REVISIT: When the earth shakes . . .

timeline-of-disasters-in-baguio-city-31-638[First posted in 2017.   Sinaites have gone through a 7.8 magnitude earthquake that at first felt like a rapid shaking up-down and a sudden stop . . . only to be followed by another wave-like sensation during which one had to get down on all-fours to avoid losing balance.  The whole experience lasted a mere 24 seconds, though at the time it was happening, it felt so much longer.   The devastation in loss of lives, destruction of property, shaky mental and psychological health thereafter and on many other levels of living —-that took its toll, particularly since the aftershocks continued for another year.   It would be years before our city and the surrounding region would recover.  

Indeed when the earth shakes violently, what does one do besides saying “Oh my God!” which is probably the only time some people turn to the One Who programmed earthquakes into His Creation as part of natural phenomena and for good reason.  Hereunder are some tips sent in by a web visitor who has requested that it be disseminated to as many as would read & heed.—-Admin1]






The worst part about earthquakes is their unpredictability — certain factors give us clues to when one might occur, but ultimately there’s no way to forecast exactly when one will strike. As a California resident, that’s a pretty overwhelming thought.

And this year, it isn’t just us Californians who have to worry. Geologists are predicting that 2017 will bring particularly destructive earthquakes. Early preparation has perhaps never been more important.

Your website looks like a great place to help others brush up on earthquake safety, so I thought you might be interested in adding some great resources on the subject here:



Home Emergency & Disaster Safety

Earthquake Preparedness For Central U.S. Mobile Home Owners

Disaster Safety for People with Disabilities: What to Do When Emergency Weather Strikes

Minimizing Damage and Repair Costs to Manufactured Homes During an Earthquake

Driving to Safety: The Car Owner’s Guide to Emergency Evacuation

How To Stay Safe In Your Apartment During Earthquakes

How Much Does it Cost to Earthquake Retrofit a Home?

Debunked myths about what to do during an earthquake


When it comes to earthquakes, there’s simply no such thing as, “too prepared!” I sincerely thank you for your time today — if you’re disinterested in further outreach, kindly send me an email letting me know.


Thanks in advance,


Signed: [Name Witheld]



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