05/22/18 – “david star”
05/15/18 – “Creation-Day-4” –Another image checked out by a searcher; click it and be surprised!
05/15/18 – “d2323d058926bbdd942bf7c8df169c4a” – This is a web-borrowed “Shabbat shalom” greeting we used in a Sabbath Liturgy; click it and see what shows up!
05/14/18 – “edom esau”
05/14/18 – As Israel celebrates its 7 decades of existence as a nation, we pray for the peace of Jerusalem and the whole “promised land” which has been a land of promise for the Jewish people . . . except that its enemies refuse to allow it to exist or live in peace. Here are past articles to check out:
- Revisit: Israel: The Only Nation with a Distinctive National Identity
- Revisit: Israel represents the greatest national success story of all time.
- Revisit: Q&A: That recurring question about Israel’s ‘chosen-ness’…
- Revisited: Why Anti-Semitism?
- Revisit: Jewish Attitude toward Evolution
- Who are the Jews and What Were They Chosen For?
05/14/18 — “must read zion book”
05/14/18 — Links that were clicked on this date, in case you wish to check them out for yourself:
05/13/18 — In the introduction to our post on the celebration of Mother’s Day, we wondered if the decision makers who assign specific days and months for specific celebrations had intended Mother’s Day to follow Labor Day? If that was an unconscious decision, it’s still a good connection! Mother not only labors to carry her unborn child to full term (9 months, Pop, try to beat that!), but after birthing-day, every child no matter how old in years remains in mother’s heart and mind and concern till her dying day. Truly, mother deserves recognition from every living being, since the Creator designed the female species to be in His Image, specifically His ‘nurturing nature’ and ‘mothering instinct’, yes?
Here are our posts in tribute to her, with sample excerpts from each:
Excerpt: Bless all Mothers, O GIVER and SOURCE of LIFE,
for their special place in the lives of children,
for providing never-ending unconditional love to them.
May children young and old, see in Mothers
that very IMAGE of You, a loving GOD Who cares
that each child fulfills the purpose for which he was created:
to know You first and foremost,
yet freely choose his destiny,
with You or without You in it.
It is our prayer that our children will choose ‘Life’,
YOUR LIFE, for in doing so,
their destiny is rightly directed and ultimately blessed,
and that brings great comfort to a mother’s heart.
Excerpt: Hamlet’s is hardly a dilemma; we simply exist or we don’t without our making any personal choice. We were conceived without our permission, we simply found ourselves participating in the development of a life—our life—as a result of our parents’ choice or sometimes, a mere consequence of a sexual union. We’re nurtured in the womb by one of our parents, the temporary life-sustainer—our mother—and, depending on how she decides to nurture us or how she takes care of herself during her pregnancy, we’re merely blessed recipients of her natural motherliness or in some cases, suffer from lack of motherly concern (uniquely a woman’s choice).
Back in the womb . . . at the very moment of our conception there is that ‘hold-your-breath’ phase when we are held hostaged by the conscious decision of the carrier, the impregnated female, our would-be mother in whose hands our fate hangs. While the Creator of Life had put that whole process of propagating human life on ‘automatic’ mode, yet decisions are left in the hands of responsible and unfortunately, irresponsible self-centered unthinking females. For a short while we might be relegated to the category of unexpected or unwanted pregnancy.
Whether or not we make it beyond the medical confirmation that biologically, there was indeed a successful fertilization of an egg by a sperm—-becomes the sole prerogative of ‘woman’. And if she so decides she will have this baby, then we are on our way to being born (thanks, mother)!
[Nobody noticed and neither did we, that we neglected to post this monthly aid for searchers, originally intended to direct them to articles that address their entry in ‘search terms’. And so it’s mid-May, when we noticed . . . wondering if we should even continue this blog. Well, why not! This gives us the opportunity to have a running commentary on current events, any concern, any question that might crop up from visitors to this site. The trend from month to month and year to year though is — there are hardly any entries/queries from our web visitors and perhaps that is a good sign that they find it easy to navigate their way through our website and don’t need to be directed; just click Site Map, the right-most box above the scroll which is like a ‘table of contents’ listing of over 1000 posts under 22 categories. The other possibility is — heavens forbid, there are no or hardly any visitors! But this is disproven by Google Cluster Map which shows frequent daily clicks on our site and specific posts by searchers from all over the world. That is heartening, our work is not in vain. So, as late as this is being posted, we decided to continue this blog, if nothing else except to comment on current ‘anything’ that might connect to a Torah perspective. And even if nobody asks, we’ll still give the answer!–Admin 1.]