June Search

Image from www.stlucasucc.org

Image from www.stlucasucc.org

[UPDATE 2017:  This monthly “aid” for searchers has been replaced first by “Yo Searchers!  Need Help?”  Then to use a word closer to our cultural Filipino/Tagalog word for strangers, we resorted to “Hoy” shortened to “Oy!”  And it  became — “Oy Searchers!  Need Help?” for every month of every year.  The original intention was to help web visitors find the topic (search term) they entered that made them land on many websites including this website.

Rather than figuring out a witty title for every month such as–

we resorted to a uniform title after running out of ideas and confusing searchers.  It is not surprising the visitors still click this link in past years, there is much to learn from answers provided to past searches.  Go check!—Admin1]




6/30 “kazantzakis trail of tears” – Tempted by ‘The Last Temptation of Christ’? Kazantzakis’ Jesus: “Salvation cannot be founded on lies.”

6/30 “paul and jesus: how the apostle transformed christianity is this catholic” – MUST READ: Paul and Jesus: How the Apostle Transformed Christianity

6/30 “davidic messiah” – The Messiahs – 2 – The Davidic Messiah

6/30 “meir rekhavi sin and satan good and evil” – There are 2 searches here —

6/30 “meaning uncircumcised lips” – Exodus/Shemoth 6-b: Do you have “uncircumcised lips”?

6/30 “christianity being another abrahamic faith, and possibly the most popular one” – No Religion is an Island – 2 – “To equate religion and God is idolatry” – AJHeschel

6/29  “torah animal sacrifices” – TORAH 101: What were the animal sacrifices all about? – Jewish Perspective

6/29  “love is not vindictive or wrathful” – Is our God a “jealous, wrathful, and a vengeful God”? 

6/29  “the laziness which is content with half truths” – Quid est Veritas – 4 – Old Truth, New Truth, Half Truths, All Truth and Nothing But . . .

6/29  “was esau a caveman” – Esau/Edom – A Second Look

6/29 “jesus unites us” – Jesus – “The Hyphen that Unites Us”

6/28 “which tanakh/tanach do jesus believing jews use” –  “Jesus-believing Jews” would be technically Christian in their faith/belief, so most likely they would use any Christian bible OR, if they wish to read a Christian bible with a Jewish flavor and if they’re Messianic, then they would be using David Stern’s “CJB” or “Complete Jewish Bible” where the translator simply inserted Hebrew words, titles and names though the translation has a Christian theological bent.

6/27 “tanakh hell” – Does Judaism believe in heaven and hell? [Rabbi Bentzion Kravitz, ”Belief in Heaven is Fundamental to Judaism”]6/28 “which tanakh/tanach do jesus believing jews use” –  “Jesus-believing Jews” would be technically Christian in their faith/belief, so most likely they would use any Christian bible OR, if they wish to read a Christian bible with a Jewish flavor and if they’re Messianic, then they would be using David Stern’s “CJB” or “Complete Jewish Bible” where the translator simply inserted Hebrew words, titles and names though the translation has a Christian theological bent.

6/27 “”torture” poem nikrat” – Google has lots of entries on this so try them.6/27  “karaite history” – Nehemiah Gordon and Meir Rekhavi – Ever heard of KARAISM?

6/26 “alcohol torah yahweh” – Any substance whether addictive or not that makes man lose self-control and fail to exercise free will is counterproductive.  Sample: Noah after the flood; his drunken stupor gave cause to his son Ham to dishonor him; not that it’s the alcohol that directly caused it, but that as a father Noah who built the ark and loaded it with animals and directed his family to survive the flood.


 Well, seeing him in a helpless state of unconsciousness gave one son with a mischievous inclination to dishonor him.  Just look at the consequence of that violation of the 5th commandment—even if it is later given in law, surely it was already taught in practice; otherwise why would the other 2 brothers Japheth and Shem know proper behavior and respect toward their father despite his bad drunken example?  When any addictive substance begins to dictate behavior, the person “under the influence” has lost his free will to behave as he consciously should.  Now why would anyone want to give up the one and only gift the Almighty has FREELY given mankind, that of freedom to make a choice?  And to a substance at that?

6/25  “mourner’s kaddish + ‘israel and all mankind'” – Please see entries below:

  • First, the “Mourner’s kaddish” — this is from The Expanded ArtScroll SIDDUR, Wasserman Edition:

May His great Name grow exalted and sanctified

[All:  Amen.]

in the world that He created as He willed.

May He give reign to His kingship in your lifetimes and your days,

and in the lifetimes of the entire Family of Israel, swiftly and soon.

[All:  Amen. May His great Name be blessed forever and ever.]

Blessed, praised, glorified, exalted, extolled,

mighty, upraised, and lauded

be the Name of the Holy One, Blessed is He

[All:  Blessed is He—(from Rosh Hashanah to Yom Kippur add): exceedingly]

beyond any blessing and song, 

praise and consolation that are uttered in the world.

[All:  Amen.]

May there be abundant peace from Heaven,

and life, upon us and upon all Israel.

[All:  Amen.]

He who makes peace in His heights,

may He make peace upon us, 

and upon all Israel.

[All:  Amen.]

  • As for the entry – ‘israel and all mankind'” – We are not sure what this searcher wishes to know; if it is the role of Israel as a distinct set-apart nation, we have a whole section in Updated Site Contents – 06/23/13 under ISRAEL which explains the assignment YHWH gave the nation.  Read Debariym [Deut.] 4-5 to understand why they were chosen, not because they were the best, but because they were  . . . well . . . the least and the smallest and came from slavery.

6/25  “e-books a new history of early christianity” – Must Read: A New History of Early Christianity by Charles Freeman

6/25 “shema symbol” – Signs and Symbols from the SHEMA

6/25  “the jewish mystique” – MUST READ – The Jewish Mystique by Ernest Van Den Haag

6/23  “without god everything is permitted dostoevsky moral relativism” – “Quid is veritas?” – 5 – “Without God, everything is permitted.” – Dostoyevsky

6/23  “the jewish mystique” – MUST READ – The Jewish Mystique by Ernest Van Den Haag

6/23  “hairy+caveman+esau” – Esau/Edom – A Second Look

6/23 “technical civilization is man’s conquest of space” – Sorry, we have no post on this specific topic.

6/23 “the tanakh and afterlife” – 

6/22 “tishrei 6000” – Prayer – Tishrei 5773

6/21 “bart erdman” – MUST READ: Forged by Bart D. Erdman

6/21 “awakening the spirit of caleb” – My servant Caleb – a different spirit

6/21 esemplastic עברית – dictionary definition:  esemplastic |ˌesemˈplastik|adjective rare|molding into one; unifying. Asked the help of our regular consultant, Benmara of hearoyisrael.net:the Hebrew word is Hebrew..it is the word for our language: עברית  ‘Ibriyth

or Ashkenazic Ivrit
I never heard of the other so I went to BING search:

From the Merriam-Webster website:


Esemplastic is a qualitative adjective which the English romantic poet Samuel Taylor Coleridge
claimed to have invented. Despite its etymology from the Greek word πλάθω for “to shape”, the term
was modeled on Schelling’s philosophical term Ineinsbildung – the interweaving of opposites – and implies the process of an object being moulded into unity.[1] The first recorded use of the word is in 1817 by
Coleridge in his work, Biographia Literaria, in describing the esemplastic – the unifying – power of the

6/20  “heschel did sinai happen” – “The Moment at Sinai” — An Essay by Abraham Joshua Heschel

6/20 “my god is a vengeful god” – please refer to 6/19 where all posts on this topic is given.

6/19 “is the woman of genesis 3:15 israel?” – If one has a preconceived notion or simply a set idea about this specific verse, then one can read anything into the text. But if one is following simple reading rules about characters introduced as the narrative progresses, then the logical conclusion about who the “woman of genesis 3:15” is . . . is the only woman so far introduced in the Genesis story and that would be the first woman, Chava or Eve.  But since religions have agendas in their teaching, Messianics teach that the woman of Genesis 3:15 is Israel, while Evangelical Christians teach that she is the Church, and Roman Catholics teach that she is Mary the mother of Jesus.  Here is the post that fully explains how this happens when you read backwards from NT to OT, rather than from the beginning and simply follow the plot:  Prooftext 1a – Genesis 3:15 – Who is the “woman”?

6/19 “god is not vengeful” –  Jeffrey Cranford/“Angry, vengeful God” of OT vs. “Merciful loving God” of NT

6/19  “joshua 1: 8-9” – 

6/18  “what is the seed of the woman/in genesis 3:15″ – Prooftext 1c – Gen. 3:15 – Who are the “seed,” “offspring”?

6/18  “heschel the sabbath aish.com” – Abraham Joshua Heschel

6/17  “bible study on samuel and the spiritual medium” – 

 6/17  “what religion in baguio calls god yeshua?” – The Christ-centered religion that calls God Yeshua [located in Baguio] is the BCMC or the Baguio City Messianic Congregation, link is APMF Contact Information/www.apmfinc.com/contact.htm‎; it is an affiliate of the Asia-Pacific Messianic Fellowship [APMF].  Some of our S6K members used to be part of BCMC, in fact were co-founders of BCMC but they have since disengaged themselves from this Christ-centered religion and regrouped as Sinai 6000 and declare that the God they now worship is YHWH of the Hebrew Scriptures.

6/17  “is god vengeful or loving” – Jeffrey Cranford/“Angry, vengeful God” of OT vs. “Merciful loving God” of NT

6/17 “symbolism of the shema” – Signs and Symbols from the SHEMA

6/17 “paul’s relationship with judaism” –  Paul in his epistles makes claims about his being a “Pharisee of Pharisees” outdoing any Jew in his generation—however, judging his teachings on which was based a new religion that turned completely counter to TORAH and the TNK, saying Law is passe and grace in Jesus Christ is the new dispensation, then he has absolutely no ‘relationship with Judaism’.  There are many posts re: Paul in this website, but here’s something to start with:

6/17  “zadok sandok name” – actually, wikipedia does a good job at giving a background for this Levite who descended from Aaron; please go to this link —http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Zadok

6/16 “michael brown dr. hollow inheritance” – There are two references here:

  • One is Michael Brown [oneplace.com] who wrote 4 volumes titled :Answering Jewish Objections to Jesus and interestingly, in answer to these objections, Rabbi Yisroel C. Blumenthal of Jews for Judaism wrote article to deal with Browns’ objections titled Contra Brown – Answering Dr. Brown’s Objections to Judaism [Jewsforjudaism.org/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=402&Itemid=354]
  • Second is Their Hollow Inheritance which is written by Michael Drazin, [Michael Drazin’s book, Their Hollow Inheritance] which is a free download in this website.
  • Here is what we’ve listed in RESOURCES/Apologetics


    • Yisroel Chaim Blumenthal, “The Elephant and the Suit” [A Critical Review of Dr. Michael L. Brown’s “Answering Jewish Objections to Jesus”
    • Michael Brown, Answering Jewish Objections to Jesus, 5 Volumes
    • Michoel Drazin, Their Hollow Inheritance
    • Jews for Judaism, “Contra Brown: Answering Dr. Brown’s Objections to Judaism”
    • Rabbi Aryeh Kaplan, The Real Messiah
    • Samuel Levine, You Take Jesus, I’ll Take God: How to Refute Christian Missionaries

6/16 “correct translation of 1 samuel 16:14″ – 1 Samuel 16:14-23 – “an evil spirit from God”?

6/16 “sacrifice of yeshua on the cross at 9 a.m.” –  S6K is not the place for this searcher since we do not consider the Christian New Testament as divine revelation and in fact teach against human sacrifice which is a no-no in the TNK, forbidden by the God of Sinai, and of Israel.

6/15 “7 noachide philippines, baguio” – No Inconvenient Truths for Noah – 3

6/15 “calmination in tagalog” – Not sure what this searcher was looking for.

6/15 “”serve hashem with awe that you may rejoice” – Psalm 2:12 “Kiss the Son” vs. “Do reverence in purity”

6/14 “lessons+on+the+book+of+esther+2:15-18” – Insights on the book of ESTHER

6/14  “personal description of god” – Abrahamic Faith – 3 – The Awesome Self-Description of God

6/14 “pattern in history” – A Pattern in History

6/14 “christianity being another abrahamic faith, and possibly the most popular one.”- James D. Tabor: Restoring Abrahamic Faith/Abrahamic Faith – 1 – Knowing God

6/13 “links to their hollow inheritance drazin” – http://drazin.com

6/12 “torah and the sermon on the mount” – The Sermon on Sinai vs. The Sermon on the Mount

6/12 “uncircumcised lips” – please refer to 6/9, same entry.

6/12 “dramatic irony in exodus” – Dramatic Ironies in the Book of Exodus

6/11 “am of uncircumcised lips” – please refer to 6/9, same entry.

6/11 “how shavout means to an individual jew” – Shavuot – Anniversary of Giving the TORAH

6/10 “dead sea scroll reproductions for sale” – DDS (Dead Sea Scrolls) in English ONLINE? Thank Israel Museum and Google!

6/10 “tree of life coconut oil bible” – What is “the Tree of Life”? –1

6/10 “criticism of moses and monotheism” – Sigmund Freud:  Oh no, now Israel’s Moses being questioned by one of their own?

6/9 “wrathful aspects of god” – Jeffrey Cranford/“Angry, vengeful God” of OT vs. “Merciful loving God” of NT


6/9 “nils detlefsen” – working on this . . .

6/7 “catholic interpretation of genesis 3:15” – Prooftext 1: Genesis 3:15 – Seed of the Woman vs. Seed of the Serpent

6/7 “bereshiyth hebrew” – According to Pentateuch & Haftorahs: the Hebrew name for the First Book of Moses was originally Sefer Maaseh Bereshith, “Book of Creation.”  This was rendered into Greek by Genesis, ‘origin,’ because it gives an account of the creation of the world and the beginnings of life and society.  Its current Jewish name is Bereshith (‘In the beginning’), which is the first Hebrew word in its opening sentence.

6/7 “pilate discusses truth” – Pilate: ‘Quid est veritas?’ – Gospel Truth? – 1

6/6 “the origins of prophecy in israel remains vieled” – It seems this searcher has the idea that YHWH would allow Israel to be clueless regarding prophecies uttered by the mouthpieces of Israel’s Elohim and this very idea springs not from TNK but from NT, specifically the book of Romans authored by Paul.  In fact Paul makes Israel look ‘clueless’ as a nation given the Torah and warnings about the consequences of its continuing disobedience, all of which have already occurred in Israel’s history as recorded in their own Chronicles and History books and made part of their TNK.  Why would YHWH who is always very CLEAR about His utterances, just to make sure His instructions are carried out to the letter —why would He ‘veil’ His meaning to the very people He commissions to model the only lifestyle He requires of the whole world, not only Israel but the Nations?  YHWH appeals to reason, to the mind, to memory, to remembrances, over and over in the TNK.  It is an insult to YHWH for Paul of Tarsus to have taught all the wrong teachings he made up in the NT.

6/6 “how long was the sermon on mount sinai” – Correction, there was no ‘sermon’ on Mount Sinai; there was a Covenant cut between YHWH and His chosen nation Israel, to whom He gave His guidelines for living, the Torah.  Perhaps this post will help this searcher understand better:  The Sermon on Sinai vs. The Sermon on the Mount

6/5 “israel moses mn” – Oh no, now Israel’s Moses being questioned by one of their own?

6/4 “orthonymous” – literally means ‘rightly named”; this term together with “homonymous”, “anonymous”, “pseudonymous” are discussed in the context of forgeries in the New Testament books, in a book by Bart D. Ehrmantitled FORGED. This book will be featured in MUST READ soon.

6/4 “our god is not a vengeful god” – Jeffrey Cranford/“Angry, vengeful God” of OT vs. “Merciful loving God” of NT

6/4 “bnei mikra jewish movement” – Ever heard of KARAISM?

6/3 “paul and jesus: how the apostle transformed christianity” – MUST READ: Paul and Jesus: How the Apostle Transformed Christianity

6/3 “constantinople 381 jews” – 

6/3 “short devotion based on 1 cor 13:9-12” – Sorry, there is no article here re: this particular topic, but to satisfy this searcher, we will write one analyzing this NT verse written by Paul, in the light of Torah teaching. 6/3 “shiphrah and puah” – 

6/3 “torah business practices” – Sinaite/Atheist – 3 – Q&A: What would the TORAH say about today’s business practice of “outsourcing”?

6/2 “graduation christian message” – MUST READ: A great ‘Graduation Message’ but not just for graduates . . .6/2 “is seth the first born of adam” – No, the firstborn of Adam is Cain; but we have a post that answers the question why is Seth described to be in the image of Adam instead of Cain: Q&A: Why is Seth the one “in the likeness of Adam” instead of firstborn son Cain?

6/1 “meaning uncircumcised lips” – Exodus/Shemoth 6-b: Do you have “uncircumcised lips”?


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