Discourse between Sinaites & Messianic Pastor

Image from Compassionate San Antonio

Image from Compassionate San Antonio

[We are reposting this discourse series that were originally emails between “RW” and Sinaites BAN, VAN, NSB.  


RW had been a missionary based in Baguio City, Philippines for decades; then moved toward Messianic Judaism (MJ) which we call “Christianity in Jewish Dress”.  A dedicated bible teacher, to his credit he taught individuals, small groups, anybody truly interested in bible study and later, initiated the MJ movement in Southeast Asia, planting Messianic Congregations among Christian groups he influenced, who followed him to his next conviction/commitment.  A staunch and dedicated ‘warrior’ for Christ-centered faith who had taught bible for decades to members of our Sinaite core community when we were still Christians, he was of course the first among Christian leaders we “confessed” to about leaving the Christian religion and why.  The reaction?  Read the Discourse series.


These email exchanges are dated within the initial and crucial time of what RW calls our “apostasy”  (circa 2009-2010).  The series is a good reminder not only of what we had to deal with at that time, but also of the same reaction we continue to experience to this day from our former Christian colleagues.


These are not chronologically arranged. —-Admin1.]



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