Learning How to Learn – 13 Picks

Image from HubPages

Image from HubPages

[Ever read a memorable quote and tell yourself ‘wish I had said that’?  Or, ‘that’s a good quote, I’ll remember that’.  We started with a post titled: Learning How to Learn – 10 Suggestions  and decided to make it a continuing series, particularly during times when brain fog hits or our writing Sinaites that has dwindled to three have no fresh output.  So here’s food for thought for now; those lacking attribution simply means our research missed finding out who said it.—Admin1].`




The capacity to learn is a gift;

the ability to learn is a skill;

the willingness to learn is a choice.



Education is learning 

 what you didn’t even know 

 you didn’t know.




Don’t waste a good mistake;

learn from it!




The purpose of education

is to replace an empty mind

with an open one.




Lifelong learning = 



and self-motivated 

pursuit of knowledge.



Welcome to Today 

Another day

Another chance

Feel free to change.



A thorough knowledge of the Bible

is worth more than a college education.




The Jewish tradition of learning

is learning.  Adam chose knowledge

instead of immortality.




It’s not the strongest of species that survives,

nor the most intelligent that survives.

It is the one that is most adaptable to change.




Before you speak, THINK.

T – Is it True?

H – Is it Helpful?

I – Is it Inspiring?

N – Is it Needed?

K – Is it Kind?




Make Mistakes.

Learn from them.

Move On.



The best way to learn from your mistakes

is to admit them rather than to blame them

on someone else.



Experience is a hard teacher

because she gives the test first

and then the lesson afterwards.




If Plan A fails, remember that you have 25 letters left.


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