Discourse – Christian Pastor to Sinaite – 6

[Continuing from Discourse: Sinaite to Christian Pastor – 5

the original text is unedited but has been reformatted for easier reading. —Admin.]



Hi VAN and BAN,


Let me first greet you a blessed merry Christmas and happy new year to you and your family.


Regarding your reply , here are some of my comments and concerns :


Remember no what matter what you will say or eventually believe in you always be a friend. This sharing – reply is  out of my love and concern:


1. You have not explained as why you believe in certain writings and chose not to believe in other writings – biographies etc…
    EX.   Why not believe in the writings of the early Apostles     – biographies about Jesus or  the  the new testaments.
Why believe in the writings of other rabbis?  men,  historians ?
2. Who is Jesus to you. His claims ?


 It is not true that the apostles were confused as to who is Jesus – they all worship Him. It was 300 years later that King Constantine convened the council to clarify once and for all what the early church fathers and apostles believed in as to the divinity of Jesus.


3. Empty tomb not the missing tomb of Jesus is crucial.
They knew the exact tomb  where Jesus was laid. It would be very easy to counter attack the resurrection of Jesus by showing the people the bones or remains of Jesus. But the record says it was empty because He rose again from the dead. They had to bribe the guards to claim that the disciples stole the body.
How do you explain the fact that the early apostles were martyred for their witness that Jesus died and rose again. Thomas doubted his resurrection.  But when Jesus appeared to him, He showed the nail prints in his hands and the spear wound in his side to prove that he truly resurrected and that he was not a substitute person.  That was when Thomas proclaimed, “My Lord and My God.”


4. I am sorry you were taught to neglect the old testament. I preach a lot on the old testament because it is inspired. It is the foundation of our faith. It points to Jesus and the coming King of kings – Messiah.


5. Please  read the book ” the case for Christ” by Lee Strobel   and let me know what you think about his arguments for Christ.
Or what is wrong with his presentation .


6. The translation of the bible  and new testament came from different sources – before it was the king James version, latin vulgate  but later on after the discovery of older manuscripts and specially the dead sea scrollsl the translations were from the older hebrew text and greek text.


The accuracy of our present bible is today beyond dispute by reputable scholars.
 The issue is not lack of evidence but refusal to consider the evidence.


7. Lastly I fully agree also with you that faith without works is dead. Do not blame Jesus or the new testament for our wrong teachings. We are saved by faith in Jesus alone but the faith that saves is never alone, it is evidenced by good works and obedience to God’s Word.  Jesus said, “By their fruit you will know them.”


God bless you brother and sister!

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