Q: Does the TORAH promote belief in “Guardian Angels”?

Image from Pinterest

Image from Pinterest

[Our former Bible teacher (identified in many posts as “RW”, particularly in the DISCOURSE category), has recently restored us on his “send” list.  Usually his missives are exclusive for his flock among the congregations of Messianic Judaism, (i.e. ‘Christian Theology in Jewish Dress’) that he ‘planted’ all over the Asia Pacific region.  This is only a short anecdote about an experience he connects with “guardian angels”.  We used to think the same way;  it is typical of the Christian mindset to conclude ‘miracles’ and the personal God’s provisions for what each believer exactly needs at crucial times, by sending His ‘messengers’, His ‘ministering good angels’—in disguise.   Where do you stand, dear reader?


This is only the “Q” part,  the sequel in another article will be our “A”;  it gives us reason to timely explore/explicate the subject of angelology and balance our series on the non-existence of  “fallen angels”.  If you haven’t read those posts, check the following links:

Reformatting and highlights added to original text.  If you’re familiar with our color-coding, we assign “red” for NT and “blue” for OT or our preferred designation:  HB for the Hebrew Bible/Hebrew Scriptures.—Admin1.)




Our Guardian Angels!!!   –  By “RW”


We believe in Guardian Angels whether others do or not because we believe the Bible, every word of it!!


Hebrews 1:13-14. 

And to which of the angels has he ever said, “Sit at my right hand until I make your enemies a footstool for your feet”?  Are they not all ministering spirits sent out to serve for the sake of those who are to inherit salvation?


This is our biblical basis, which I will explain, and later tell you our experience with a Guardian Angel.


Inheritance is based on family membership.  Those in the family will inherit based on the stipulations of the Patriarch who writes his Will before he dies.  After he dies, no changes can be made.


The Creator of the Universe, the LORD Yeshua/Jesus The Messiah, Redeemer and Savior was born a human, lived among us for 33 years, teaching Truth and offering Eternal Life and then died to validate His offer, His Will, which is retroactive since Adam & Havah (Eve).


Yeshua has only ONE Family, those BORN-from-Above by His Spirit from among the people of Israel and from among the peoples of the Gentiles.  Another illustration He uses for His Family is His Good Olive Tree in Romans 11, with the natural branches being Believers from Israel and the engrafted branches being Believers from the Gentiles.


With these two illustrations of actual events in individual personal lives, we know those who qualify for having Guardian Angels.  We qualified when in our teens other Believers showed us the Good News in the Bible and by the Grace of God, not our merit, we understood, believed and gave our lives to Him, to love, serve and obey Him forever!


Now in 2017, at 88 and 86 years, we are like Paul the Apostle who said, 2 Timothy 4:7-8. 


I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith.  Henceforth there is laid up for me the crown of righteousness, which the Lord, the righteous judge, will award to me on that Day, and not only to me but also to all who have loved his appearing.


Now about our Guardian Angel, the only one we have seen physically even though we are aware of their watch care over us at all times.  About 10 years ago, “NW” [RW’s wife] and I were on our way to Gainesville in our large conversion van.  A few miles from Gainesville, the front right tire blew!  I was not going fast so I pulled over on the grass beside the pavement and got out my jack and tools.  Soon I realized that my jack was not enough so I said, “Lord, what do I do now??”


Image from aprojectforkindness.wordpress

Image from aprojectforkindness.wordpress

Almost immediately an older pickup pulled up about 20 feet behind us.  A biker type guy with long hair, beard and tattoos all over came over to help.  He hardly said a word during his whole time helping me and I did not push conversation, being very grateful for his help.  He went back to his pickup and brought another jack and tools and went ahead and changed the tire with hardly a word while I watched.  When he finished I thanked him, he nodded, went back to his pickup, turned around and went back the way he came as if he had come there purposely to help me…. in answer to my prayer???


At first we thought he was a “good Samaritan” who had come along and stopped to help us but as we both thought more about it….. no!!  He came specifically to help us and returned back the way he came!!  He had to be our Guardian Angel, showing up almost as soon as I had said my quick, short prayer!


Now why would God send His Guardian Angel to us as a long haired, bearded, tattooed biker kind?  NW had been quite leery of these guys so after this she realized that there might be some really decent guys among them, that this is their style, so our Angel took this form as he took on a human body to “serve me in my need,” to encourage us and help NW change her opinion about such people.  We have no other explanation for this wonderful experience.

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