Note: Notice how the Hebrew Bible translates the selected verses here:
- “My” is capitalized because the Speaker is YHWH;
- “servant” is lower case, since Israel is the servant.
- Notice as well, that Israel is sometimes referred to in the plural “My witnesses” or “My people”
- but also in the singular as in “My servant”, “My chosen one”, “My messenger”.
Plain and simple reading rules require such consistency when referring to the object/subject.
YHWH’s “servant” in these verses and others not included here, is consistent with the history of Israel.
Translation: Artscroll English TANACH
41:8 But you, O Israel, My servant, Jacob, you whom I have chosen, offspring of Abraham who loved Me—you whom I shall grasp from the ends of the earth and shall summon from among all its noblemen, and to whom I shall say, ‘You are my servant’ — I have chosen you and not rejected you.
42:1 Behold My servant, whom I shall uphold; My chosen one, whom My soul desired; I have placed my Spirit upon him so he can bring forth justice to the nations. . .
vs. 5-8 Thus said the God, HaShem, Who created the heavens and stretched them forth; Who firmed the earth and its produce, Who gave a soul to the people upon it, and a spirit to those who walk on it: I am HaShem; I have called you with righteousness; I will strengthen your hand; I will protect you; I will set you for a covenant to the people, for a light to the nations; to open blind eyes’ to remove a prisoner from confinement, dwellers in darkness from a dungeon.
vs. 19-21 Who is blind but My servant and deaf as My messenger whom I send? Who is blind like the perfected man? Blind like the servant of HaShem? Seeing much, but heeding not; opening ears, but hearing not? HaShem desired for the sake of [Israel’s] righteousness that the Torah be made great and glorious.
43:1 And now, thus says HaShem, your Creator, O Jacob; the One Who fashioned you, O Israel: Fear not, for I have redeemed you; I have called [you] by name; you are Mine.
vs. 10-13 You are My witnesses —the word of HaShem — and My servant whom I have chosen, so that you will know and believe in Me, and understand that i am He; before Me nothing was created by a god nor will there be after Me!
vs. 11-13 I, only I, am HaShem, and there is no deliverer aside from Me. I have foretold and brought salvation and formed you; there was no strange [god] in your midst. You are My witnesses—the word of HaShem –and I am God. Even before there was a day, I was He, and there is none who can save from My hand; when I act, who can reverse it?
vs. 20-21, 24-35 My chosen people, this people which I fashioned for Myself that they might declare My praise . . . But you did not call out to Me, O Jacob, for you grew weary of Me, O Israel . . rather, you burdened Me with your sins, you wearied Me, with your iniquities. I, only I, am He Who wipes away your willful sins for My sake, and I shall not recall your sins.
44:1-2 But hear now, Jacob, My servant, and Israel, whom I have chosen! Thus said HaShem Who made you and fashioned you from the womb, Who will help you: Fear not, My servant Jacob and Jeshurun, whom I have chosen.
vs. 21 Remember these things, Jacob and Israel, for you are My servant: I fashioned you to be My servant; Israel, do not forget Me!
49:3,6-7 You are My servant, Israel, in whom I take glory . . .I will make you a light for the nations, so that My salvation may extend to the ends of the earth. Thus said HaShem, the Redeemer of Israel and their Holy One, to the despised soul, to the one loathed by nations, to the servant of rulers: Kings will see [you] and arise, officers will prostrate themselves, because of HaShem, Who is faithful, and the Holy One of Israel, Who has chosen you.
vs. 13-15 Behold, My servant will succeed; he will be exalted and become high and exceedingly lofty. Just as multitudes were astonished over you, [saying] ‘His appearance is too marred to be a man’s, and his visage to be human,’ so will the many nations exclaim about him, and kings will shut their mouths [in amazement] for they will see that which had never been told to them, and will receive things they had never heard.
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