Yo searchers, can we help you? November 2015

[Please remember, web visitors, that SITE MAP lists all the articles under specific categories; it is the Sinaite’s virtual library. You will find over 800 articles to keep you busy for a long while.  Where is SITE MAP?  Scroll upward, last box on right.—Admin1]



11/30/15   “images of the torah” –  We get our images through google search, lots to choose from — just make sure the source is acknowledged, just as we do all the time.


11/28/15  “abraham joshua heschel no man is an island” – 


11/18/15  “joshua 1:8-9″ – Scroll: Joshua 1:8-9


11/14/15  “pdf everett fox five books of moses” – 


11/13/15  “prophecy in obscurity” – Q&A: “Israel prophecy” – “veiled in obscurity”?


11/11/15  “the story of the coming as recorded in micah 5:2-4″ – REVISIT: If there is a ‘second coming’ when was the ‘first’ and Who came?


11/09/15 “no religion is an island heschel” – 




[Besides updates and FYIs, this post is intended to aid searchers who are new or who are returning visitors looking for specific articles, whose ‘search terms’ land on our sitestats. We are a month away from saying goodbye to another year; November is a good month to reminisce before hectic December takes over everything . . . so take time to pause and look back to year 2015 of your life, both good and bad, joys and sorrows, things done and left undone, accomplishments or lack of it. General birthday greetings to the November-born.  Besides All Saints And All Souls Day, there’s Thanksgiving to remind us in case we do forget to give thanks to the Source of all Blessings, YHWH, Creator and Instructor and Giver of Life.—Admin1.]

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