Quid est Veritas – 4 – Old Truth, New Truth, Half Truth, All Truth and Nothing But . . .


[First posted in 2013;  another “looking back, moving forward” post; always good to remember the beginnings of our journey toward Sinai6000,  if only to appreciate how far we have ‘travelled’ in Torah re-education/rediscovery in the last six years!—Admin1]



For a whole year, no one seemed to notice the slight change we made on the borrowed quotation from some unknown source about TRUTH that is printed on the scroll that acts as the banner that greets the visitor who purposely or accidentally lands on this website. The original 2nd line was about laziness that is content with half-truth.”


We discovered this quote way back in the 1990s when we were still diehard Christians,  frantically propagating Christianity’s version of truth to “save souls”.  One of us first spotted it on a decorative wall hanging and shared it with the others; thankfully ELZ@S6K had written it down because most of us had forgotten about it.  


When we reorganized as Sinai 6000, we remembered the quotation and fortunately ELZ still had it in her notebook.  Why did we change the original quote, would “Source Unknown” surface to slap our wrists for deviating from the original? Whoever penned the lines definitely expressed our sentiments 100%, and we are so grateful to “Anonymous” whoever he or she is.  Actually, the original wall hanging attributed it as “An Old Hebrew Prayer” which would have fitted so neatly in our reorganized belief system . . . .but after googling it, all claims indicated “Source Unknown.”


Now why change “half truths” to “old truths”?  Because it perfectly reflects the Sinai 6000 journey from “New Testament” truth— which to us is “old” (although “Half Truth” could have fitted just as well)—to “Old Testament” truth which is the original OLD but was NEW to us.  Follow?


It is indeed the right prayer to grace our banner, for that is what Sinai 6000 is all about: the unquenchable quest for Truth. If a visitor does not retain what he has read in our many articles, we hope this ‘Truth quote’ will continue to linger in his soul and as a result, he will pursue for himself, from all sources, as much as he can learn about God and man and the life we are commanded to live. There are many “Truth” sources to choose from but a seeker will eventually learn to be discerning, know what to swallow, and what to spit out.


Will we ever arrive at the whole truth and nothing but . . .?  Most likely not.  For now, we’re keeping it simple and we really did choose the best quote for this website and for our S6K’s  raison d’etre.


Just look at the other choices we could have taken, none reflect us to a T:


Had we not ended up choosing this perfect quotation, we might have chosen the Pilate quote which is a rewrite of the Gospel verse by Tim Rice, l yricist of Andrew Lloyd Webber’s “Jesus Christ Superstar”:


“And what is ‘truth’?

Is truth unchanging law?

We both have truths.

Are mine the same as yours?”

[Pilate: ‘Quid est veritas?’ – Gospel Truth? – 1]


