The "Aids" of March

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[UPDATE 2017:  This monthly “aid” for searchers has been replaced first by “Yo Searchers!  Need Help?”  Then to use a word closer to our cultural Filipino/Tagalog word for strangers, we resorted to “Hoy” shortened to “Oy!”  And it  became — “Oy Searchers!  Need Help?” for every month of every year. The original intention was to help web visitors find the topic (search term) they entered that made them land on many websites including this website.

Rather than figuring out a witty title for every month such as–

we resorted to a uniform title after running out of ideas and confusing searchers.  It is not surprising the visitors still click this link in past years, there is much to learn from answers provided to past searches.  Go check!—Admin1]



3/31 “what does tanach say about resurection” –

3/31 “is that the woman is isrelites in genesis 3:15″ – Prooftext 1a – Genesis 3:15 – Who is the “woman”?

3/31 “portrayal of pontius pilate in bible accurate” – Pilate: ‘Quid est veritas?’ – Gospel Truth? – 1

3/30 “examples of translators notes of thanks” – Q&A: His Name Tanakh – Translator’s Notes

3/30 “character study pilate jcs” – Pilate: ‘Quid est veritas?’ – Gospel Truth? – 1

3/30 “dead sea scrolls online in english” – DDS (Dead Sea Scrolls) in English ONLINE? Thank Israel Museum and Google!
3/30 “decalogue nature in exodus” –

3/29 “ha-satan opposer”/”opposer ha-satan” – Please see 3/11 entry, it includes all the posts about the ‘adversary’ or ha satan.
3/29 “the different spirit of caleb” – My servant Caleb – a different spirit

3/29 “title appointed to jesus identifying him as the figure protected by the hebrew prophets” – There is no title appointed to Jesus by the Hebrew prophets; all the titles attributed to him came from NT writers who used “OT” verses as “prooftexts” to ‘point’ to Jesus as everything they claimed him to be.

3/29 “davidic messiah passages” –

3/29 “gerald schroeder or robert alter” – The Creator – 2 “The Science of God” – MUST READ

3/29 “who were the rabble of non jews who left egypt” – Egypt had a mixture of slaves from different nations, not just the Israelites; most likely, even from among their own Egyptian population. In those days, conquered people ended up as slaves. Egypt needed labor for the building of its humongous structures, the pyramids, and manpower was readily available from their conquests. If you were among the non-Israelites witnessing the power of the God of Israel, would you not want to join these people who were being given instructions to follow on Passove eve and obey the instructions and be delivered by this Mighty God who showed Egypt that their idols and gods had no power? The fact that a “mixed multitude” left Egypt proves that anyone who heard, listened and obeyed the God of Israel was included in the exodus.

3/28 and what is truth?”, asked pilate, and washed his hands” – Pilate: ‘Quid est veritas?’ – Gospel Truth? – 1

3/28 “what were the jews yearly sacrifice” – TORAH 101: What were the animal sacrifices all about? – Jewish Perspective/Rabbi Joseph Telushkin

3/28 “sda genesis 3:15 the seed” – Prooftext 1c – Gen. 3:15 – Who are the “seed,” “offspring”?

3/27 “why was a goat used as a scape goat for sin and not a lamb” –

3/27 “was 2nd commandment tablets broken” – Exodus/Shemoth 32 – 2nd commandment broken, 2 Tablets broken

3/27 “my lips uncircumcised” – Exodus/Shemoth 6-b: Do you have “uncircumcised lips”?

3/25 “yngvar borreson norway” & “why nuland discusses this episode in threescore and ten” – evidently these 2 searchers landed in the wrong website as well as the searcher[s] who keep typing in “fast eddie’s a sexagenarian”.

3/24 “tanukh and pentecost”- Rabbi Kalman Packouz/TORAH and Pentecost – 1

3/24 “is evil spirit mistranslated in 1 samuel”

3/23 ” – “each candle of menorah 7 feasts of yhwh” – This searcher got it right; there ARE 7 branches in the Menorah and the center is called the “servant light” from which all 6 lamps are to be lit (symbolism of that alone is rich; Is Hanukkah a “biblical” feast or is it a festival for the Jews only?). And yes, there are 7 feasts commanded in Leviticus 23, YHWH calls them “MY feasts” and not “your (Israel) feasts” which indicates to us that it is not only Israel who is commanded observe these. Interestingly, the 1st feast named is the weekly Sabbath. Connect the dots, use the prooftexts, use your reasoning and logic, combine it with your desire to know YHWH and serve only Him— come to a conclusion for yourself and apply in your life.

3/24 “in the likeness of adam” – Q&A: Why is Seth the one “in the likeness of Adam” instead of firstborn son Cain?

3/23 “jewish mystique” – please go to entry 3/17

3/23 “ask4″

3/22 “moses temple curtains”

3/22 ”what does uncircumcised lips mean” – This must be the most frequent word-search, it pops up over and over.

3/22 “how your heart and mind can be accessble with god’s voice?” – We have no article specifically about this but we know that YHWH has spoken about Himself as well as His will for humankind on Sinai, preserved in the TORAH, first section of the 3-part Hebrew Scriptures TNK, and that is how He continues to speak to searching hearts and open minds today. The hand of our ‘Elohiym [Mighty One] is upon all them that seek Him, for right, but His power and His wrath is against all them that forsake Him. (Ezra 8:22). Download a free His Name Tanakh, if you haven’t yet done so, from His Name Tanakh/Hear O Yisra’el, courtesy of translator and website owner Benmara.

3/21 “veritas gospel” – Pilate: ‘Quid est veritas?’ – Gospel Truth? – 1

3/20 “rabbi m.” – “rabbi m. younger” —

3/20 “caleb a man with a different spirit” – My servant Caleb – a different spirit

3/19 “the jewish mystique review” – check 3/17

3/19 “noahide groups uk” – please check 3/6

3/18 “loving god or vengeful god” – Jeffrey Cranford: Angry, vengeful God” of OT vs. “Merciful loving God” of NT

3/18 “eduwth ark” – ???

3/18 ”noahide groups uk” –please check out entry in 3/6.

3/18 ”fast eddie is a sexagenarian/fast eddie sexagenarian –this is the 3rd time this searcher landed here; so obviously he/she hasn’t found this sexagenarian fast eddie; he/she could check out 3/12 where we tried to direct to a post that mentions ‘sexagenarian’.

3/17 “the jewish mystique” – Ernest Van Den Haag: MUST READ – The Jewish Mystique

3/17 ”i am a wrathful god” – God doesn’t say He’s a ‘wrathful’ God though His wrath does occasionally show in swift judgment that would serve as lessons, such as the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah, and the Flood. You will notice though that judgment does not come without warning, and lots and lots of it, in Noah’s case, a hundred years of building the ark, to give people time to repent.

3/17 “prophecy in israel remain veiled in obscurity.discuss” – The Prophets of Israel – Christian Perspective

3/17 “how to be an agent for yhvh” – Declare His Name, and live His Torah, anyone can do that.

3/17 “marian interpretation of genesis 3:15″ – Prooftext 1a – Genesis 3:15 – Who is the “woman”?

3/17 “freud wrote moses was egyptian” – Sigmund Freud: Oh no, now Israel’s Moses being questioned by one of their own?

3/16 “images uncircumcises lips – How do we produce “images” of “uncircumcised lips”? We can’t, but we have a post that describes what it’s about:

3/16 “is there true justice in this world” – Is there true justice on earth?

3/15 “symbolism of commandments on 2 tablet” –

3/14 “free graphics of jewish midwives puah and shiphrah” – ART by BBB@S6K – Hebrew Midwives: Shiphrah and Puah

3/14 hnt tanack” –

3/14 ”mosesage on leaving egypt” –

3/13 ”the scorpion and the frog story it’s our nature” – The Scorpion and the Frog

3/13 ”pics of noli me tangere cover” – Guess who wrote this?

3/12 “fast eddie’s a sexagenarian greensboro nc”– Don’t know “fast eddie” but all other words point to this post: JCS – “Confessions of an Idolater”

3/12 ”regan cartoonist”– No wonder they’re extinct . . .

3/11 “evil spirit sinai” – The TNK does not promote the belief in “fallen angels” or evil malakiym as Christianity does (please read the series of posts regarding this, provided below). As we have repeatedly explained in these posts, using simple logic, the only creature endowed with free will is man (humankind); going by that scriptural declaration, malakiym/angels are not similarly endowed and if not, then how could one of them and 1/3 following as Christian scriptures claim, fall from grace and turn evil and rebel against their Maker? To obey or not to obey is given only to one being, that who was made in the Creator’s vision as endowed with the ability to do good . . . or evil . . . as he chooses between those two, only those two, options. Malakiym or angels are programmed to do the Creator’s will, period! So no free will, no capability to disobey! No disobedient messenger/angel, no devil! Follow the logic?

Is God the author of “evil”?

3/11 “how did newly freed slaves get gold in exodus 32″ – Exodus/Shemoth 32 – 2nd commandment broken, 2 Tablets broken — If you notice verse 2-4, the slaves seemed to be wearing golden rings in their ears; so good question, dear searcher, you’re thinking details!! Where indeed would slaves get golden earrings? Please recall that the Egyptians, in their effort to get the Hebrews out of their midst ASAP after the 10th plague, gave them jewelry:

Shemoth 11: 35. And the sons of Yisra’el did according to the word of Mosheh; and they asked of the Mitsrayim jewels of silver, and jewels of gold, and clothes.

36. And יהוה gave the people preference in the sight of the Mitsrayim, so that they let them have what they asked. And they snatched away Mitsrayim.

Now a word about that “golden calf”: we are usually influenced by artists’ rendering of the size of this calf, usually imagined to be huge and towering over the people like a huge monument. One artist might have gotten it right, he represented only a small statuette of the golden calf, for to be practical, if 2 million+ slaves were wearing golden earrings, how big an idol could that possibly be turned into? Think about it, but good question! We are learning to look into details and use logic and reason instead of accepting by blind faith the biblical account.

3/10 “will the real jesus please step forward” – Rabbi Shmuley Boteach

3/10 ”awesome tnk” – For a truly “awesome” translation of TNK, please go to and download a FREE copy of His Name Tanakh, translated by Benmara, which is the version/translation of our choice when we quote verses and whole chapters in our posts. The reason it is our choice is we have looked for one that prints the Name, the Tetragrammaton which most if not all Jewish translations avoid printing; we were fortunate that almost simultaneous with our opening this website, we literally stumbled upon Benmara’s website and from it, availed of his free HNT. It is interesting how this one-man project came about, you may read it in Q&A: His Name Tanakh – Translator’s Notes.


שמו תנ״ך

Restored Name Edition: His Name Tanakh Version 8.0

©1997-2012, ©2013 Hear O Yisra’el
~ all Common Law rights reserved under עולם ,יהוה (‘Owlam) from beyond the field of vision of even time and space!

Putting the Qodesh Qadashiym Name of יהוה Back Into His Word!
Free PDF Download Of The His Name Tanakh Restored Name Tanakh Edition


3/10 ”shemoth 40″ – Exodus/Shemoth 40: So Moses finished the work.

3/9 “god is not here designated, creator of heaven” – [?]

3/9 ”abraham sojourner in a tent waiting for heavenly jerusalem” – [?]

3/8 shema three symbols” – Signs and Symbols from the SHEMA

3/8 “broken commandments exodus 32″ – Exodus/Shemoth 32 – 2nd commandment broken, 2 Tablets broken

3/8 “the death of death marks the final” gillman – Neil Gillman

3/7 ”hebrew naphshoth soul” – Our “on call” consultant, Benmara of is temporarily incommunicado; if and when he surfaces, he will have lots more, in fact a whole bible study to add for sure! Meanwhile we’re resorting to our own understanding of “nephesh”, figuring out from its use in the biblical texts where the word first appear. Please note the spelling in the HNT — whether animal or human nephesh, the “life” or “breath of life” that is in every living being, all life sourced from the Giver of Life.

[HNT] Bere’shiyth – בראשית

1:30. And to every beast of the earth, and to every fowl of the air, and to everything that creeps upon the earth, that has the nephesh that is living, I have given every green herb for food— and it was so. [Artscroll uses “living soul” for “nephesh”].

2;7. And יהוה ‘Elohiym [Mighty One]formed man of the dusty soil of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the Neshama; and man became a nephesh that is living. [Artscroll here uses “the soul of life” and “living being”.]

Rabbinical commentary: Man has two components, physical and spiritual. Thus, God spoke of both dimensions, as it were, saying that the earth would bring forth man’s body from its elements and God Himself would supply the spirit (Ramban).

3/7 ”the death of death neil gillman analysis” – Must Read: The Death of Death

3/6Jewish perspective on the 10 commandments”

3/6how do i make sanctuary exodus 25″ – Exodus/Shemoth 25 – “Make me a sanctuary that I may dwell among them.”

3/6 “karaism noahide laws”

3/6 “diynah israel whore” – “Should he make our sister a common whore?” – Bere’shiyth 34

3/5 “bible diet in acts” – Biblical Diet 4c: Peter’s Vision in Acts 10:9-23

3/4 ”rabbi m. younger” –

3/4 ”ernst van den haag- jewish g-d ” – Ernest Van Den Haag/MUST READ – The Jewish Mystique

3/4 ”the origins of prophecy in israel is veild in obscurity” – The Prophets of Israel – Christian Perspective

3/4 “wrathful vengeful god” 3/4 “rabbonni hebrew spelling” – [checking this out, be patient]

3/3 ”joshua 1:8-9″ – [HNT] Yahuwshuwa’ – יהושע

8. This Çepher haTowrah [Writings of the Teachings; Instructions] will not depart out of your mouth, but you will meditate on it day and night that you may observe to do according to all that is written. Your way will push forward and then you will be mindful.

9. Have I not commanded you? Be strong and alert; do not be afraid, nor dismayed, for יהוה your ‘Elohiym [Mighty One] is with you wherever you walk.

3/3 ”shema symbol”

3/2 ”true history of karaism” – Nehemiah Gordon and Meir Rekhavi/Ever heard of KARAISM?

3/2 – ”heschel ‘analysis of piety’” – Here are two excellent posts, if the specific topic is not discussed, by reading through you will learn so much more from AJHeschel than just piety:

3/1-”sermon on mount sinai” – Sermon on Sinai vs. The Sermon on the Mount


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