[First posted in 2012 — it has been seven years, so time for a timely repost on the day of spooks, ghosts, goblins, witches — Halloween! BOO indeed! We have a series of articles in this website questioning the existence of a “fallen angel” which has spawned a category of imaginary creatures (devil, demons, witches, goblins, ghosts, vampires, etc.). Related posts:
- A Hollow Win
- If there’s no Devil, then there’s no hell?
- The Devil is NOT in the details because . . .
- So if there’s no devil and demonic spirits, explain the occult.
- Does Hell Exist? – A Jewish Perspective
- “DEMONS really are possessing people, warns psychiatrist, as pure evil sweeps over humanity” — SERIOUSLY???
Hebrew translation: [AST] ArtScroll Tanach/The stone Edition
Christian Translation: [NASB] New American Standard Bible
ISAIAH 14:12-15
[AST] 12 How you have fallen from the heavens, O glowing morning star; been cut down to the ground, O conqueror of nations? 13 You said in your heart, “I will ascend to the heavens; higher than the stars of God I shall raise my throne; I will sit at the Mountain of Meeting, on the northern side; 14 I will ascend over the tops of the clouds; I will liken myself to the Most High!” 15 But to the nether-world have you been lowered, to the bottom of the pit!’
[NASB] 12 “How you have fallen from heaven, O star of the morning, son of the dawn! You have been cut down to the earth, You who have weakened the nations! “But you said in your heart, ‘I will ascend to heaven; I will raise my throne above the stars of God, And I will sit on the mount of assembly In the recesses of the north. I will ascend above the heights of the clouds; I will make myself like the Most High.’ “nevertheless you will be thrust down to Sheol. To the recesses of the pit.
Reading through the Hebrew translation and the Christian version, the rendering is much the same. Taken out of its literary context, the subject could indeed apply to any “fallen being” because of the metaphoric language. This is why reading the larger context and the development of the theme in previous verses and preceding chapters are important when checking out any prooftext presented for doctrinal interpretation.
These verses in the book of Isaiah are usually cited together with Ezekiel 28 as proof texts among others, to explain how the “fallen angel” who is referred to as the “Devil” of Christianity supposedly fell from grace, sometime in eternal past, but mentioned in the “Old” Testament. However, let us take a closer look to see to whom these verses are actually referring, at least in context, devoid of infusion of Christian interpretation. Remember, CONTEXT is key to understanding anything written to be read. The author, unless he does not want his reader to understand, will provide the background for any verse, so never read out of context.
First, one key phrase: “Glowing morning star”, “son of the dawn”, “star of the morning”.
- Of the three languages to which the TNK was translated, the term for “morning star” is [Hebrew] helel, [Septuagint/Greek] heosphoros, and [Vulgate/Latin] lucifer, we can see why Lucifer from the 4th century on was applied to this Christian figure Satan/Devil.
- According to the Catholic encyclopedia, originally Lucifer denotes the planet Venus because of its brilliance; the Roman Catholic Latin translation Vulgate uses the word for “the light of the morning” in Job 11:17, “the signs of the zodiac” in Job 38:32, and “the aurora” in Psalm 109:3.
- Strangely enough, the phrase “bright morning star” is also used in the last book of the New Testament, referring to Jesus. Revelation 22:16: I, Jesus, have sent My angel to testify to you these things for the churches. I am the root and the descendant of David, the bright morning star.
Secondly, in the context of Isaiah 14 and previous verses leading up to it, we can see that the language is metaphorical; the bright planet is said to have fallen from the sky or heaven but obviously it is referring to a figure:
Who is this unnamed figure?
- O conqueror of nations
- You destroyer of nations
- You who have weakened the nations
So why would this figure fall from the heights where he was?
- You said in your heart, “I will ascend to the heavens; higher than the stars of God I shall raise my throne; I will sit at the Mountain of Meeting, on the northern side; 14 I will ascend over the tops of the clouds; I will liken myself to the Most High!”
- “But you said in your heart, ‘I will ascend to heaven; I will raise my throne above the stars of God, And I will sit on the mount of assembly In the recesses of the north. I will ascend above the heights of the clouds; I will make myself like the Most High.
Where will this figure initially fall?
- down to the ground;
- cut down;
- to the earth;
And further?
- But to the nether-world have you been lowered, to the bottom of the pit!
- nevertheless you will be thrust down to Sheol. To the recesses of the pit.
Isolated from the rest of the chapter, these verses could apply to anyone who comes to mind, and specially to a Christian who believes in a fallen angel called Lucifer/Satan, it is easy to conclude “AHA, who else!” And while Sheol and ‘the pit’ is understood to be the grave, when a reader believes in a place called ‘hell’, then he reads it predictably as Christians normally do. Preconceived ideas inherited from teachers with a particular orientation, easily lead to the same connection. The reader strives no further because he has been . . . well, brainwashed to think a certain way. But one should never read any verse, specially ‘prooftexts’ in isolation, without checking the verses before and after. Bible teachers should emphasize that basic rule of thumb for reading any text and specially scripture.
But if one reads from the beginning of Chapter 14, it is very clear that the figure being referred to is the king of Babylon, so let’s read the verses leading up to the “prooftext”:
[AST] Isaiah 14:1-27
For HASHEM [YHWH] will show mercy to Jacob [Israel]. He will choose Israel again and grant them rest upon their land. The proselyte will join them and be attached to the House of Jacob. The nations will take them and bring them to their place, and the House of Israel will possess them as slaves and maidservants upon the land of HASHEM [YHWH]; they will be captors over their captors and they will rule over their oppressors.
It shall be on the day when HASHEM [YHWH] grants you relief from your distress and your anxiety and from the hard labor with which you were worked: You will recite this parable about the king of Babylonia:
How has the oppressor come to an end, the arrogance been ended? HASHEM [YHWH] has broken the staff of the wicked, the rod of rulers who would strike peoples with fury, with unrelenting blows, who would oppress nations with wrath [the nations] were pursued [by them] without respite. The entire land is at rest and tranquil,’ they broke out in glad song. Even the cypresses rejoice over you, the cedars of Lebanon [saying,] ‘From the time that you were laid low, the woodcutter would not come up against us.’ The nether-world from below trembles for you to greet your arrival; it has awakened the giants for you, all the leaders of the world, it has roused all the kings of the land out of their thrones. They will all proclaim and say to you, ‘You also have been stricken as we were; you are compared to us. Brought down to the nether-world were your pride and the tumult of your stringed instruments; maggots are spread out under you, and worms are your covers. How have you fallen from the heavens, O glowing morning star; been cut down to the ground, O conqueror of nations? You had said in your heart, “I will ascend to the heavens; higher than the stars of God I shall raise my throne; I will sit at the Mountain of Meeting, on the northern side; I will ascend over the tops of the clouds; I will liken myself to the Most High!” But to the nether-world have you been lowered, to the bottom of the pit!’ Those who see you will take note, they will contemplate you carefully: ‘Is this the man who made the land tremble, who made kingdoms quake; who made the world like a wilderness and tore down its cities; who never released his captives to go home?’ All the kings of the nations, all of them, like in honor, each in his place, but you have been flung from your grave like a detested tree shoot; like the garment of corpses pierced by the sword, which are lowered into the stones of the pit, like a trampled carcass. You will not join them in burial, for you have destroyed your land and killed your people; your evil offspring will not be called [by your name] for long. Prepare a slaughter for his sons for their father’s iniquity; let them not arise and inherit the land, lest the world become full of enemies.
I will rise up against them —the word of HASHEM [YHWH]Master of Legions —- and I will cut off for Babylonia name and remnant, child and grandchild — the word of HASHEM [YHWH]. And I will make it an inheritance for the hedgehog and marshes of water, and I will sweep it clean with the broom of destruction —the word of HASHEM [YHWH] Master of Legions.
HASHEM, Master of Legions, has sworn, saying: ‘Surely as I have conceived, so shall come about; and as I have devised, so shall be established: To break Assyria in My land; I will trample him on My mountains; his yoke will be removed from upon [Israel] and his burden will be removed from upon [Israel’s ]shoulder. This is the plan that is devised against all the land, and this is the hand that is outstretched against all the nations. For HASHEM [YHWH] Master of Legions, has devised, and who can annul? His hand is outstretched, and who can turn it back”
Outside of the biblical text, the historical context places this at a time the Babylonian empire was the most powerful nation under Nebuchadnezzar and yet it was overtaken by the Medo-Persians, the Greeks, and Romans. There is mention of Assyria, another nation under judgment.
Powerful leaders of nations through the centuries continue to fall into the same pitfalls; just look at the heads of the nations being dislodged by the recent phenomenon in the Middle East referred to as the “Arab Spring”. Look at the fall of Saddam Hussein of Iraq (modern Babylon) who, ironically, was in the process of reconstructing those ancient ruins which was completely deserted by the 7th century, C.E. The fate of Saddam Hussein is the fate of all leaders who abuse their position of prominence and misuse their power. History truly repeats itself because those in power do not learn from the lessons of history.
As we keep emphasizing over and over in this website, read verses in context! The literary context explains a lot if you read through the chapter alone, but more so if you read it in the context of the whole book of Isaiah and in the general context of the Hebrew Bible which does not at all teach the existence of a fallen angel who can lead a rebellion against God and dominate the earth and oppress mankind. That Devil, Lucifer of Christianity appears more powerful than YHWH Himself, how can that be?
The consistent message of the TNK is: Adonai Elohim YHWH is ALONE. To borrow a doxology from the NT book of Revelation, “to Him (YHWH) be the glory and the dominion forever and ever. Amen.”
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