Category Archives: Deuteronomy/Dabarim

[First posted  6 years ago, in 2013. Here’s the original Introduction: ‘Kindness must not be abused.’ This applies from fellowman to fellowman but even more so from us toward our gracious Creator from Whose Hands all FREE necessities flow: air we breathe, water we drink, food from the earth, sunshine so necessary for growth of […]

Deuteronomy/Davarim 4:44-49/ to 5: "Not with our fathers did YHVH cut this covenant, but with us, yes, us, those here today, all of us (that are) alive!"

[First posted in 2013 as part of the whole series on the last book of the Torah, Deuteronomy.  This portion of the Torah attests to the universality of the application of YHWH’s Instructions for living in community. The Torah is not just for Israel but for the nations; not just for the generation that stood […]

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