Discourse – Sinaite to Christian Pastor – 3

10th October, 2014


Dear “CP”,


Further to my letter of the 1st October, here now is my response to your item 7 regarding:


a rabbinic tradition that 40 years before the destruction of the Temple,

God no longer accepted sacrifices in the Temple.

Why? Because Messiah had already died on the cross.”



Which Temple? Not that it really matters.  With no scriptural evidence that the ‘Messiah’ had already died on the cross, I presume you are referring to Jesus, the Messiah of Christianity. Anyway here is my take on this issue.


The scriptural support on sacrifices and offerings is found mainly in the Book of Leviticus (Vayyikra in the Hebrew Scriptures, a title taken from the opening line of chapter 1, verse 1, “And God called Moses to come near (or closer)”. The concept therefore, on the teaching of sacrifice and offerings is mainly based on ‘how to come near or come close to God’. This was first introduced in the Book of Exodus where God instructed to build Him a “Mishkan,” a tent of meeting, a sanctuary, a place to meet or dwell with His people. This later on was referred to as the Temple (Ex. 25:8).


The Temple became a centralized place where sacrifices are to be brought (Lev. 17:1-4).  And, if this not possible, it is forbidden (Deut. 10:12-13). The system was established in order to exact obedience on the part of the penitent. The bringing of the sacrifice or offerings to the temple is therefore, an outward expression of the penitent’s obedience to God’s commandment.


So, does this mean that without the Temple, that God has abandoned us by not providing any other means for our sins to be forgiven? Of course not!  God’s answer is always –Repentance – a turning away from sin and a new commitment to follow His law – obedience!


Forgiveness is obtained through Prayer, Repentance, and Charity or Good Deeds. The following are the Scriptural support:


  • Deuteronomy 4:27-31; 30:1-3;
  • 1 Kings 8:46-52;
  • Job  22:23;
  • Proverbs  21:3;
  • Isaiah  1:11-18; 55:7;
  • Jeremiah  7:21-23;36:3;
  • Hosea 3:4-5; 6:6; 14:2-3;
  • Ezekiel  18:21-23, 30-32;  33:10-16;
  • Micah  6:6-8;
  • Zechariah 1:3;
  • Jonah 3 (where no sacrifices whatsoever were involved, only repentance and fasting).


This scriptural support is clear, and consistent. 


There is no scriptural support, in the Hebrew Scriptures (OT) for anyone—-

  • to die for someone else,
  • to pay either for his sins or for anyone else,
  • to need an advocate (lawyer) to defend him for his transgression before God.


If what some claim that the New Testament is a fulfilment and interpretation of the Old Testament (Hebrew Bible) then, this teaching must come from a source other than the Hebrew scriptures (OT). Otherwise, it is inconsistent.


It has been for some time now that I have been studying the scriptures and I am beginning to realize that there could be no meeting of the minds if one document is written with a ‘Jewish mind set’ and another with a ‘Greek mind set’.  I have no doubt about the Hebrew scriptures but I am beginning to suspect, and even believe what others say that the New Testament was written with a ‘Greek mind set’.  Is this why at times we find some ‘Greek mythology’ adapted into the teaching? Interesting, huh?


It is for this reason that I find the Hebrew Scriptures most trustworthy than any document ever produced.  Can you blame me if I feel more confident and secure placing my faith in God (YHVH) in this document?


Furthermore, the Jewish people, the chosen people of God, Israel which is clearly described and identified still exist.  And yet, the only people in this world that almost everybody wants eradicated and totally removed.


For as long as Israel exists, my faith in the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, the God of Israel, the One True God, and the God that revealed Himself to the “mixed multitudes” in Mt. Sinai, stands and it stands firmly!


Some has asked me why now when I am already 87 years old, almost at the end of my lifetime. Well, for almost all of my life there is always the desire in my heart to know Him and know Him more. But because the world held me captive in idolatry, He has to ‘snatch me out’ of it to be free to worship and serve Him. Some even say that I am ‘dammed to hell’ because I have turned my back on Jesus, the only one who saves. I now stand before the One True God (YHVH), He and He alone, can judge me.


Again, take an advice (even if this is to be my last) from an old friend who loves you and your family dearly, take some time to re-examine your faith.

  • Who is your God?
  • What is His name?
  • Is the source and foundation of your faith trustworthy?


God (YHVH) has placed you where you are right now, in a most respected position of leadership in a large community (a church). Who knows He might use you again, and this time, to lead His people ( like Moses ) ‘out of captivity’ to serve and worship the One True God (YHVH) who revealed Himself on Mt. Sinai. I strongly believe He will.


Many congregations have already followed Jesus out of Christianity, like Roots of Faith, Synagogue without Walls, and many more. You might be the first to start the movement here in the Philippines. Who knows?


Jeremiah 29: 13,14

 “And you will seek Me and find Me,

when you search with all  your heart.

And I will be found by you,

declares the  LORD (YHVH)”.



May YHVH bless you and your loved ones abundantly.  And, may He use you mightily.


Your old friend,









Next:   Discourse – Christian Pastor to Sinaite – 4

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