[First posted in 2012. Sinaites are not ‘down’ on religion as some of our critics mistakenly think; this post explains our position: we are not a religion; we are a way of thinking which leads to a way of life based on what we have accepted as YHWH’s guidelines for living for all humanity, not just for Israel, and that is the TORAH life. This adds to the many articles we have written about our perspective.—Admin1]
Sinaites define “religion” as a man-initiated attempt to relate to an unknown supernatural power. Religion is human-sourced, based on man’s philosophical musings, speculations, logic, conclusions leading to beliefs and convictions about a supernatural entity whom man wants to know but cannot see or prove, but feel a spiritual link with.
This man-initiated attempt might begin with—
- simply recognizing that there is a higher power,
- then move on to seeking to know him,
- and further to defining and naming him;
- and determining ways to please, placate, worship him;
- and finally to living according to how man thinks this god requires him to live.
All beliefs in a deity might loosely fall under “religion.” In this sense, religion is good, because at least there is an acknowledgment of God’s existence followed by accountability to God. It should make a difference in how a believer in a god lives his life on earth, how he uses his time, opportunities, giftings, etc.
[AST] Proverbs 9:10-11
“The beginning of wisdom is fear of HASHEM [YHWH]
and [the beginning of] understanding is knowledge of the sacred.
For through me your days will be increased,
and they will increase years of life for you.
If you have become wise,
you have become wise for your own good,
and if you have scoffed,
you alone will bear [responsibility].”
Some people end their speculation with an awareness of God and go no further. Others progress to the next step—how do I get to know this Being, this Entity?
The normal route resorted to is—they turn to existing religious sects, small groupings or communities, persuaded that the leaders know more than they do about “the way” to God. There are many institutionalized religions that have world-wide reach and influence, one doesn’t have to stick his neck out to join any of them; they’re out to go after any seeker.
The goal of a God-seeker is simply to know God if that is at all possible. It starts as a personal quest but as one starts relating to others with the same objective, they start connecting with other seekers. Before you know it, they form fellowships, religious communities, then institutionalize into churches. Each tends to have an exclusive claim to truth and to being in the right religion as the only way to God.
History has a sad record of the evils of religion, so that’s the BAD part of religion. It tends to promote self-righteousness, intolerance, exclusivism, bias towards others of different faiths, tunnel vision, persecution, fanaticism, to name a few.
The Crusades and the Inquisition all but eliminated any opposition or challenge to the beliefs espoused by Catholicism. Cultic leaders are able to influence their flock to practice polygamy, isolate themselves in communities to wait for the end of the world and worse, cultic leaders like Jim Jones was able to delude his flock towards mass suicide. Religious fanatics go so far as burning themselves in public for a cause and in the case of terrorists, suicide bombers are able to cause as much death and destruction to others.
If there is a sure turnoff for the agnostics and atheists of the world, that would be religion and all the bad it does, ironically and unfortunately, “in the Name of God.”
So where does a sincere God-seeker/Truth-seeker turn to, if not religion?
There IS another way: try the original revelation of God . . . that would be the Sinai revelation recorded in the five books attributed to Moses—the Torah. Get to know the God Who revealed Himself, His Name, and His will for all humanity.
The goal is relationship with the One True God, not religion. With this relationship is a bonus, a way of life, Torah, “instructions” on how to live in community, whether Jew or Gentile. Pore through the Scriptures, both the “Old” and the “New” and look for any commandment that says “join a religion”, or even “join MY religion” . . . you will not find it. What you will find is “obey my commandments”.
And now, Israel
[Mixed Multitude, Gentiles among you]
what does YHVH your God require of you,
but to fear YHVH your God,
to walk in all His WAYS,
and to love Him,
to serve YHVH your God with all your heart and with all your soul,
and to keep the commandments of YHVH and His statutes
which I command you today
for your good?
(Deuteronomy 19:12-13)
For YHVH your God
is the God of gods
and the Lord of lords,
the great, the mighty,
and the awesome God!
(Deuteronomy 10:17)