No wonder they’re extinct . . .


This is the 6th time we have reposted this since 2013; we think this cartoon is so well thought out, kudos to cartoonist “Regan”.


There are other meanings one can add to it, not just that the real dinosaurs might have missed the boat in Noah’s day. . . but that perhaps to this day, the ‘religious dinosaurs’ continue to  miss YHWH’s  ‘boat’.    


Example.   Christianity’s “progressive revelation” produced their “New Testament” with a theology that contradicts the “Old”.  Well, guess what?  The original Revelation on Sinai is not supposed to be replaced by any addendum or amendment if we are to take the last verses of the last book seriously.


Deuteronomy 4:1-3

And now, Israel, hear the statutes and the laws that I am about to teach you to do, so you may live, and you shall come and take hold of the land that the YHWH, God of your fathers, is about to give to you.  You shall not add to the word that I charge you and you shall not subtract from it, to keep the commands of YHWH your God which I charge you.”


Do those words sound familiar?  If you’ve read the last book of the New Testament,  the Book of Revelation ends with the same warning. 


18  I testify to everyone who hears the words of prophecy in this book: If anyone adds to them, God will add to him the plagues described in this book. 19 And if anyone takes away from the words of this book of prophecy, God will take away his share in the tree of life and in the holy city, which are described in this book.…


Make your own conclusion on that one.  You might point out that Israel added Neviim and Ketuviim  to the first part of their TNK but if you read those books, the prophets of Israel who were the “mouthpieces” of YHWH were merely giving warnings for disobedience and urging Israel to return to the “Law and the Testimony”, their Torah.  And that is why we, Sinaites, have determined for ourselves that the only word of God we will recognize is the Torah.  But what about a whole “New Testament” that presents a reconfigured Godhead and a different exclusive approach to God?  Does that violate “do not add nor subtract” from the original?


What about the original 7th day, did anybody ‘miss the boat’ on that one?   Is there any doubt that it’s Saturday, not Sunday;  Sabado in hispanic languages. Even the French dictionary defines samedi as the 7th day of the week.


Who missed YHWH’s  boat on determining which day of the week is the 7th?  The Sunday people and the Friday people, sincere and zealous God-worshippers in the two other major world religions that issued, strangely,  from Judaism.  Why do religionists change the original commandments of YHWH?  They do have their explanation and justification; it is up to the individual to swallow or spit out. But what if the One True God reminds each God-seeker, “I’ll meet with you every Sabbath of your life” . . . would you miss the boat on that ‘date’, as in a romantic date on a specific calendar date?


The CREATOR presumably inhabits earth time on “MY appointed times” . . .  virtually a “date with YHWH.”  Abraham Joshua Heschel has the perfect phrase for it: a  “Sanctuary in Time” while someone else (sorry, forgot who) referred to it similarly as a “Cathedral in Time.”  


We imagine that the LORD of the SABBATH meets with all Sabbath-keepers; both Divinity and observant Humanity co-enter this virtual “sanctuary in time”, this  “cathedral in time” and meet “in time”, not on any particular place on earth, but “in time”.  This way, anybody anywhere doesn’t have to go to any particular place on earth . . . but simply set apart, hallow the only day and the first creation ever blessed by the Creator. How many Sabbaths in our lifetime are we given to meet with the Lord of the Sabbath? All of it!


How important is the Sabbath to the Lord of the Sabbath, the Creator, the Revelator on Sinai?

  •  He Himself rested from His creative work on the 7th day,
  • He Himself was the first Sabbath-keeper,  being the example to signify the importance of ‘resting from one’s labors’;
  • the 7th day is the first of His “creation” that He “blessed” and “hallowed”;
  • He taught the Israelites to rest each 7th day from picking up manna during their wilderness wandering, relating the Sabbath to physical nourishment and physical rest and the blessing that results from it;
  • On Sinai, as Revelator/Ruler of the “mixed multitude” freed from bondage, He included the 7th Day observance–
    • into the 4th Commandment of the decalogue,  
    • between 3 commands relating to Him
    • and 6 commands related to human relationships,
    • etched the Decalogue on two tablets of stone.


Consider the significance of the 4th commandment!

All Jewry, Seventh Day Adventists, Jehovah Witnesses, Messianics, Sinaites — all Sabbath keepers are surely blessed for keeping this weekly appointment with the Creator Who was the First Sabbath-Keeper.   And oh, let us not forget the first man and woman were one-day old on their first Sabbath celebration with their Creator,  when the day had not yet become law.


Every Sabbath,  we are IN HIS TIME.  Let us keep our weekly appointment with the True Lord of the Sabbath, YHWH is His Name.  Savor every moment of the day!  What a privilege to be in the Presence of the Creator Who set aside the Sabbath Day for Himself and for humanity’s sake, Who inhabits this earthly sanctuary in time.


Christianity claims they are “under Grace, NOT Law” . . . well, guess what?  Law has been given out of the Law-Giver’s Grace: He could have left humanity ignorant and forever guessing how to please and worship Him but by His Grace, He chooses to inform those with eyes to see and ears to hear and most important, the will to obey!  We are indeed under Grace AND Law, for Law has been issued to all humanity, Jew and Gentile, because our Gracious and Merciful God, in His wisdom,  is just like any parent who teaches children how to live harmoniously under his/her authority.  There is a WAY for all humanity to live together, the Sinai Revelation spells that out but at its core are two basic principles:  

  • God first, and
  • other-centeredness next.  


Where else might ‘religious dinosaurs’ have ‘missed the boat’?  Start making your own list dear visitor, and make sure you don’t miss getting on YHWH’s ark! It’s still docked, waiting for never-too-late-comers to awaken, recognize and appreciate the simple truth that —

  • by His Grace, 
  • the Creator,
  • the Sinai Revelator,
  • YHWH, God of Israel,
  • God of all nations,
  • gave His Law (TORAH)
  • to regulate how all humanity,
  • (Israel and the Nations represented in the “mixed multitude” at Sinai),
  • are to live under His Rule
  • if they accept and acknowledge Him
  • as King and
  • Lord over their lives
  • and respond  just like the “mixed multitude” did
  • who said “yes, we will obey!”
  • and truly obey, unlike the original 1st generation at Sinai, who perished in the wilderness and were not able to enter the Land of Promise, except for Joshua and Caleb.


If you acknowledge and worship another god by another name with another nature other than how YHWH has revealed Himself consistently through His Sinai Revelation and through His prophets in Ketuviim, then perhaps you are indeed not compelled to obey YHWH’s Law and are not under His Rule.   Hopefully this God of Grace and Law will patiently wait for you, as He did with us Sinaites, to get on His boat!


Don’t end up like Regan’s cartoon dinosaurs who say—

“Oh crap, was that TODAY?”






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