Discourse – Sinaite/Christian Pastor

Image from ALC Lifegroups - WordPress.com

Image from ALC Lifegroups – WordPress.com

[What is the value of reading “Discourse”?  Just like a neutral listener at a debate where two opposing sides of an issue are presented back and forth until both give up on each other, a reader with patience enough to read through the written communication of the discussants will learn much!  The reader not only gets exposed to two sides of the topic at hand, but also gets a glimpse of the relationship between the discussants/debaters.  When the exchange of ideas is accompanied by mutual respect of the other’s opinion, that is the best kind of discourse.  Written discourse gives each side time to react in a ‘gentlemanly’ manner, so the exchange doesn’t get tense but remains calm.  


Imagine yourself listening in as a third party to a conversation between long time friend/servants of Christ, of the same faith for decades, then one veered off and they are now of differing faiths.  Wouldn’t you be curious about who wins the debate, if any?  To Sinaites, there are no winners in our discourses with former Christian colleagues.  In the end, you reader are the judge, deciding whom to believe, the loyal Christ-worshipper or the ‘renegade’ who returns to the Self-revealing God in the Hebrew Scriptures.


This particular discourse ends on the right note as far as we’re concerned, when Sinaite VAN simply declares:  


Our website has many posts explaining our journey back to the Sinai Revelation.  

As you will conclude from our collective testimony,

there is no turning back for us . . .

not for the others and definitely . . . 

not for me.


And the other side no longer responds. —-Admin1]


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