Discourse: Christian Pastor to Sinaite – 9

[Update 2015: For website visitors who have not followed this discourse between two friends who were involved as pastor/elder/minister in one of the biggest church/fellowship in a metropolitan area, please refer to these prequels:





Hi VAN and BAN,


The passover account you struggled with when John said Jesus is the lamb of God is not a problem to me but a confirmation.
Even Paul in  1 Corinthians 5: 7 said, ” .., Jesus our passover also has been sacrificed. “   Remember Paul was an old testament scholar – a Pharisee also. He knew the connection clearly.


Historical fact  –  Jesus died on the passover.   Why ?  Why not another date? To let  us see it is no coincidence.  He is indeed our passover sacrifice. Payment for sin involves blood sacrifice.


 This is practiced in many cultures. The Chinese has the same tradition of animal sacrifice to appease the God of heaven. Coincidence or divinely inspired and taught ?


VAN,  eventually faith is a choice. The connecting of the details and dots about the old testament and Jesus is so amazing.
From his—
  • ancestry,
  • genealogy,  
  • to his birth place,
  • time of his birth,
  • His teachings
  • and miracles,
  • prediction about His own death,
  • suffering on the cross,
  • betrayed for 30 pcs of silver,
  • death
  • and resurrection
  • etc..


I humble myself and chose to believe His claims –

  • The son of God,
  • The way,
  • The Truth
  • and The life.
  • “No one comes to the father but Me.”


God bless!

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