IN HIS NAME: YHWH True Name of our Creator? – 4

God’s name the “I Am”,

reveals the fullness of His nature;

all of God’s nature and attributes

are embodied in His name.

God’s name, as written in Hebrew right to left: 

Originally Hebrew didn’t have any vowels and was written right to left, although some of the consonants carry with them the indication of associated vowel sounds.

For instance, the “Y” is associated with the sound of a “long e”,  as in “team”. 

The H is associated with the sound of a “short a” as “ah!” 

The Vav is associated with the vowel “u” and produces the sound in the word “cool.”

Thus, the name of the Creator sounds something like “ee-ah oo’ ah”, with the accent on the second of the three syllables, as is the pronunciation convention in Hebrew.

A brief study in linguistics.

To translate

is to explain the meaning of one language

using the words of another.


To transliterate

is to spell a word using the letters

of another language.


I am” is the English translation

of the meaning of God’s personal name.


The English transliteration

of God’s personal name is YHWH,

with vowels added, YAHWEH,

translated to I AM WHO I AM.


The four Hebrew letters transliterated YHWH are:

YHWH 1 a Yod, rhymes with “rode”, which we transliterate “Y”

YHWH 2 a He, rhymes with “say”, which we transliterate “H”

YHWH 3 a Vav, like “lava”, which we transliterate “W” or “V”

YHWH 4 another He


No matter what language you use,

whether you translate or transliterate, 

YHWH’s name means “I am that I am

and it directly points to His real name,

which is the same in all languages.

The research above was graciously provided by

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