. He went out of his way to gather reading materials, reproducing them for free distribution, scheduling meeting dates for discussion of the God of Abraham and of Israel.
What a humble man, one who opened his life to others. He would offer to pick me up and drive me home during special/isolated off-site meetings requiring our attendance, but much as I greatly appreciated the gesture, I was too embarrassed to have him go to that much trouble, so I always declined.
- SMK@S6K: “On Ciso Padilla”
I have known Ciso Padilla to be a peace loving and humble man who honored God’s Shabbat regularly and consistently. A very disciplined and serious student of the Scriptures, he would attend our weekly Torah study class with a zeal to learn, a heart to listen and a chutzpah to speak his spiritual convictions. He would never come to Torah class unprepared and unexcited. He epitomized the innocence and hunger of a little boy who wanted to learn much about the world of His Creator and the Giver of his life. Despite his advanced years, God blessed him with a youthful humor and a teachable mind. I remember how he loved to doodle on the Hebrew and Japanese Alphabet while listening to our Torah discussions. Perhaps that was his way of keeping his mind youthful and alert. He was a man who loved life and he was one who wanted to give back much to his Creator.
During Shabbat worship, one could almost sense the beatings of his heart and his passion for God with the way he dances and sings. He just gave God all his delight! As a Torah class facilitator, he was a submissive listener but a stern leader whenever discussions would go out-of-hand. His fatherly attitude would initiate a calming balance to emotional outbursts among his co-Torah learners. His kind and just disposition was an encouragement to many. With his sensitive compulsion and generosity, he would not hesitate to give anybody a book nor sponsor anybody to a biblical seminar which he felt would strengthen one’s faith and personal relationship with the Creator God. It was no surprise that he gained not only our respect, admiration and love but the respect of his colleagues in the business and religious community as well.
To have known Ciso Padilla has been a privilege and the memory of him is truly a blessing to many.