Yo searchers! Can we help you? – February 2014

[What searchers enter as ‘search terms’ interest us no end. Sometimes we are able to help, sometimes not, at least not on this website, though we direct them where they might find answers to their quest.  This February we are doing some major revisions/review/revisits on our posts so please bear with us for this month.  Part of the revision is changing the translation of our choice which has been HNT/His Name Tanakh by Benmara of hearoyisrael.net to two excellent highly recommended translations of the TORAH: The Five Books of Moses—one by Robert Alter, with Commentary, and another by Everett Fox. Have a great month this February, may the love of our great God YHWH fill our hearts to overflow to others not so much in words but in deeds!—Admin1.]


1/28  “you’ll never understand” israel pic” – Not sure how to address this searcher, hope he/she found what he/she was looking for in this website or another.

1/28 ” ernest van den haag and anti semitism” – The first part of this search is answered by the entry below; the second part “anti-semitism” is best answered by an excellent book, comprehensive in its sweep of how, who, when and where anti-semitism (as in hatred of the Jews) began, you’ll be surprised at the historical answer.  The title? Christian Anti-Semitism, A History of Hate.

1/28 ” the jewish mystique van den haag” – MUST READ – The Jewish Mystique by Ernest Van Den Haag

1/27  “jewish mid-wives” –  Actually the correct term is “Hebrew” midwives.  There were no “Jews” in those days as yet, we have to learn to be precise with terms; some people think Adam and Eve, Noah, Abraham and Isaac were “Jewish”.  And so, back to the “Hebrew” midwives? The artwork we feature here was not originally about the Hebrew midwives but since an artist-son of a Sinaite had painted two women who could well represent them, we’ve used it as illustration.  Here’s the post:  ART by BBB@S6K – Hebrew Midwives: Shiphrah and Puah

1/27  “personification of lamentations bible” – A Literary Approach to the Book of Lamentations

1/27  “hoolow win prtiy” – A Hollow Win

1/27  “evil spirit from god 1samuel 16:14″ – 1 Samuel 16:14-23 – “an evil spirit from God”?

1/26  “seth made in adam’s image” – Q&A: Why is Seth the one “in the likeness of Adam” instead of firstborn son Cain?

1/25  “qumran king messiah of god” – Revisited: The Messiahs – 2 – The Davidic Messiah

1/25  “rabbi sacks what one must know in order to understand a book” – The Creator 3 – “Covenant and Conversation” – Chief Rabbi Jonathan Sacks

1/24  “what does uncircumcised lips mean in the bible” – Exodus/Shemoth 6-b: Do you have “uncircumcised lips”?

1/23  “bible study on doubt” – Exodus/Shemoth 5: Doubt, Doubt

1/23   “ancient egypt lamb -recipes” – This is an interesting entry; as far as we know, ancient Egypt would not EAT their God—the lamg is among their pantheon of Gods. Check this out: The Lamb/Ram in Egypt’s Pantheon

1/22  “redigging the wells of respect” – thinking about how to help this searcher. Metaphor of “wells digging” to yield “respect” which, presumably, is lacking these days?  Respect for elders? women? teachers? Perhaps, more relevant to “religion”, beliefs of another particularly when it runs counter to yours? Yes, mutual respect among believers of different persuasions would be nice, but how does one connect that with presenting the “truth” that each side doggedly cling to without wishing to listen to another side?  Truth different from what one knows as ‘truth’ comes through as offensive to the hearer.  And that is why two rabbis are featured here who are proponents for exactly this topic — Rabbi Abraham Joshua Heschel who wrote about interfaith and Rabbi Schmuley Boteach who wrote about Jesus as the hyphen between Judaism and Christianity. The tone of their writings has a calming effect, a reflection of shalom, not the heated discourse that often happens between two sides who are not listening to each other but preparing their next counterargument instead.  Ever experience that?

1/21  “passage in the bible god is a vengeful god” –

1/21 “the beauty of the hexagon yahushuwah” – We have no post about the “hexagon” but here’s one about Yahushuwah:  A Literary Approach to Yahushuwa’/Joshua and Shophtiym/Judges

1/21  “+ruwth writing” – A Literary Approach to the Book of Ruwth/Ruth

1/21   “uncircumcised lips” – Exodus/Shemoth 6-b: Do you have “uncircumcised lips”?

1/21   “hagar god sees me” – Revisited: בראשית Bere’shiyth 16: “And ‘Abram listened to and obeyed the voice of Saray.”

1/20  “puah” – This artwork was not originally about the Hebrew midwives but since an artist-son of a Sinaite had painted two women who could well represent them, we’ve used it as illustration.  Here’s the post:  ART by BBB@S6K – Hebrew Midwives: Shiphrah and Puah

1/20   “if a jewish sacrificial lamb was not good enough” – This searcher posits an interesting though unfinished query: there is presumption of  a “sacrificial lamb” that is not only “jewish” but that it was not “good enough”—for whom?  Presumably for God who commanded specific offerings for specific feasts in Leviticus 23.   This requires a whole article — so we will post onel soon, but for now, check out this post:  Sacrificial goat, Scapegoat . . . what about the Lamb? Not on Yom Kippur.

1/20  “do you hyphinate jesus’s or jesus'” – Jesus – “The Hyphen that Unites Us”

1/20  “uncircumcised lips” – Exodus/Shemoth 6-b: Do you have “uncircumcised lips”?

1/20   “seth + image of adam” – Isn’t it a curious thing – –  if Adam fell from grace and was tainted with original sin, then Scripture should have mentioned Cain, the firstborn of all humanity, as the son in the likeness of fallen Adam.  And what about second-born Abel, who was portrayed as pleasing to the Creator through his acceptable offering, would he have also been in the likeness of fallen Adam? And what about Seth? The rabbis explain why, from their perspective.  How would Christians who believe in original sin explain why indeed it is Seth singled out to be in his father’s likeness? Could it have been, as someone suggested, Seth resembled Adam physically?  Q&A: Why is Seth the one “in the likeness of Adam” instead of firstborn son Cain?

1/20  “uncircumcised lips” – Exodus/Shemoth 6-b: Do you have “uncircumcised lips”?

1/18  “is there true justice” – Is there true justice on earth?

1/18  Q&A:  What does the TNK say about ‘gehenna’ or ‘gehinnom’ ? Thank you. –

We submitted this to “ask the rabbi” in www.aish.com and received this answer:


The Torah is generally a work which discusses how to live properly in this world. It is not a philosophical work which discusses issues beyond the realm of the world, but a practical guide to living ethically and meaningfully in the world we know.

 Nevertheless, there are many allusions to Hell in Tanach, described as a place of punishment for the wicked. Here are several verses you can check out: I Samuel 32:22, Isaiah 5:14, Isaiah 14:9-15, Daniel 12:2, Psalms 116:3, Job 33:30.
With blessings,
Rabbi Dovid Rosenfeld
By the way, if you live in North America and are interested in trying out one-on-one Jewish learning, we would be happy to arrange this for you, at: http://image.aish.com/Partners-In-Torah.html. Any subject can be studied, by phone or in person, at a time convenient for you. This is a free service.
"Ask the Rabbi" involves considerable manpower and research costs and we greatly appreciate your support.
Brought to you by Aish HaTorah
One Western Wall Plaza POB 14149
Old City, Jerusalem, 9114101 ISRAEL

1/18   “‘ha satan’ verses tanakh” – ‘ha satan’ is Hebrew for the adversary, a messenger of YHWH that is assigned to act as an adversary; it is prominently used in the book of Job for one of the sons of YHWH in His heavenly court who is assigned to challenge the faith of Job. The same term is used for the messenger blocking the way of Balaam (when the donkey spoke). We have written posts to challenge the Christian teaching that ‘ha satah’ is the Christian ‘devil’, please check these out:

Is God the author of “evil”?

1/18   “qodeshiym” – as far as we know, qodesh is Hebrew for ‘holy’ so with the ‘iym’ or ‘im’ at the end, plural form.

1/17  “review the christ-myth theory and its problems” – MUST READ: The Christ Myth Theory and Its Problems

1/17 “ luzon sculpture” – Wish there was one more word entered by this searcher what sculpture in Luzon, there are many? The Marcos head, it’s gone.  The giant 10 commandments on Dominican Hill? 

1/17  “when laban heard the tidings of jacob his sister’s son, that he ran to meet him, and embraced him, and kissed him, and brought him to his house childrens story” –  Check these out:

1/16 ” tnk books of moses’ –  Revisited: TORAH Through Time – Rabbi Shai Cherry

1/15  “what does the tanakh say about gehenna” – As far as we know, “Gehenna” is Yiddish while “Gehinnom” is Hebrew, both referring to an area around Jerusalem where pagan idolaters sacrificed infants to the god Molech. Eventually the term was related to the Christian concept of ‘hell’. We have written articles that there is no “hell” and “fallen angels” and a “Devil” so please read the following posts:

1/15  “sermon on the mount vs the giving of the law at sinai” – The Sermon on Sinai vs. The Sermon on the Mount

1/15  “pregnant hagar and god” – Revisited: בראשית Bere’shiyth 16: “And ‘Abram listened to and obeyed the voice of Saray.”

1/14   “deer picture, as the deer panteth for the water” – “Soul Thirst” – Art by AHV@S6K

1/13   “bible study lesson on abigail- an example of feminine leadership 1 sam 25:1-13;36-38″ – We have no post on this topic, but will work on one.

1/13  “bible tamar and judah” – Strange Interlude: Judah and Tamar – Bere’shiyth 38

1/13  bible study lesson on abigail- an example of feminine leadership 1 sam 25:1-13;36-38 – We have no post on this topic.

1/12  “study and teach on torah portions each … (tanakh) that is publicly … each year that we will” – Can’t help this searcher, not sure what he/she wants.

1/11  “why was seth made in adams likeness” – Q&A: Why is Seth the one “in the likeness of Adam” instead of firstborn son Cain?1/12 1/12  “study and teach on torah portions each … (tanakh) that is publicly … each year that we w

1/10   “yeshua and shaul never started a new relogion called christianity” – MUST READ: Paul and Jesus: How the Apostle Transformed Christianity

1/10  “david stern prooftexts 17:1″ – David Stern produced the CJB/Complete Jewish Bible, the version used by Messianics since he added a ‘Jewish flavor’ to the Christian Bible. How?  By substituting Hebrew words, names, titles all over.  Just like “Messianic Judaism”, the CJB is the Christian Bible in Jewish dress, and that’s all it is.  As for the searcher’s “prooftexts 17:1” — since the specific book is not included, there isn’t much help we can give here.

1/10  “the most sacred things in tachash” – Most likely this means “the most sacred things in tanach” . . . please be reminded that “holy” and “sacred” in the Hebrew simply means “set apart for Divine purpose” . . . . “the most sacred things” would be all such as set aside by YHWH for His purposes—that includes the chosen nation/people, the Levitical priesthood, the specific items in the Sanctuary/Tabernacle in the wilderness, specific offerings, etc.

1/10  .” the shema or jewish creed is essentially a restatement of the first commandments of the decalogue in pc. . .” – Dabariym 6:4-9 – ArtScroll comments that the first two verses of the Shema command Israel to acknowledge their God’s Oneness and to love Him; and that in today’s world “only Israel recognizes Hashem [YHWH]  as the One and Only, thus He is our God . . .”  We Sinaites acknowledge the Shema in the context, being addressed to Israel, is exclusively for Israel to obey . . . but it doesn’t mean that we gentiles are exempt from obeying the same — after all, the Torah is for Jew and Gentile, for all humanity.  As ArtScroll adds, “one expresses love of God by performing His commandments lovingly” — with all your soul andwith all your resources.

1/9  “rosh hashanah rabbi sachs” – Thoughts on Rosh Hashana from Chief Rabbi Lord Sacks

1/8  “what is shai cherrys purpose of genesis 1″ – Revisited: TORAH Through Time – Rabbi Shai Cherry

1/8  “shemoth 37 bible commentary” – Exodus/Shemoth 35-39: Do we have to read these chapters?

1/7  ‘the torah biblical principle teaches that ot her the voice of god you must study to __________, to listen” – Rewrite:  “the torah biblical principle teaches that to hear the voice of god you must study to__________, to listen” — still stumped, can’t figure out how to help this searcher.  What we do teach is this:  You want God to hear you, then pray and live the Torah life to be blessed; you want to hear God, then read His Sinai revelation in the Torah. Not just read but study!

1/7  “shemoth 20″ – Exodus/Shemoth 20: “I am יהוה”

1/6   “how does a gentile pray to hashem?” – Q&A: “How does a gentile pray to Hashem?”

1/6   “scriptures that deal with a heavenly courtroom” – Ha Satan in YHVH’s Heavenly Court?

1/6  “read bere’shiyt & haftarah free” – We haven’t yet gotten to providing the weekly readings for Pentateuch and Haftorahs, but please go to our Jewish web-links; they provide everything you need to know about the cycle of readings for the Jewish Sabbath.

1/5  “god was a jealous and vengeful god” – 

1/5  test study torah” – not sure about this entry, but check these out:

1/5   “what are the connections between spectacular theophany at sinai, and the lengthy account about the tab” – A Literary Approach to the book of Shemoth/Exodus

2/4 “what is amos attitude towared the sacrificial cult” – Additional Notes to Wai-qrah/Leviticus – 3/Understanding the Sacrificial Cult

2/3 “ha satan” – Ha Satan got a bad rap

2/3“understanding the shema” – Understanding the SHEMA

2/2  “mi name is bere ask” – Revisited: בראשית Bere’shiyth 32: “For what reason do you ask after my name? “

2/1  “a book for all people” – A Book for All People

2/1  “biblical diet in matthew” – Biblical Diet 4b: NT: Matthew 15:1-20

Here’s more on Leviticus 11, the “Maker’s Diet”:

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