[First posted in 2012, part of a series where Sinaites tackled point by point, the questions raised by former Christian colleagues who were—as we anticipated/expected—dismayed, flabbergasted, shocked, angry at our declaration that we were leaving Christ-centered religion and in fact, dumping ALL religion, and retracing our way to the direct source of Truth, so that we might finally live the True Faith in the True God.
Here are other related posts:
- We have heard it said – A Sinaite’s Apologetics – 5
- We Have Heard It Said – A Sinaite’s Apologetics – 6
So sorry, we can’t find posts #2,3,7, though there’s enough to learn here.—Admin1.]
We have heard it said —-
- How deceptive teachers can be when they reject “The Way, The Truth, and The Life”!!!!!!!!!!!!
- They do not have spiritual enlightenment, only academic ability.
Surprisingly, the source of these disparaging words is a Christian missionary turned Messianic, who has been the bible teacher of our core group of Sinaites for decades. As expected, he was totally dismayed at the gradual breakaway, one after another, of about 30 students who have been among the most enthusiastic and active in supporting his ministry if only by their regular attendance at his bible study classes, seminars and conferences.
The general tenor of his verbal and written adverse reaction is this: only Christ-believers, Jesus-worshippers are “saved” and given spiritual enlightenment because of the indwelling Holy Spirit. Without this connection to Jesus Christ, no one can understand the New Testament and the whole doctrinal package emanating from it.
We have heard him say that many seekers of God and Truth are indeed sincere, but unless they believe and understand and accept the gospel of Jesus Christ, they are sincerely wrong. Evidently, we now belong to that category of the sincerely wrong.
At least, he concedes that while we no longer have spiritual enlightenment, we still have “academic ability.” Calling us “deceptive teachers” is uncalled for but never mind, at least he qualifies why—because we have rejected “The Way, The Truth, and The Life” followed by multiple exclamation points for emphasis!!!!!!!!
In the gospel of John, whoever authored the gospel placed those words in the mouth of Jesus. In fact, the same gospel writer chose as his opening salvo an echo of Genesis1:1 “In the beginning . . .” except this time he chose “Word” instead of “God.” The New Testament which is written in Greek uses the word “Logos” for “Word.”
The dictionary defines “logos” in connection with John’s gospel:
“the Word of God, or principle of divine reason and creative order, identified in the Gospel of John with the second person of the Trinity incarnate in Jesus Christ.”
The thought progression goes from “Word” which was “with God” which “was God” and moves on to equating this “Word” with the “Creator of the universe.” And of course the whole gospel is perfectly organized to present a series of sevens in the life and ministry of its Man-God protagonist.
New converts to Christianity are told to read this gospel, if nothing else in the New Testament. Bible teachers set this gospel aside, separating it from the other three [Matthew, Mark, Luke] which are called the “synoptics.” When the Jesus of John makes that claim “I am the Way, the Truth and the Life,” nobody questions it.
Well, let us question it here. Jesus is the Way to what or to where or to whom? Supposedly, the Way to the Father, because he follows that up with “No one comes to the Father except by me.” Within the context of Christian theology, that would be true, because there are many other teachings connected with that bold controversial claim. In fact it is what gets Jesus in trouble in his Jewish context, that’s why the gospels depict him debating constantly with the Pharisees and Sadducees who accuse him of blasphemy. We used to think blasphemy meant speaking sacrilegiously of God and sacred things until we understood it in Jewish thinking —blasphemy is equating oneself with God, claiming to be God.
That bold claim is tied up with all other Christian teaching, such as: because of original sin, every person is born separated from God, totally unable to connect with God, helpless in his depravity, hopeless and damned, unless one connects with the proclaimed Savior of Christianity. There is no way one can approach the Father; there is a cordon sanitaire of sorts that makes Him unreachable by man. He requires a blood sacrifice of a perfect man who has never sinned, so Jesus fills the bill since he’s God himself. So God fulfills His own requirements. And so on. It does get confusing to deal with a Trinity. So let’s review the basics.
The Hebrew Scriptures —the Christian Bible’s “Old Testament” is supposedly foundational for the New Testament. The God who reveals Himself in the Hebrew Scriptures comes through as a totally different God from the Father of the Christian Trinity. We cannot deal with the differences here but will save it for another article.
Suffice it to say for now that YHWH, the God of Israel and of all mankind, spells out THE WAY to Him and that is His TORAH.
In the TORAH, man meets the ONE TRUE GOD. HE defines HIMSELF. In the beautiful simple prayer of Jews, they recite what YHWH through his mouthpiece Moses declares to His chosen Light-bearers:
The Shema:
Shema Yisrael, Adonai Eloheinu, Adonai Echad.
Hear O Israel, God is our Lord, God is One.
Perhaps if Jews were not so awed and supremely respectful of HaShem, the Name, they would declare the Shema this way: Hear O Israel, YHWH is our Lord, YHWH is One. How else can other people know the True God’s Name if the generic word in English is used?
YHWH spells out THE TRUTH and that is IN His TORAH.
YHWH spells out THE LIFE and that is the TORAH-lifestyle He requires of all believers in HIM.
YHWH says He is the SAVIOR, the ROCK, the SHEPHERD, the CREATOR, the ONE and ONLY GOD, there is NO OTHER.
All He requires of man is knowledge of HIM through His self-revelation in the Scriptures of Israel, as well as obedience to His TORAH. Man is not hopelessly depraved, each is responsible for his choices in life, since he has been endowed with that aspect of God that no other created being has been given — free will.
Understanding of YHWH’s TORAH is within the reach of anyone who endeavours to seriously study it in order to understand it and apply it to his life. But it is not enough to apply it, one must preserve it and pass it on to the next generation or to others who would diligently listen, not just casually hear, and intelligently—not blindly—obey, out of love for this God Whose Name is YHWH.
In behalf of Sinai 6000 Core Community,