Yo searchers, need help? – April 2015

Image from marlboroughmarket.org.uk

Image from marlboroughmarket.org.uk

04/30/15 “origins of prophecy in israel” – 

Q&A: “Israel prophecy” – “veiled in obscurity”?


04/29/15  “storing abrahamic faith pdf” – 

James D. Tabor: Restoring Abrahamic Faith

04/29/15 – “judas” – 

Judas – did he really exist?


04/29/15  “abraham at the entrance of his tent” –  Genesis/Bereshith 18: “if they have done according to its cry that has come to me- destruction!”


04/28/15  “the jewish mystique ernest von haag” – 

Ernest Van Den Haag/MUST READ


O4/27/15  “jiwshish symok” –First word is probably “Jewish” but second word, who knows? So, entered it in google search and guess where it led?  “Jewish Symbols”. And if so, we do have a post for this searcher:  

Must Read – 6 – Robert Shoen/The Torah and the Law; Jewish symbols



04/27/15 “the jewish torah” – The Torah of YHWH is not only for “Jewish” application but for universal application; it was part of the Covenant with Israel on Sinai that the mixed multitude that was liberated from bondage in Egypt would now have a new Master and live by this Master’s Way of Life — the Torah.  By calling the Torah “Jewish” it promotes the Christian teaching that the Torah is only for the Jews, since Christians are to live by “grace” and not by “law”.  The Torah of YHWH was given to Israel to model this way of living so that all nations will see the wisdom of living it and will wish to live by it.  This is emphasized in the reiteration of the “law” in Deuteronomy, when Moses repeated the Sinai revelation to the second generation Israelites who were born free, born in the desert and who would enter the Land of Promise led by Joshua and Caleb, the two surviving the 1st generation that left Egypt. That said, here are some posts that might help understand that the Torah is universal and not for Israel alone:


04/26/15 “ark of the covenant” – The Ark of the Covenant: Was it in the Holy of Holies on the day Jesus died?


04/26/15  “jacob blessing his sons” – 


04/25/15 “jewish symbols” – Must Read – 6 – Robert Shoen/The Torah and the Law; Jewish symbols


04/24/15 “DynosArk”  – No wonder they’re extinct . . .


04/24/15 “ha satan vs satan” – TNK” ha satan” vs. OT “Satan”/NT “Devil”


04/24/15 –  “sabbath blessings” – All are welcome to use our Sabbath Liturgy; we have one for every Sabbath of the year.


04/24/15 – “sarah wife of abraham” – 


04/23/15  “genesis 42”  –  Genesis/Bereshith 42-43 – “and in homage they bowed low.”


04/22/15 “ark of the covenant” –  The Ark of the Covenant: Was it in the Holy of Holies on the day Jesus died?


04/20/15  “revelations in a nutshell” – Revelation in a Nutshell


04/20/15  “robert alter the five books of. oses pdf” – This is available on ebook form at amazon.com where we got our copy; we have featured Robert Alter’s commentary with Everett Fox’s and J.W. Hertz commentators in Pentateuch and Haftorahs.  Check this post:   MUST READ/MUST OWN: The Five Books of Moses, w/Commentary – by Robert Alter


04/20/15 “barthianism vs prooftext” – Sorry, we have no post on Karl Barth though we do have posts about Christian theology in general.


04/18/15  “joshua 1:8” – Scroll: Joshua 1:8-9


04/18/15 “yhwh’s land” – MUST READ: Sinai and Zion 3 – YHWH’S Home in No Man’s Land


04/18/15 “sabbath blessings images” – Please go to SITEMAP, category SABBATH LITURGY, and take your pick from among the images featured in those posts.  They are all found in the internet through google search; it just takes time to look-see through so many selections for the right kind of image you want. Use any of the ones we’ve posted, just don’t forget to acknowledge the original source, not Sinai 6000 but what the caption says in our selected images.  Always a good habit to give credit where it’s really due!


04/18/15  “who was gomer bereshith chapter 10 messianic interpretation” –  If you mean by “messianic interpretation” the Christian-Messianic  interpretation of “Old Testament”, then you won’t find it in this website unless our post is about correcting that interpretation infused with Christian theology.  However if you’re interested in reading Bereshith 10 minus Christian baggage,  then please check out:

04/17/15 “jesus crucifixion” – 


04/17/15  “judaism torah” – Must Read – 6 – Robert Shoen/The Torah and the Law; Jewish symbols


04/17/15  “ז’אן לאון ז’רום משה בהר סיני ” –  We don’t read Hebrew, so give us time on this one.


04/15/15  “uncircumcised lips” –  Exodus/Shemoth 6-b: Do you have “uncircumcised lips”?


04/15/15 “edom were cavemen” – Journey of Faith: Esau/Edom – A Second Look


04/15/15 “the jewish mystique” – The Jewish Mystique by Ernest Van Den Haag


04/14/15 “the amalekites and israelites” – Exodus/Shemoth 17 – Who is the Rock? Who are the Amalekites?


04/13/15  “discuss the view that prophesy in israel is veiled in obscuritypdf” – Q&A: “Israel prophecy” – “veiled in obscurity”?


04/13/15 “israel in wilderness” –  Numbers/Bamidbar – “In the Wilderness”

04/13/15  “sara hagar” – 


04/13/15 “ark of the covenant” – The Ark of the Covenant: Was it in the Holy of Holies on the day Jesus died?


04/11/15 “jewish temple sacrifices” – TORAH 101: What were the animal sacrifices all about? – Jewish Perspective

04/11/15  “jps tnk” – This is the acronym for “Jewish Publication Society Tanakh”, one of the translations we use for the Hebrew Scriptures.  In this website however, we choose Everett Fox’s for the Five Books of Moses and Richard Elliott Friedman’s Commentary on the Torah which use the Name YHWH instead of “LORD” which is the preferred substitute of JPS-TNK.  And until Everett Fox and Robert Alter publish their translations of the whole TNK, we are content with ArtScroll Tanach for the 24 books of the Hebrew Scriptures and insert “YHWH” where it uses “HASHEM” (the Name).

04/10/15 – “moshe weinfeld sex addict” – The things we learn from searchers who land on our website! Curious about who this “sex addict” namesake of the biblical Moshe, it turns out Moshe Weinfeld is a distinguished professor of biblical studies at Jerusalem’s Hebrew University, who gave his opinion about “documentary hypothesis” [http://omnireboot.com/2014/wrote-genesis/].  Now, how in the world did “sex addict” get associated with his name? Interestingly as you will discover on the webpage, there is a subtitle above an image of the parting of the Red Sea and guess what it says?  “SCI-FI ADDICTS CRAVE: BIBLICAL MOVIES”.   Go figure, how does “sci-fi” get distorted into “sex”? This searcher needs eyeglasses; meanwhile,  poor Moshe Weinfeld!

04/10/15- “the jewish mystique by ernest van den haag” – 


04/09/15  “aaron rod budded” – 

Numbers/Bamidbar 17 – ” And it will be that the rod of the man whom I will choose will bud;”

04/09/15 12  “tribes of israel symbols meanings” – Genesis/Bereshith 49: Jacob/Israel’s Legacy and Last Farewell


04/09/15 ” cherubim ark of the covenant picture” –  There is quite a selection of images on google from where we borrow all our images, except those on our collection of artworks by our members.  This post features one taken from Google: The Ark of the Covenant: Was it in the Holy of Holies on the day Jesus died?


04/07/15  “three men appeared to abraham” – 

04/07/15  “images of serpent” – We get all our images from hundreds of choices for every topic that are collected on google but it takes patience to scroll down and look at so much variety and pick exactly the right image.  All our serpent images including the blue serpent came from there.

04/07/15 “judas” –  Judas – did he really exist? 


4/06/15 “uncircumcised lips meaning” – Exodus/Shemoth 6-b: Do you have “uncircumcised lips”?


04/06/15  “ancient people of gadara worship” –  We don’t have a post about this, but this link has: http://www.followtherabbi.com/guide/detail/a-far-country-decapolisthe site is titled “follow the rabbi” but it is from a Christian perspective and not from Judaism.  Same with http://www.ldolphin.org/gadara.html.  Demoniacs, demonic spirits, Devil, all these creatures are prominent in the New Testament.  This website agrees with the Hebrew Scriptures view that God did not create ‘angels’ with free will and therefore, no angel can ‘choose’ to rebel against the Creator.  It’s simple logic.  We have over a dozen posts explaining and proving this from the Hebrew Scriptures; this post lists down all of them:  The Christian Devil Finally Goes to Christian Hell.


04/05/15 “crucifixion” –  A Rabbi analyzes the Crucifixion


04/05/15 “abraham and isaac” – 


04/04/15 “family tree” – Most all our Sabbath liturgies feature a ‘family tree’ which we take from the selections available at google search. We have used some of the nicest ones so feel free to copypaste, just as we did, but don’t forget to acknowledge the source as we always do.


04/04/15  “jesus crucifixion” –  A Rabbi analyzes the Crucifixion


04/03/15  “pictures of jesus crucified on the cross” – All our images featured here are from google, take your pick. Just enter “images for crucified Jesus.”


04/03/15  “www.sinai6000.net/must-read-6-robert-schoenthe-torah-and-the-law” – This post is one of the most ‘clicked’ by searchers; evidently there are many who are interested in the Torah of YHWH:  Must Read – 6 – Robert Shoen/The Torah and the Law; Jewish symbols


04/03/15  “jesus crucified” – 



04/01/15  – What???!! With 67 posts clicked, there’s not a single search term today? No fools rushing in? That’s a good sign, web visitors are navigating their way and finding what they need. 



[We won’t bother you with how this month was named “April” —nobody knows for sure and the speculations aren’t worth repeating here.  Ditto with the origin of April Fools Day. Let us simply welcome a new month and link up with the biblical calendar which features the celebration of two of YHWH’s feasts in Leviticus 23:  Passover and Feast of Unleavened Bread. And of course simultaneous with these two biblical seasonal feasts is the Christian celebration of Easter. This is the time we resurrect all our posts related to the life, death and resurrection of the Christian Savior.—Admin1]



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