Discourse – Sinaite /Nazarean Essene – 2

[This is the Sinaite response to:




Hello Wayne, 

Thank you for visiting our Sinai 6000 website and professing your  interest in becoming a “Sinaite”.
The answer to your query is stated at the end of this email, but first — we are just as interested in you as “an ordained priest of the Nazarean Essene Order” which, you claim, share our teaching.  
Would you mind if you and I (Admin1) start an exchange about our respective belief systems which I will post under the category DISCOURSE (Click MAP and scroll down to DISCOURSE).  This way, our readers (which include Sinaites living in other places) will learn about your Order (if you don’t have a website of your own).  It is a good way of getting your Order known.
But of course, if you would rather not be “publicised”, then we keep this exchange just between ourselves, is that acceptable?
Here is the answer to “how does one become a Sinaite”:
As our Statement of Faith declares:

SINAI 6000 is a way of thinking and a way of life based on “the Way”,   YHWH’s TORAH,  applied as much as it is possible to our times and our culture, whichever society or ethnic community we belong to. 


We do not evangelize nor try to convince anyone to ‘convert’. We study, we share as we learn, we are in continual transition, for the nature of Divine Truth and the Revelator requires an open mind and a yearning of the heart that is always on a quest for more truth in YHWH’s  inexhaustible book of knowledge.


Sinai 6000 is not a “church” nor a “religion” but a community of like-minded gentile believers who make a conscious decision best expressed in the words of a Jewish interfaith proponent —-Abraham Joshua Heschel—-


“I belong to the community of Abraham [the nations],

and my rabbi is Moses [the Hebrew].”


“Thus saith the LORD: Stand by the roads, and look, and ask for the ancient paths, where the good way is; and walk in it, and find rest for your souls.” [Jeremiah 6:16]


And we responded: “We will walk in it.” And so one’s pilgrimage to Sinai begins, at whatever point in life . . . for it is never too late,  as long as the Giver of Life continues to sustain our life on earth.

In other words, Wayne, just live the Torah life!  How does one do that?  Our website explains.  If your Nazarene Essene Order shares our belief system, then you are ALREADY a “Sinaite”! 
We believe in declaring Who our God is, His Name is YHWH, the God Who declared Himself and His Way on Sinai —-
May YHWH bless you and your group,  and your efforts to serve Him!


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