Help for February Searchers

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[UPDATE 2017:  This monthly “aid” for searchers has been replaced first by “Yo Searchers!  Need Help?”  Then to use a word closer to our cultural Filipino/Tagalog word for strangers, we resorted to “Hoy” shortened to “Oy!”  And it  became — “Oy Searchers!  Need Help?” for every month of every year. The original intention was to help web visitors find the topic (search term) they entered that made them land on many websites including this website.

Rather than figuring out a witty title for every month such as–

we resorted to a uniform title after running out of ideas and confusing searchers.  It is not surprising the visitors still click this link in past years, there is much to learn from answers provided to past searches.  Go check!—Admin1]





Search Engine Terms: These are the terms that web surfers/searchers enter which land on our website; some successfully locate the appropriate posts, others fail, so here’s a boost—most recent added at the bottom of the list, updated as search terms are entered:

If the Creator modeled it Himself by resting from His creative work, we should do the same, because He said so and besides, it’s good for our overall health and there is blessing in obedience. Shabbat Shalom!

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